

Freemasonry Square & Compass 

Freemasonry’s three main tenets of Brotherhood, Charity and Truth are attractive to many people.  They see the help Freemasons generously provide to schools, needy families and in disaster relief, and want to be a part of an organization that does so much good.  Because Freemasons are organized into many different, secretive levels, many who are drawn to the good they see can be unaware of the errors that Freemasons also believe.

While the monitors given to Freemasons may differ slightly from Grand Lodge to Grand Lodge, the general tenets of belief within Freemasonry are largely similar.  Following is a list of some of the errors of Freemasonry:

The Heavenly Father invites Masons to leave behind the errors that are keeping them from full knowledge and learn of Him the true secrets of eternal life, eternal joy and eternal love.