
Seventh Day Adventist: Independent, Historic and Reform Movements

SDA Reform Movement 

Anyone who turns to Yahuwah with a sincere desire for more light will be led into still greater truth.  Many honest-hearted Seventh-day Adventists, concerned with the doctrinal compromises they see creeping into their church, have sought to return to the original beliefs of the Adventist pioneers.  They have formed various independent churches espousing doctrines they feel are pure and more true to the original theology of Adventism.  Among these sincere believers, the danger is especially great to discount the command to flee Babylon as not applying to themselves since they have already left an organization they see as having compromised on truth. 

Scripture provides no exemptions, however.  Following are some of the errors based on tradition and assumption still clung to by these earnest truth-seekers:

Yahuwah has promised those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. All error separates believers from the source of truth.  The heavenly Father now invites all the truth-seekers of the independent Adventist churches to lay aside all error and follow the Lamb into all truth.