
Apostolic Churches

Apostolic Church Logo 

Members of Apostolic Churches have a sincere desire to follow truth.  This is seen in their heartfelt commitment to lay aside the errors of tradition that entangle other churches and return to the pure faith of the apostles and early Christians.  They also have a beautiful longing to be brought into close fellowship with Yahuwah through the promised baptism of the Holy Spirit. 

Nevertheless, these organized bodies of believers still have some errors that keep them from realizing the ultimate closeness with the Creator for which they long.  While there is some difference of belief between the various denominations that fall under the term “Apostolic,” following is a list of some of the errors generally held by these sincere seekers of Truth:

Yahuwah invites His children in the Apostolic Churches to step free of error and follow the Lamb into the fullness of Heaven’s pure truth.