
Testimony #1

Following truth "no matter what the cost" has indeed cost me everything the world values. However, Truth is such a wonderful treasure, it is the pearl of great price, that I do not regret for an instant anything I have "given up." In fact, this truth is so very precious to me, that I feel as though I have had no difficulties or problems at all in either my job or relationships. There is nothing to compare to the value of this truth, so any "problems" are lost sight of.

I graduated from medical school in 2008 as a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. I was a Seventh-day Adventist. This did not present any difficulty to me in keeping my job, as I had weekends off anyway. At this time, however, I had become impressed with the message that the call to come out and be separate embraces all the churches. While I still worshiped on Saturdays, I did not worship at church.

As a graduate fresh from medical school, I received many offers from different hospitals, trying to recruit me to come work for them. I also received an offer from my uncle. He is a doctor in New York specializing in my same area. He has two clinics there and will be retiring soon. The offer was very tempting. He wanted to make me a partner so that I could be his successor when he retires.

Truth is so very precious, that I feel as though I have had no difficulties or problems at all! Nothing can compare to the value of this truth and nothing could possibly be more important in life than following truth.
Around this same time, I received another offer - a mutually exclusive offer. I could not accept both offers. The second offer would let me work more directly for Yahuwah, sharing His last day message, but I could not do that and be a doctor at the same time. All of my thinking and planning for a long time had been to be a doctor and now, was I to just toss it all aside?

After many prayers and struggles, I decided to obey Yahuwah's calling. Be the cost what it may, I would follow truth. I knew that I would have to face my parents with my new decision. I would have to turn down my uncle's generous offer. I was faced with many pressures, discouraging situations and heart breaking circumstances as a result of my decision. I shed a lot of tears. But I could not deny His voice, strongly calling me to follow Him. And I am so glad I did!

Yahuwah is the source of my strength. I have continued to follow Him to this day and I do not regret giving up anything. Truth itself is so very precious that I can honestly say, in looking back, that I feel like I did not face any difficulties or problems at all! In fact, when I was first asked to write my testimony for this article, I was not sure that I would have anything helpful to say at all simply because when the option is to turn your back on what you know to be truth, giving up everything to follow truth is not a problem!

I will never regret following truth. I have learned from my experiences that Yahuwah leads me in ways that prepare me to take the next step. As my Creator, He knows my character and personality. He understands where I need to be to make the next step in following truth as easy as possible. He always guides me in special ways, preparing me step by step, to be ready for the next unfolding of truth.

Looking back, it has been an easy walk because I have learned lessons of Instant Obedience. Of course, I can only see this in looking back, but I do realize now and I praise Him that He has always strengthened me to obey Him right away without hesitation as soon as I realize any call is coming from Him. I am sure that if I had not already been obeying Him all along the way, then when the truth of the true Sabbath came along, it would have been harder for me to accept it. However, as my Maker, Yahuwah knew just how to guide me so that I could see the truth and accept it. I believe that He will lead every other soul in individual paths according to their character and needs.

The only real difficulty I still face in any relationship is with my parents. But even that is no longer a huge pressure since it is nothing new. I was raised a Roman Catholic and they have been against my religious stance ever since I became a Seventh-day Adventist in 2002. Ever since that time, my parents have persecuted me, but today I know that those lessons of suffering were being given in mercy to strengthen me to follow my Heavenly Father no matter where He might lead.

Living with such difficulties from my parents in my own house, from 2002 until today, has been used by Yahuwah to give me strength and grace. He has made me strong to face any kind of pressure, and He has kept me steady to always obey the truth. I feel embraced by the protection of heaven. I am seeing the fulfillment of promises from Scripture. Yahuwah hears and answers my prayers and I have hope that my parents will be drawn to the Saviour. Even if they never do obey, I do not feel discouraged for I know that my Father in heaven knows my struggles. He is truly my strength!

I must say that I am also praising Yahuwah that He has kept me single. It is so much easier for me to decide for myself, since I am not in a close relationship or married. Yahuwah has given me abundant wisdom and understanding in choosing to remain single rather than place myself in a position where it would make it harder to obey Him. I am not against couples or marriage, but in looking back and thinking about where I am now, I feel truly blessed that I am single.

I no longer fear my parents or being cut off from the family or anything that following truth "no matter what the cost" might require. I no longer fear the cost, because the reward so far outweighs anything that I might have to sacrifice!