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While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
Is Heaven Yahuwah's Reward for the Righteous?
One recent survey affirmed that four out of five Christians believe heaven is Yahuwah’s reward for the righteous. This was also our understanding at WLC until a few years back when we found no biblical basis for such a widely held belief. On the contrary, we learned that the Kingdom of Heaven/Yahuwah will be established forever on the earth when Yahushua returns. This was one reason why we rejected Ellen White’s alleged divine credentials. She extensively promoted the ‘Going to Heaven’ in her writings. She even gave minute details of the seven-day trip that the righteous will take upon the return of Christ to heaven. Some may argue that the location of Yahuwah's kingdom, whether in Heaven or on Earth, is inconsequential. We respectfully disagree. Truth is not a matter of convenience but a chain of links; each link must be sturdy and unyielding. If one link is weak and breaks, the entire chain collapses. Truth is not a mere concept but a reflection of Yahuwah’s character. Therefore, every aspect of His truth should be flawless to mirror His character correctly and faithfully reveal His plan for saving the fallen humanity. The reward of the righteous is an essential link in the chain of truth that we have been given. Click here to read an article to establish biblically that the recreated Earth is the reward of the righteous and that ‘Going to Heaven’ is a fallacy.
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One recent survey affirmed that four out of five Christians believe heaven is Yahuwah’s reward for the righteous. This was also our understanding at WLC until a few years back when we found no biblical basis for such a widely held belief. On the contrary, we learned that the Kingdom of Heaven/Yahuwah will be established forever on the earth when Yahushua returns. This was one reason why we rejected Ellen White’s alleged divine credentials. She extensively promoted the ‘Going to Heaven’ in her writings. She even gave minute details of the seven-day trip that the righteous will take upon the return of Christ to heaven. Some may argue that the location of Yahuwah's kingdom, whether in Heaven or on Earth, is inconsequential. We respectfully disagree. Truth is not a matter of convenience but a chain of links; each link must be sturdy and unyielding. If one link is weak and breaks, the entire chain collapses. Truth is not a mere concept but a reflection of Yahuwah’s character. Therefore, every aspect of His truth should be flawless to mirror His character correctly and faithfully reveal His plan for saving the fallen humanity. The reward of the righteous is an essential link in the chain of truth that we have been given. Click here to read an article to establish biblically that the recreated Earth is the reward of the righteous and that ‘Going to Heaven’ is a fallacy.
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Zur Verteidigung des Lunar-Sabbats | Teil 2
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Zur Verteidigung des Lunar-Sabbats | Teil 2
Weist der Mondsonnenkalender “Leertage” auf?
Entkräftet der Exodus den Mondsabbat?
“Schwimmt” der Sabbat durch die Woche?
Warum wird der 7te Tag in vielen Sprachen “Sabbat” genannt?
Ist der Neumondtag dasselbe wie ein Sabbat?
Hielten die frühen Christen den Mondsabbat?
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