
How can doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen keep the Sabbath?

Question: I have a very big concern about your teaching that doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen and such people cannot be accepted by Yahuwah, because they have duties on the Sabbath. I know you're going to say that in times of crisis, we have to act. But ordinary things are necessary to life, too. See what I'm getting at? You go too far, and it doesn't make any sense. How can Yahuwah say that people who help people on this day cannot be Yahuwah's children?

Answer: If you know what we're going to say, then why ask? You know very well that you misrepresent WLC by claiming that it teaches doctors and nurses cannot be accepted by Yahuwah, and that Yahuwah says people who help others cannot be His children. Really, it is not important whether WLC goes too far. What is important for you is whether you are relating to Yahuwah's commands as you should. No one ever seems to complain about Christmas, saying we shouldn't celebrate it because fireman may be called to a fire. No one ever says that Sunday is impossible to keep, but it is exactly as difficult to keep as the Sabbath is. Just as many fires break out on Sunday as on the Sabbath. People want to celebrate those days, so they have no trouble doing so. If you want to take advantage of Yahuwah's love gift to you in providing the Sabbath, you will consider how you can keep it despite the challenges and difficulties, not look for excuses not to keep it, just in case there is a fire. The commandment doesn't give details about how to keep the Sabbath. It just says not to work and not to lay obligations on subordinates on that day. Part of Sabbath-keeping is to remember, that is, to plan for it. It's a creative opportunity. It shows what you are. Either you will be creative enough to find ways to keep it, or creative in finding ways to abuse it. The choice is yours. You should have a big concern about your attitude toward the Sabbath, not WLC's. It would be a good idea for each of us to read the Ten Commandments daily and ask Yahuwah to show us what He expects of us individually in regard to each one. Then doubtless we shall not need to think about who goes too far in regard to the Sabbath.