
Lunar Sabbath proponents consistently attack the Bible as special revelation and the weekly cycle as maintained by Christian tradition.

Objection: The lunar Sabbath proponents, under the influence of paganism through 19th-century evolutionary theory, and under the influence of the New Light and later emphasis on private interpretation, quite consistently attempt to dispense with tradition altogether. They consistently attack the Bible as special revelation and the weekly cycle as maintained by Christian tradition. They replace tradition with a nature-based faith without realizing perhaps that this puts them squarely on the same basis as all pagan faiths.

Rebuttal: It is not a 19th century evolutionary theory we are following.  We are following the commands of Genesis 1:14, Psalm 104:19 and Leviticus 23:1-3. However, you are correct: the weekly cycle is maintained by Christian tradition. However, tradition is not to be the believer’s rule of faith: Scripture alone is to be.  Even in Yahushua’s day, tradition had a strangle-hold on the minds of the people from which Yahushua continually tried to free them and return them to the scriptures and the scriptures alone.

It is incorrect to claim that lunar Sabbath proponents attack the Bible as special revelation.  “All scripture is given by inspiration of Yahuwah, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of Yahuwah may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”  (2 Timothy 3:16.)  Scripture (as well as history and astronomy) reveal that the calendar used by the faithful in Bible times was a luni-solar calendar.

The fact that many pagan faiths, and even the occult, have their own “sabbaths” merely underscores the fact that Satan always counterfeits truth.  Satan is not creative; all he can do is copy and twist what is truth.  The fact that the lunar Sabbaths have counterfeits within paganism and even the occult should make thinking people sit up and take notice: here is deeply buried truth.  Satan is using the pagan/occult counterfeit to try to keep this huge truth hidden by scaring people away from considering it.