World's Last Chance is very pleased to provide this MP3 gift of The Pilgrim's Progress (from this World to that which is to Come), an epic allegorical tale of Christian, the main character, whose journey thougt a world of sin, personifies the joys, trials, and tribulations of every Christian - namely You! There has never been a time more important than NOW for Yahuwah's people to become thoroughly acquainted with this work! Be taken away and immediately engulfed in this inspiring saga as you travel with Christian; learning lessons of spiritual victory as he struggles through the Slough of Despond, loses his burdens at the cross, and puts on the Armor of Yahuwah! The Pilgrim's Progress incites an overwhelming depth of courage, an exhilarating sense of adventure and wonderment, and ultimately serves to greatly strengthen our walk with Yahushua! This spiritual allegory imparts deep lessons and practical wisdom which will aid every End-Time pilgrim on their journey towards Heaven!
Written over 300 years ago by John Bunyan, a faithful Christian confined for 12 years in prison for preaching without a license, The Pilgrim's Progress is a spiritual classic! Other than the Bible, no other book has been translated into as many languages and it has never been out of print. Fully dramatized with 77 actors, sound effects, and music, this MP3 compressed disc will provide hours of spiritually uplifting enjoyment for the entire family! The retail value: $15.00
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