
If I am not holy, then I cannot keep the sabbath day properly at all.

I want to make a few remarks on the upholding of the Sabbath.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" Exodus 20:8 (KJV)

"Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as Yahuwah thy Eloah hath commanded thee." Deut 5:12 (KJV)

I see from the above Scriptures that holiness is required. If I am not holy, then I cannot keep the sabbath day properly at all. If anyone makes the statement that he/she can indeed keep the sabbath holy, then they have a complete lack of understanding. To make this easy to understand, it means that for that day not even one foul thought, and not even one foul deed may be committed by me, not even by accident, all the sabbath days of the rest of my life. Are we able to ? Not me, at least, I am not able. All people can get the day right, and nothing more, but it would be better if they gave it a miss (and then of course also err in the requirement that we must keep it). Yahuwah knows that none of us are able, and therefore He made a good plan to deliver us all from the curse of the law that follows our inability to uphold it. But now you will say to me that Yahuwah expects of you to try to uphold the sabbath day anyway, and that He will forgive you if you are not able to be perfectly holy on the day. And so by the same measure He will then also forgive me if I have my church service on Sunday as I was brought up to believe is correct but was then mistaken in believing that it was correct. And if I do not listen to this website's warning that I must uphold the Sabbath Day for the reason of inability to discern the "real truth" (if indeed it is real), then by the same measure He will forgive me. Because I am absolutely convinced that the day does not matter at all.

Answer: There are several problems which your approach. First of all, you seem to assume that the word "holiness" means "moral perfection". In fact, "holiness" translates a Hebrew word that means "set apart for a special purpose". Your understanding of the word holiness is that it is the result of something that human beings do. In fact, it is the result of something that Yahuwah does. When Yahuwah adopts a human being as a child of His own and witnesses at at his baptism, that person becomes holy and pleasing to Him, regardless of anything that person does or accomplishes.

We would also question your assumption that Yahuwah gave requirements He knew people could not keep, and then formed the plan of saving them through the sacrifice of His son. We do not find the Bible to teach that at all. Rather, we find that Yahuwah made no unreasonable demands on humankind when they were created, but through their own choice, rather than any imperfection in either creation or divine law, Adam and Eve fell from grace. We agree that fallen man is no longer able to live by the law given to Adam and Eve. But the gift of grace in Yahushua is given in view of the fall of man, not in view of a law that was too high for Adam to keep in the first place.

It is completely irrelevant whether or not you listen to this website's warnings. It is also completely irrelevant of what you are "absolutely convinced." To you, the day does not matter at all. If that is so, it should be no sacrifice to you to keep it according to the commandment, just as you keep the commandments not to kill and not to commit adultery. The fact is that Yahuwah has said that the day matters to Him. That should be enough. All days are made by Yahuwah, and all days are alike. All women are made by Yahuwah, and all women are alike. Just because it doesn't matter to you what woman you sleep with, doesn't give you the right to commit adultery. By the same token, just because it doesn't matter to you what day you work on, doesn't give you the right to break the Sabbath. You do not earn salvation by keeping the Sabbath any more than you earn salvation by avoiding adultery. One commandment is as good as another.

A careful reading of lessons 9-13 in the Bible-study-lessons in the eCourse section will be helpful.