
Letter to Shift Work Employer

1234 Street
Any town, Any State


NAME of employer (or supervisor/manager)
TITLE of employer (if applicable)
NAME of company
ADDRESS of employer
TOWN, STATE of employer

Dear Sir: [or Madame – May use personal name or last name with Mr./Mrs./Ms.]

I am very thankful for my employment with [INSERT BUSINESS NAME] and greatly enjoy the work I do here. 

I have lately been researching information on the Biblical calendar and the evidence for worshipping by that method of time-keeping.  The Biblical calendar is luni-solar with the months beginning with the New Moon.  Because the weekly cycle restarts with each lunation, my weekly Sabbath appears to float through the continuously cycling Gregorian week.

I am asking for accommodation for my shift to be altered so that I can have my holy days off work.  In exchange for this, I am willing to work the shifts that others typically do not like to work: weekends, national holidays and even nights.  I have enclosed a sheet showing a comparison of the work days available between the two calendars.  As you will notice, I can work 42 more days per year than the average worker.

At your request, I can provide a calendar showing the days I would need off for a year in advance.

As a Biblical Christian, I want to be the very best worker you have.  I sincerely hope that shift scheduling can accommodate my worship days as I really want to continue working for you and [INSERT BUSINESS NAME].

Sincerely yours,