
The path of the just shines ever brighter unto the perfect day!

     This idea of a 'lunar-based Sabbath' has been the subject of my diligent study for about the last five months.  Initially, when I was confronted with the proposition of a 'lunar-based Sabbath', I began to gather evidence for both sides of the issue (I must admit that, after talking with a pastor friend of mine, I was sure that I could prove that Saturday was in fact Yahuwah's seventh-day Sabbath... but I could not rest until I knew for certain.)  We have nothing to gain by keeping a false Sabbath, but everything to lose!  As I advanced in my studies, I began to realize that our current paradigm of a perpetual seven-day-cycle ending on saturday has little more than assumption to stand on.  I have assiduously searched for a compelling argument in favor of a saturday Sabbath as well as arguments against the lunar-based Sabbath.  I honestly have found nothing substantial to make the case for a saturday Sabbath or break the case for the lunar-based Sabbath.  I have even read and listened to comments by some SDA pastors who said things like "God only requires us to worship on the seventh day of the calendar that society is keeping..."  or "observing a Sabbath based on the moon would make it almost impossible to hold a job in today's society..."; These are hardly compelling arguments!  One more argument that I have found (which I must admit, at first glance, makes the most sense) is that a lunar-based cycle of weeks interrupts the flow of six work days followed by a seventh-day Sabbath since at the end of the month you can potentially have one day remaining (or two if you consider New Moon Day at the beginning of the following month) which is not counted against "the week."  However, we must consider this from both sides; If the New Moon Day is not to begin the week, this means that it can float throughout the seven-day week.  New Moon Day was a worship day (and it is my studied conviction that it still should be.)  This means that the flow of six work days followed by a seventh-day Sabbath would be interrupted by New Moon Day.  So this argument, too, falls short of substantiation.  

     Surely I am the least of His disciples and I readily admit that, of myself, I know nothing.  There is no intellectual power that can grasp the truths of His Majesty or comprehend the treasures of His Greatness.  His Name is Wonderful and He is worthy of all adoration and praise!!!  We can know only that which He, in His great mercy, reveals to us through prayerful searching of His unerring Word and by the leading of His Holy Spirit.  It is not my prayer that I be persuaded to one side or the other or that I should agree with others or others agree with me; It is my prayer that we all come to a right understanding and that we all be unified in the Truth.  Yahuwah's will be done!  We can be certain that the source of this 'lunar-Sabbath' doctrine is either the Throne that is on High or the adversary; It is either Truth or it is deception.  Recognizing this, it is my studied conviction that it is TRUTH.  The moon does in fact govern the feasts, including the 7th day Sabbath, of our Most Holy Creator!  I want to reiterate that this is not simply what I prefer to believe or what I "feel" is true, but it is my prayerful, studied conviction. 

"[Yahuwah] . . . designs that men shall not decide from impulse, but from weight of evidence, carefully comparing scripture with scripture."  Desire of Ages, p.458

     My family and I have been greatly blest by this present truth!  This new understanding of the Sabbath continues to be the subject of our prayerful and diligent study as we seek to share and impart the Light for which we now joyfully bear the privilege and responsibility  of communicating to others!  May Yah bless all who are faithfully and earnestly seeking to know and do His will!  If I can ever be of any help to anyone studying out these most important end-time issues, please do not hesitate to contact me or my wife, Rebecca.

May the Ever-living and Ever-loving Yah of Creation and Redemption guide each of us as we daily seek His face and His will for our lives!!!!  

Your brother in His Service, 

Lee Houser