
Five brothers came out of Babylon...

Learn about our history and be part of the move of our God in recent days, announcing his Kingdom of justice and truth. We are five young people living in Havana, Cuba.

Our history

We are five young people living in Havana, Cuba. We attended a Baptist church in the heart of Old Havana. Our story begins when we begin to serve God from our hearts, arranging for him all our talents and our lives. It was about three years ago when a group of young people from our old Baptist congregation began meeting regularly in order to share more Christian fellowship and service to God, when God began to deal with us.

At that time, God led us through humanly unthinkable ways. He put in our hearts a burning desire to seek Him and love Him and worship Him. As we tried hard to find time to preach the gospel of Christ with the department of evangelism of the church, we knew that God had already prepared plans in advance we enjoyed.

A group of us, consisting of some young brothers began to seek God more deeply. We started doing night watches to look more strongly the will of our God. And with joy we can say that God answered and beyond what we could really imagine.

He went beyond our understanding and revealed his character a little more clearly.

It was then, that amidst our passion to seek God gave us the interview of Angelica, the girl that God showed him heaven and hell.

Once we saw this material, God placed a deep desire within us to look more closely at the holiness that characterizes his kingdom of light.

When Angelica saw was that our ordeal began in the congregation. As this congregation of a Baptist high tradition was not used to meet any of vigils and fasts, let alone, it seemed highly unusual for a group of about 9 youths were gathering for such spiritual ends.

Gradually they began the negative comments about our group. Some sectors of the congregation we described as "super saints", others accused us of "believing ourselves better than others", others, like the leader of the congregation we described as "divisive of the congregation", others accused us of "extremists" others accused us of "making small groups" accused us of seeing other "occult materials" and so we were unfairly targeted by all kinds of criticism and attacks without any logical substantiate, for all our small group is doing what and was already there in the Word of God for us to do. So, watch, pray and fast. But these spiritual disciplines exasperated many "brothers" of the Baptist congregation. Gradually they began to stare over his shoulder and many eyes were no longer transparent to us. But still, we did not know that still lay ahead.

The awakening

Then we had the privilege of observing two materials that were crucial to sleep woke up we were in that congregation. We envision the material "Apostasy and satanic delusions"and material "Rev 3", both materials distributed by the World Missionary Movement, whom we thank for his great contribution to the truth. These materials were the catalyst for many events which are then raised in our congregation.

We realized as our congregation was related to negative practices and lack of holiness that we could watch these videos, also we realized how the world had leaked the church and how the standards of holiness had gotten to the point of relaxation.

God showed us that we should "come out of Babylon,"though at first did not really know what he meant by that term. At first we thought it was us out of this lack of sanctity which reigned in our old congregation, or that we were not participants in the apostasy that could be seen then.

Later we knew what God had really meant by this term.

The truth

As God would have the eyes we realized how many wolves in sheep's clothing undermined our congregation, and the saddest, are wolves that remain to this day destroying it from within the very essence of biblical Christianity in that congregation.

In our last vigil in that congregation invited a very special brother also of our congregation. He is the brother Rafael.

Our brother Rafael, originally unicitario [non-believer of the Trinity], that is, only believe that God is one and that has manifested in Jesus Christ, came to our last vigil and shared with us some truths that before were hidden for us .

The truths are as follows and I would like to share with the reader. These are the main truths we met at that time:

All these truths impacted our lives in such a way that no longer believe in the Roman Catholic doctrine of the Trinity decided to talk to the pastor on call just to hear the verdict: "This is heresy."

And as if the Catholic inquisition we were expelled from the congregation without the slightest hesitation. Today we are rumors that we were not expelled but only reprimanded, but we all know for a fact that we were called heretics and were insulted, despised and reviled by just believing that God is one and His name one (Zechariah 14.9).

Really being expelled from the congregation helped a group of 5 young people decided on THE TRUTH.

Today we have a small nondenominational congregation in Havana, where few but great spirit as we strive to achieve the goal for which we were seized by Christ, to reach the riches of His grace and mercy. Today we take the Savior's gospel throughout the city with a ministry unparalleled in recent history of the Cuban capital. Everywhere announcing the death and resurrection of Christ so that all men proceed to repent and be saved from this evil generation.

Today we apostate Christianity away from today, where modern music, the world, the hypocrisy and evil reign. We pray to God for those who still remain in Babylon. God have mercy on them and show them the way forward.

Later, as we gathered to persevere in the doctrine, the Lord moves us to consider the 4th commandment to be observed. At first we felt some misgivings, because somehow we were afraid of "falling from grace" when trying to save the law and the Sabbath.

Gradually we were convinced that it was essential to keep the 4th commandment and begin to save the rest until then knew to be right, The Sabbath.

Now to start saving this day, we had to struggle and fight against all human and spiritual influences, the opinions of our parents, our brothers [still in Babylon], for all we know, even we had to separate the brother who had helped us understand many things in the road, Rafael. Which had helped us to understand that the doctrine of the Trinity was a false. Even today, he has not understood that you must save the rest of the 4th commandment.

The struggle continued and became more ardent when "by chance" visione one of the videos produced by the Christian ministry World's Last Chance. This video shocked me, because I unmasked the 1st beast of Revelation 13. The truth that I was appalled by what I had just been revealed. Finally, I referred to a link: and did not hesitate in entering. I went down the vast majority of downloadable videos and visione page.

Great was my surprise to see that what we had so carefully, on Saturday, was a gross deviation from Biblical Truth. What a disappointment for us learn from this! This information desperately upset and began to seek information. We start to study frantically searching the Bible for truth about the New Moon and its relationship with Shabaths of the Bible.

After much controversy, we realized it really was right about WLC raised and decided to turn to the old paths and recognize that we had been in error.

Since then, we began to save the Luni-solar Shabath and observe the days of New Moon, and can testify that we have done very well, and have been glorious days, although the evil attacks have intensified dramatically over us. We even attempted to divide, not doctrines but using the works of the flesh to separate. But trust Yahuwah to help us stay. Especially in these difficult days and finals.

May the Lord help us to keep trusting in him, while he continues to show us its great truths, which we know will continue to reveal as progressive as we approach the final day.

We have nothing to do with the prince of this world but we continue to mark for the prize of the upward call in Yahushua, as written. Do not divert our gaze to the right or left but steadily establishing our trust and faith in Him who is able to keep us from evil. Yahuwah Elohim is blessed forever and ever. Amen.

This is the true story of 5 young people expelled from the Calvary Baptist Church of Havana, for believing in strictly biblical doctrines.

RV Yoniesky
Havana, Cuba