
WLC neglects love and over stresses the Sabbath.

"At World's Last Chance you do not emphasize the importance of love and the sacrifice of Yahushua enough. You mainly dwell on the neglected Sabbath."

Answer: We can not love each other a true and genuine love, if we do not love Yahuwah. The only way for us to love Yahuwah, is to appreciate and comprehend the infinite sacrifice He undertook when He offered His only begotten son, to atone for our sins. Without full comprehension of the cross we can not begin to experience genuine love towards Yahuwah.

When we pause before the cross and are shaken by what it stands for, we experience deep hatred for what has caused it. We begin to realize how evil sin is, and how hated sin is by our Eloah. We begin to understand the enormity of sin, for the price paid to atone for it tells us clearly, that in the eyes of heaven, sin is a most terrible thing.

As our hearts are subdued and softened by the cross, we begin to develop a deep-rooted hatred towards sin, as well as a fresh appreciation for Yahuwah’s love and justice. We resolve that we shall avoid, to the point of death, that which caused the death of our Master on the cross. We begin to develop a yearning to be in harmony with His law, for we have come to understand that sin is the very transgression of His law. Sensing the awesomeness of sin, we cry out for help, begging Yahuwah to give us His grace so that we will not choose to sin, and crucify His son anew. We will cry to Yahuwah claiming His promises that when we believe in the death of His son, He will print His law on our hearts and minds. We pant and cry for this experience, for our love for Him and His son is such now that we delight in doing His will. For He told us that if we love Him we should keep His commandments. And yes, we do love now, and we want to keep His law.

Soon after, we discover that the Sabbath is at the center of His law. It is that special sign of loyalty which Yahuwah gave to His people. We now uphold this sign, for we delight in doing His will.

The issue then boils down to this: have we paused long enough before the cross? Have we come to a deeper realization of the enormity of sin? Have we resolved not to crucify His son anew by our rebellion and love of sin? When we do so, we will want to obey all His commandments, for we love Him who commanded us to keep His law.


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