
Can you please tell me more about your views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

Question: Can you please tell me more about your views on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Should it be Palestine or Israel? Whom should we support? And what about the Palestinian Christian people?

Answer: Unlike many Christians today, we do not think that either the state of Israel or the Jewish people are the recipients of special Bible promises. We believe that the Gospel was broadened to include the Gentiles in 34 A.D. when the Jewish Sanhedrin officially rejected the Gospel and Stephen was stoned. While the Gospel began with the promise to restore and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, the people of Yahuwah today are those who believe in Yahushua, and the temple of Yahuwah today is the heavenly sanctuary. We support the kingdom of Yahuwah, but we are law-abiding citizens of the country in which we live. We do not have a partisan position. But given that the Christian Palestinians are the most forgotten and oppressed people, hardly noticed by those who support either Jewish or Muslim interests, our prayers go up especially for their welfare.

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