
What is the position of World's Last Chance on rebaptism? And when is it needed?

At World's Last Chance we are convicted that rebaptism is a matter that should be treated as a great privilege if understood correctly.

In no way, however, are  we urging rebaptism upon anyone. Our business is confined to laying down the  principles of truth, and letting Yahuwah do the work of convicting the mind and heart of each WLC member accordingly. However, for members who are convicted of the need for re-baptism, WLC will assist by helping candidates with study and preparation to fulfill this wish in accordance with the pillars of truth on which we stand.

To this end, we like to share with our members when rebaptism would be most appropriate, even essential for that matter:

  1. If first baptism was not done in the proper biblical 'immersion' mode. (See Romans 6:3 ; Colossians 2:12)
  2. If first baptism was not done in the name and authority of Yahushua. (See Acts 8:12 ; 10:48 ; 19:5)
  3. If first baptism was not the result of a genuine repentance of sin. (See Acts 2:38)
  4. If first baptism was followed by backsliding and a life of open sin.
  5. If first baptism was conducted as a baptism into a certain church, i.e.,"I baptize you into the ---Church". The only group you ought to be baptized into is the ekklesia of the first born of Hebrews 12:22-24, and none of today's fallen churches can baptize you into it.

It is hoped that all WLC members would search their hearts prayerfully to determine if rebaptism is needed. If after prayerful heart searching, you are convicted to seek rebaptism then please ask Father Yahuwah to help lead another soul to His truth, and then you can baptize each other.

The reason why we use Ekklesia and not church when referring to Yahuwah's faithful in WLC content is because the word "church" does not accurately convey the meaning of the original Greek, "Ekklesia." Throughout the New Testament, Ekklesia refers to the Called Out Ones. The word "church," which emphasizes a group, is therefore an erroneous translation and should never have been used. Christians are literally the Called Out Ones. The true followers of Yahushua are indeed the Called Out Ones from the organized denominations and religions of fallen Babylon. When the call to flee Babylon has been heard, none are to again return to Babylonian churches and forms of religion.

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