
How are we to divide the following 29.5 days per moon cycle into equal Seven days?

Question: I am unclear as to how we are to divide the following 29.5 days per moon cycle into equal Seven days, I end up with an 8 or 9 day week, every cycle if I observe "new" seven day periods beginning from each new moon?

Answer:  Each Luni-solar Calendar month is a brand NEW MONTH with brand new WEEKS and DAYS, breaking the old continuous, unbroken cycle of 7 day weeks found in the Gregorian calendar. Using the Creator’s Luni-solar Calendar, we must depart from the OLD way of thinking. There is no mathematical ‘division’ of time necessary. That function is performed for us each month by the moon. The first day of each lunation, or month, is New Moon Day. New Moon Day is not a normal workday, nor is it a Sabbath. On it, there is to be worship (Ezek. 46:1,3; Isaiah 66:22,23), travel is allowed (Ezra 7:9), and buying and selling is prohibited (Amos 8:5). This makes it a third category of days and that is why it cannot be counted as the 1st [work day] of the first week. For us, we regard it as a family day, where the family dedicates the forth coming month to Yahuwah's glory. Starting with the 2nd day of the Month, we then count 6 working days, the last of which is ‘preparation day’, followed by the 7th day Sabbaths always falling on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. Lunisolar months consist of 29 or 30 days. The 30th is sometimes referred to as a translation day which is an adjustment, transition, or leap day between the 2 months. The sun tells us it is day, the moon tells us WHICH or WHAT TYPE of DAY it is.