
Two-Natures: A Ridiculous Doctrine

This is a non-WLC article. When using resources from outside authors, we only publish the content that is 100% in harmony with the Bible and WLC current biblical beliefs. So such articles can be treated as if coming directly from WLC. We have been greatly blessed by the ministry of many servants of Yahuwah. But we do not advise our members to explore other works by these authors. Such works, we have excluded from publications because they contain errors. Sadly, we have yet to find a ministry that is error-free. If you are shocked by some non-WLC published content [articles/episodes], keep in mind Proverbs 4:18. Our understanding of His truth is evolving, as more light is shed on our pathway. We cherish truth more than life, and seek it wherever it may be found.

The two-natures teaching causes ridiculous scenarios about Yahushua, which raises many questions.


Ridiculous Scenario 1:


Trinitarian quotes


"Yahushua’s human nature is not part of the Trinity,"


"Yahushua humanly nature was taken up... he has two natures ... an eternal one .... and one created.... the eternal one is one of the persons of the Trinity ... the human nature is technically not part of the trinity which emphasizes that three persons have one essential nature.... Yahushua divine nature is part of the trinity..."


"The Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Some people think "Son" means the human being Yahushua, so a human being is part of the Trinity. That's not the case."


The Trinitarians cannot explain how Yahushua could be both a member of the Trinity and not a member simultaneously.

If the "man" nature is not part of the Trinity, then where does the “man” nature of Yahushua go not to be part of the Trinity?


Does the "man" part of Yahushua sit in a corner while his "God" part is a Trinity member?


Does the “man” nature know he isn't a Trinity member?


The Trinitarians cannot explain how Yahushua could be both a member of the Trinity and not a member simultaneously. Still, they teach that the Trinity and its two natures are a "great mystery" that no one can explain or understand.


Trinitarian quotes


"It is a mystery how God can exist in three persons yet be one God."


"The Trinity is a mystery and, therefore, cannot be fully understood by man."


"It is tough to find human terms that would express how God can be both a unity and three distinct persons at the same time."


"Those who deny the existence of the Trinity usually do so because they can't understand it. Those of us who accept the Trinity doctrine don't fully understand it either."


"Can the Trinity be explained? Not by me. I never try to explain that which cannot be explained."



"The Incarnation is a mystery since while you can believe that God became man, you can't comprehend the profound unity between the divine and human natures."


"The mystery of the Incarnation cannot be explained."


How do the Trinitarians know that the Trinity / two natures is true since they cannot explain or understand it?


How do the Trinitarians know that the Trinity / two natures is true since they cannot explain or understand it? If a doctrine cannot be understood or explained rationally, it shouldn't be taught.

If a doctrine cannot be understood or explained rationally, it shouldn't be taught.


1Cor 14:9- except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air.


The two natures doctrine cannot be explained rationally because it has no biblical support that can be pointed to as evidence that Yahushua has two parts to him.




"Theologians agree that the New Testament also does not contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity." (Vol 15 pg 54) Encyclopedia of Religion


"Isn't it strange -- if the Trinity is such an important concept, as Catholics and Protestant churches believe, who claim it is a major tenet and article of their faith -- then why doesn't the Bible refer to the "Trinity" concept clearly, and why is the word "Trinity" NOWHERE found in Scripture?"


"According to traditional Christian doctrines, "The Trinity" is a "Mystery" - A concept that we as flesh and blood human beings cannot understand. My study of the Bible has led me to conclude that it must also be a mystery to God because he does not mention it anywhere in His Holy Word."


"The Trinity is unBiblical - it does not appear in the Old or New Testaments at all."


"Christ did not teach the Trinity. Trinitarians cannot point to Him as the author of their belief. The Trinitarian scholars realize that you must go outside the Bible to find proof.


The Trinity/two-natures doctrine is not taught in the New Testament. Still, it is all speculation and guesswork. The Trinitarians point to verses like John 1:1, John 8:24, John 8:58, and John 20:28 to say that Yahushua is God. Then, they attach their out-of-context interpretation of those verses to the verses that teach Yahushua is a man. Then they surmise that Yahushua must be God and man, so he must have two parts (natures) to him, which means he must be a “God-man.”


Yahushua is a MAN


Phil 2:7-8- But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion AS A MAN…


Heb 10:12- But this MAN, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God.


John 8:40- But now ye seek to kill me, A MAN that hath told you the truth...


1 Tim 2:5- there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, THE MAN Christ Yahushua.


The New Testament repeatedly teaches that Yahushua was a man, which means that all of Yahushua is a man. This is very easy to understand.

The New Testament repeatedly teaches that Yahushua was a man, which means that all of Yahushua is a man. This is very easy to understand. When the New Testament teaches that Yahushua was tempted, it means that all of Yahushua was tempted. This is very easy to understand. When the New Testament teaches that Yahushua said that the Father is the only true God and that the Father is greater than he, it means that all of Yahushua said those things.


There is no duality to Yahushua....he said and did things as a whole singular person and not as a "man" nature who did and said things and had a "God" nature who didn't say and do things.


Yahushua is a singular person...a MAN


The truth is that the Father alone is God, which means that Yahushua does not have a "God" nature to him, which means that the two natures doctrine is a false teaching.


1 Cor 8:6- yet unto us is there but ONE God, which is the Father,...


Eph. 4:6- ONE God and Father of all, who is above all,..

Malachi 2:10- Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD created us?....


Ridiculous scenario 2:


The two natures doctrine teaches that Yahushua both died on the cross for our sins and did not die on the cross for our sins simultaneously.

The two natures doctrine teaches that Yahushua both died on the cross for our sins and did not die on the cross for our sins simultaneously.


Trinitarian quotes


"It was the human part of Yahushua that died on the cross, not the divine."


"Only Yahushua’s human nature died on the cross."


"Christ's divinity did not DIE on the cross, and ONLY His humanity died on the cross."


"It is true that God cannot die. It is also true that man can die. But we see that Yahushua has two natures, not one. THE HUMAN PART of Yahushua died on the cross, not the divine."


If it was only the "man" part of Yahushua who died on the cross, then where did the "God" part of Yahushua go while the "man" part of Yahushua died on the cross?


How can only part of one person die?


The Trinitarians claim that they teach that Yahushua is two “natures” and not two persons, yet they treat the two “natures” as two persons.


By teaching that the “man” nature died on the cross for our sins, but the “God” nature did not die on the cross for our sins, the Trinitarians have divided Yahushua into two persons who do different things from each other.


Yahushua is not one person if there is a Yahushua who died and a Yahushua who didn't die. That is two persons.


Trinitarian quote

"But here's the tough one for me. Yahushua was executed on a Roman cross and died. Does that mean that God died? Even the question feels blasphemous. Did God die? Did God die on two pieces of wood, with nails through his hands and feet? Logic offers a ready answer. Yahushua is God. Yahushua died on the cross. Therefore, God died on the cross—simple syllogism. But I don't know if I can subject the scriptures to that analysis. Not when we are dealing with something like the Incarnation...We could approach it differently. God didn't die on the cross. Rather, it was human nature that God robbed Himself. The man died, but not the God. But I find this wholly unsatisfactory. It seems to be a denial of the Incarnation. It splits the human and divine natures such that Yahushua can no longer be considered one person."


Like Nestorianism, Trinitarianism teaches that Yahushua died in his human part but not in his God part.


Like Nestorianism, Trinitarianism teaches that Yahushua died in his human part but not in his God part.

Nestorius was branded as a heretic for what he taught, yet the Trinitarians teach the very same thing.



"When we reduce Christ's actions to His natures rather than His person, we lose the unity of His person and end up with a Nestorian Christ."

"We may not separate the human nature from the divine nature, as though in his humanity he could have acted independently of his divinity; this was, in part, the error of the ancient Nestorian heretics."

"When we limit Christ's actions to one of his natures rather than his person, we destroy the unity of his person and end up with a Nestorian Christ."





"In Nestorianism, Christ was defined as divine and human, acting as one, but not joined together. Nestorians rejected such terminology as "God suffered" or "God was crucified" because it was the human nature of Yahushua Christ that suffered, not the divine nature. Nestorianism was accused of dividing Christ into two personalities with separate experiences."

Nestorius taught that the "human" part of Yahushua died on the cross, but not the "divine" part and that one part of Yahushua was omniscient but the other part had limited knowledge. Do those teachings sound familiar to you? They should, because the Trinitarians teach the very same thing.

The trinitarians teach that the "human" part of Yahushua died, but the "divine" part of Yahushua did not die, just like Nestorius taught.

The trinitarians teach that the "human" part of Yahushua died, but the "divine" part of Yahushua did not die, just like Nestorius taught.

Trinitarian quotes

"It was the human part of Yahushua that died on the cross, not the divine."

"Only Yahushua’s human nature died on the cross."

"Christ's divinity did not DIE on the cross and that ONLY His humanity died on the cross."

"Only the human person of Yahushua, not the divine person of Yahushua, died on the cross."

"As Yahushua hung on the cross, He was, in His human nature, the true sin-offering for His people, and as such, He needed to suffer alone. God can have no association whatever with sin,"

The Trinitarians teach that Yahushua has two natures, two minds, two consciousnesses, two wills, two understandings, two intellects, two memories, two imaginations, and two spirits and that the two natures co-exist side by side and are distinct and separate from each other...

Trinitarian Quotes

"Christ has two minds and two wills."

"There are two consciousnesses in Christ."

"Yahushua Christ possesses two wills-one divine and one human."

"He has two minds, two wills, two spirits."

"Yahushua Christ possessing two natures, and therefore two intellects."

"The two natures and two wills of Yahushua are joined together in the one person."

"The two natures are distinct and separate, united in the same person, Christ. He is "dual in nature, but one person." Two natures, one person."

The Trinitarians teach that the two natures are unified in one person.

The Trinitarians teach that the two natures are unified in one person.

Trinitarian quotes

"Christ has two distinct natures unified in one body."

"Yahushua had two natures unified in one person."

"These two natures are perfectly united in the one Person."

The Trinitarians claim that the two natures are united in one person. Still, they treat Yahushua as two persons, just like Nestorianism, with the man part of Yahushua dying on the cross but the God part of Yahushua not dying on the cross and the man part of Yahushua being tempted but the God part of Yahushua not being tempted and the man part of Yahushua having limited knowledge but the God part of Yahushua being omniscient.

Nestorianism teaches that Yahushua is two distinct persons...divine and human.


"Nestorianism is the error that Yahushua is two distinct persons."

"The doctrine defended by Nestorius, who occupied the see of Constantinople in 428, that Christ consisted of two separate persons, one divine and one human. It was condemned in favor of the doctrine that he was one person, both divine and human."

"Nestorianism, Christian heresy that held Yahushua to be two distinct persons, closely and inseparably united"

"Nestorianism, which held that there were two distinct persons, human and divine, in the Incarnate Christ."


Nestorianism teaches that Yahushua is two distinct persons (divine and human), and the Trinitarians teach that Yahushua has two distinct natures (divine and human).

Nestorianism teaches that Yahushua is two distinct persons (divine and human), and the Trinitarians teach that Yahushua has two distinct natures (divine and human).

The terminology between Trinitarianism and Nestorianism is different. Still, both belief systems end up at the same place, with Yahushua being split into two persons who say and do different things from each other.


The Trinitarians may use the term “natures” instead of “persons,” but the two “natures” act as two “persons,” so it doesn't matter that the Trinitarians teach that Yahushua is two natures and not two persons.


There is no difference if Yahushua is called two “natures” instead of two “persons” since both treat Yahushua as two separate beings.


Like Nestorianism, Trinitarianism teaches that Yahushua’s "human" part died on the cross. However, the divine part did not. While the “human” part of Yahushua has limited knowledge, the “God” part is omniscient.


Trinitarianism and Nestorianism take different paths, but they ultimately reach the same conclusion: Yahushua is divided into two persons with separate experiences.


Ridiculous Scenario 3:


The two natures doctrine teaches that Yahushua both knew the time of his return and din't know the time of his return at the same time.


Trinitarian quotes


"When Yahushua said that the Son did not know, He spoke according to his humanity, not his divinity. “Son” refers to the humanity of Christ in this passage, not to the deity."


"Did Christ know everything? - As God, He did, since God is omniscient. But as man, Yahushua said that He did not know the time of the Second Coming. {Mat 24:36]."


"In His human nature, He was not omniscient."


"In his human nature, Yahushua had limited human knowledge."


If only the "God" part of Yahushua knew the time of his return, how does Yahushua keep his man from discovering what his God part knows?

If only the "God" part of Yahushua knew the time of his return, how does Yahushua keep his man from discovering what his God part knows?


Does the God part of Yahushua refuse to speak to the man part of Yahushua?


Does the God part of Yahushua keep secrets from the man part of Yahushua?


Is there a special shut-off valve in Yahushua’s mind that keeps his God’s mind separate from his human mind?


How can one person both know something but not know something?


It is ridiculous to teach that Yahushua is both omniscient and limited in knowledge. Yahushua would be two persons if that scenario were true.


One person cannot keep knowledge from himself...Yahushua does not have two brains that he can switch between


Ridiculous Scenario 4:


The two natures doctrine teaches that Yahushua was both tempted and not tempted simultaneously.


Trinitarian quotes


"He was tempted as a man, in his human nature. Not as God. God cannot be tempted."


"As a man, He was tempted"


"Yahushua was tempted in His human nature, not in His divine"


"Yahushua was able to be tempted in His human nature but not in His divine. In the one person of Christ, there dwells two natures: God and man.......As man, He could be tempted."


If it was only part of Yahushua who was tempted, then where did the rest of Yahushua go when he was tempted?


Did the God part of Yahushua separate from the man part of Yahushua? I thought the two natures should be united and cannot be separated. So, how could one nature be tempted but not the other nature?


Did Yahushua flip a switch and turn his God part off when he was tempted and then flip the switch again and turn his deity back on again when the devil was finished?

Did Yahushua flip a switch and turn his God part off when he was tempted and then flip the switch again and turn his deity back on again when the devil was finished?


Did the devil know he was tempting only part of Yahushua?


Did the devil approach only half of Yahushua?


Was the God part of Yahushua also tempted?


God cannot be tempted by evil, so it is clear that the God part could not have been tempted, which raises the question, ”Where did the God part of Yahushua go when the devil tempted Yahushua?”


James 1:13- God cannot be tempted with evil.

Yahushua was tempted to do evil, which proves that he could not be God.


Heb 4:15- For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.


Mark 1:13- And he (Yahushua) was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of satan;


Luke 4:1-2- And Yahushua being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted of the devil.


Luke 4:5-7- And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.


The Trinitarians say that Yahushua has two natures (God-man) and that only his "man" nature was tempted to do evil.


So, according to the Trinitarians, Yahushua had one part that was tempted by the devil and another part that the devil did not tempt.


Trinitarian quotes


"As a man, He was tempted."


"Yahushua was tempted in His human nature, not in His divine."


"But Yahushua Christ, in his humanity, was tempted. God is not tempted."


Wrong: Yahushua was not tempted as part of a person but as a whole person.


All of Yahushua was tempted. He was not divided up into two parts, and only one of his parts was tempted.


Yahushua would be two persons if he had one part that was tempted and another part that was not tempted. One person cannot be both tempted and not tempted.

Yahushua would be two persons if he had one part that was tempted and another part that was not tempted. One person cannot be both tempted and not tempted.


Also, where does it teach that only part of Yahushua was tempted? It sure doesn't teach that in the scriptures.


We do not have two Yahushua’s...the Yahushua who was tempted and the Yahushua who wasn't tempted.


When Yahushua was tempted, all of him was tempted, which means that it is impossible for him to be God, for God cannot be tempted (James 1:13). If Yahushua were God, then God was tempted to sin.


What a dilemma the Trinitarians have created for themselves. If they teach that Yahushua was tempted only in his "human" part, then they have split Yahushua into two persons...The "human" Yahushua who was tempted and the "God" Yahushua who wasn't tempted. And if they teach that Yahushua was tempted as God, then they are teaching that God can be tempted to sin, which is unscriptural as well as blasphemous.




"To say that He was only tempted in His human nature tends to split Christ into two people, where one activity is going on in one of Christ’s natures, and not in the other."


"We cannot divide Yahushua up by saying that in His human nature, He could have sinned, but in His divine nature, He could not have sinned. One half of Yahushua could not have sinned, while the other half did not."


The trinitarian position that Yahushua had two parts and that only one of the parts was tempted makes no sense.


The correct teaching that Yahushua was a man only when tempted is the only position that makes sense.


The trinitarian position that Yahushua had two parts and that only one of the parts was tempted makes no sense.

All of the one person Yahushua was a man, and all of the one person Yahushua was tempted. Now that makes perfect sense.


Yahushua is a singular person...a MAN.


Phil 2:7-8- But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion AS A MAN,...


Heb 10:12- But this MAN, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God;


John 8:40- But now ye seek to kill me, A MAN that hath told you the truth,.


1Tim 2:5- there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, THE MAN Christ Yahushua;...


Acts 2:22- Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Yahushua of Nazareth, a MAN approved of God.....


Ridiculous Scenario 5:


The two natures doctrine teaches that Yahushua both prayed and did not pray at the same time


Trinitarian quotes


"Yahushua prayed in His humanity, not in His deity."


"What, then, is the explanation of the prayers of Christ? It can only be that the human nature of Yahushua prayed to the eternal Spirit of God. The divine nature did not need help; only the human nature did."


Wrong: Yahushua did not both pray and not pray at the same...that is ridiculous.


The Trinitarians speak of Yahushua as though he is two persons...the Yahushua who prayed and the Yahushua who didn't pray.


We do not have two Yahushua[s] who do different things from each other.


We have only one Yahushua who prayed as a whole person and not as part of a person.


How can one person both pray and not pray at the same time?


Did the God part of Yahushua sleep while the man part of Yahushua prayed?

Did the God part of Yahushua sleep while the man part of Yahushua prayed?


Where did the God part of Yahushua go when the man part of Yahushua prayed?


Do not accept the false scenario that only part of Yahushua prayed to God.


When Yahushua prayed to God...all of Yahushua prayed and not just part of him.


Yahushua prayed to God

Mark 1:34-35- And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him. And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.


Luke 6:10-13- And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand. And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other. And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Yahushua. And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;


If Yahushua were God, then why did he pray to the Father? God does not pray, but he is prayed to.


The reason why Yahushua prayed to the Father is that the Father is the only true God (John 17:3), and the Father is greater than Yahushua (John 14:28), (John 10:29), and the Father is the God of Yahushua (John 20:17).


All of the one person Yahushua prayed to the Father, who alone is God.


1 Cor 8:6- yet unto us is there but ONE God, which is the Father,.


1 Tim 2:5- For there is ONE GOD (the Father), and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Yahushua.

Malachi 2:10- Have we not all ONE FATHER? hath not ONE GOD created us?....


The Trinitarians teach that Yahushua has two parts (natures), yet they teach that Yahushua did everything only in his “man” part.


Yahushua taught that the Father was greater than he, that the Father is the only true God, and that the Father is his God. Still, the Trinitarians say that Yahushua taught those things only in his “man” part.

Yahushua taught that the Father was greater than he, that the Father is the only true God, and that the Father is his God. Still, the Trinitarians say that Yahushua taught those things only in his “man” part. When Yahushua died on the cross, the Trinitarians say that he died only in his “man” part. Similarly, when Yahushua prayed and was tempted, the Trinitarians say that he prayed and was tempted only in his “man” part.


How does one person do things with only part of him?


Suppose Yahushua taught things only in his man part and prayed only in his man part and was tempted only in his man part and died on the cross for our sins only in his man part and was resurrected from the dead only in his man part and ascended only in his man part. Why did Yahushua need a “God” part to him?


It is senseless to teach that Yahushua “must be God” and then teach that Yahushua said and did everything only in his “man” part (nature).


The Trinitarians teach that Yahushua must be God to be our savior, yet they also teach that Yahushua is our savior only in his human nature.


Trinitarian quotes


"If Yahushua is not God, then men have no Savior."


"If Yahushua Christ is not God almighty, then who is our savior?"


"If Yahushua is not God, then you have no savior"


The Trinitarians teach that Yahushua “must be God” to pay for our sins, yet they also teach that Yahushua paid for our sins only in his “human” part.


Trinitarian quotes


"It is true that God cannot die. It is also true that man can die. But we see that Yahushua has two natures, not one. The human part of Yahushua died on the cross, not the divine."


"The human Yahushua died, but the divine Yahushua did not."


"Yahushua had a human body because He has a human nature and it was in His body that our sins were placed."


"Obviously, Yahushua, the man with His human nature was offered upon the cross."


If Yahushua died on the cross for our sins only in his “human” part, then it is obvious that Yahushua did not need a “God” part to pay for our sins.


The scriptures teach very clearly that it was only the MAN Christ Yahushua who atoned for our sins.

The scriptures teach very clearly that it was only the MAN Christ Yahushua who atoned for our sins.


Rom 5:11-15- we also joy in God through our Lord Yahushua Christ, by whom we have now received THE ATONEMENT. Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin;...For if through the offense of one (Adam) many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one MAN, Yahushua Christ,...


1 Tim 2:5-6-For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the MAN Christ Yahushua; Who gave himself a ransom for all.


Heb 10:12- But this MAN, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;..


Not only do the scriptures teach that Yahushua paid for sins only as a man, but the Trinitarians also teach that Yahushua paid for sins only as a man.


Trinitarian quotes


"He went to the cross as a MAN to pay for our sins."


"Yahushua truly saved us by deeds performed in his human nature."


"The Bible never says that God died. It was THE MAN Christ Yahushua who gave himself a ransom for all."


The Trinitarians teach that only the "human" nature of Yahushua died on the cross for our sins.


If it was only the "human" nature that atoned for our sins, then why does Yahushua need to be God to atone for our sins?


Why would God go through all that trouble to turn himself into a "God-man" to come and die for our sins as a man only?


It makes absolutely no sense that Yahushua needed to have a "God" part to pay for sins only in his "man" part.


There is no reason why Yahushua had to be God to atone for sins if he didn't die as God. The scriptures teach that Yahushua died as a MAN only.

There is no reason why Yahushua had to be God to atone for sins if he didn't die as God.


The scriptures teach that Yahushua died as a MAN only.


Rom 5:11-15- we also joy in God through our Lord Yahushua Christ, by whom we have now received THE ATONEMENT. Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin;...For if through the offense of one (Adam) many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one MAN, Yahushua Christ,...




"The saving power of the atonement required Christ to be wholly and utterly human, without any Divinity of nature, and without any Deity which God alone possesses."


"Paul tells us that Christ had to be a man in order to effect the atonement. Not once does he tell us Christ had to be God. Not once."


"Trinitarians object to Christ being described as 'only man' as about his nature - the apostles insisted on it. The fact of the matter is that the trinitarian of today emphasizes Christ's alleged 'Divinity.' The apostles emphasized his humanity.....The trinitarian doctrine, dogma, and teaching are all focused on proving that Christ was God - the apostles' doctrine, dogma, and teaching are all focused on proving that Christ was a man, the son of God."


Yahushua is the Christ, the Son of God, and he was a man only when he died on the cross for our sins.


Being a man only does not negate in the least what Yahushua did on the cross.


Yahushua was a sinless man.


1 Peter 2:22 -Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth.


1 John 3:5- And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.


Hebrews 4:15- For we have not an High Priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.


This is a non-WLC article. Condensed from:

We have taken out from the original article all pagan names and titles of the Father and Son, and have replaced them with the original given names. Furthermore, we have restored in the Scriptures quoted the names of the Father and Son, as they were originally written by the inspired authors of the Bible. -WLC Team