
When the ancient Jews were in rebellion against Yahuwah, were they not using a lunar calendar?

Answer: It is true that the ancient Jews, like all ancient civilizations, used lunar calendation.  However, that was not their rebellion.  The Creator established the sun and the moon to be the foundation of His time-keeping system: the luni-solar calendar.  The sun marking the year was too long of a segment for convenient, day-to-day use.  Breaking the year into lunations made shorter, more manageable time segments.  It was also Yahuwah’s ordained method of calculating worship days.

When the Jews were in rebellion, they worshipped Baal and Molech – other names for the god, Saturn from which today we get Saturday, or Saturn’s day.  In Acts 7:43, Stephen refers to the worship of Saturn (in the Greek called “Remphan”) as being gross rebellion against the Eloah of Heaven.  Amos 5:26 is a statement from Yahuwah Himself in which the worship of Saturn by the rebellious Jews, was shown to be the height of apostasy.  (The word “Chiun” is another name for Saturn.)