


Charismatic Christians are some of the most committed and joyful people around.  Their religion is far more than theory and dry theology to them.  They actively seek the joy of the Lord and are frequently blessed to feel His presence.  Charismatic believers take Yahuwah at His word and claim by faith many of the blessings promised in the New Testament.

When believers claim Yahuwah’s promises, Satan goes on the attack.  He seeks to corrupt the truth by bringing in error.  The more subtle the error, the more dangerously deceptive it is to the Christian.  This is what can and has happened to many Charismatic believers.  It is up to the individual to compare his experience with Scripture and determine if any of the following dangers apply to him.

All error separates the soul from the Father.  Yahuwah invites His charismatic children to carefully weigh their beliefs and practices with the Scriptures, the only safe guide, and lay aside everything that is not in keeping with His Word.

1 Professor David Smith, Providence Theological seminary,