
Yah is really Great and is to be highly praised !!!

Good day to all of you my brothers and sisters in Yahuwah's righteous name,

       I have been a member of this website more than a year now, but since I found all the truths about our Savior and Greatest Creator, I didn't change my mind believing His truths revealed to me thru this website.... lots of trials came to my life, most of it is related to financial matters, like, how can I and my family survive in this present life... But, Yahuwah is really present and in His own ways always loved and bless us.

       I wrote this testimony first of all to give back all the highest honor, praises and glory to our beloved Greatest Creator Yahuwah and His only begotten Son, our only Savior, Yahushua.

       During the time of my trials ( financially ) when I don't have a job since 2009, our beloved Father Yah guided me in His righteous truths thru WLC, and since then, even though I don't have a permanent job (but I have some sideline using the technical skills I gained in my experiences at Semiconductor Industries), I stick on to His will, following His truths revealed to me ( I felt it in my heart ). Even though I am still connected in one of the Seventh Day Adventist denomination ( should I say reformed Seventh Day Adventist in the Philippines since there were now, also so many version of Seventh Day Adventist in the world ), but I practiced little by little the truths that I think is really the will of Yah that I didn't found in SDA, like the true Sabbath using the Lunar-Solar Calendar, that there is no 3 persons in the personality of our Creator ( Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ), that there is only One great Creator and His only begotten Son, our Savior, that Saturday is really a calendar made by RCC and is not really the calendar used since the creation of the world, and many more truths. 

        During this time, even my family, my wife didn't want to believe my faith now because of the trials that comes our way. But, since the time began last year, I got hired again, and become a regular employee once more, and the best of all the blessings is that, my boss gave me the freedom to choose my rest day every week. I was soo sooo happy and soo soo thankful to Yah, I choose the Sabbath Days to be my rest days, and now I am enjoying that the true Sabbath, He has given me the way to celebrate it as well as my job today....

        Our family now is so happy, because it seems to me that during these times of great trial happening here on Earth, my family is one of the family that our Creator Yah is continually blessing materially and spiritually.

        So, what I most of the time do today is to share all the truths revealed to me by our Great Father Yah thru WLC. I share it to my co-employee and sometimes give them hand outs and softcopy of the articles which I think is also a way to give honor, and praises and glory to our Creator and our Savior, while we are waiting for the most precious time we are waiting, the second coming of our Savior Yahushua

    Once again, I will always use all my time, my strength, my knowledge for the sole honor and glory of our Father in Heaven, our beloved Father Yahuwah


Arturo Cabrera
Cavite, Philippines