Faith is simple in its operation and powerful in its results. We believe that prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven's storehouse, where the boundless resources of Omnipotence are treasured. We consider it a privilege to pray for you.
Please read the prayer petitioners' guidelines, and send only 1 prayer request per week, unless it is an emergency.
To post a prayer request, you must first register an account or login. This is necessary to protect the community and the prayer board from being abused by spammers. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.
Please pray for my Kuki sisters in the manipur conflict.
Please also pray for my phillipino sisters stuck in Islamic countries with seemingly no way out, may God rescue them and bring them back to their families.
Please pray for my african sisters who are suffering.
Please pray for the poor women of our religion, so that Yahuwah may bring them out of tribulation and give them eternal peace,
Mark Mascarenhas
India, 2024-08-30 07:27:54
please could you pray for my wife, she is sick and I don't know if she will make it.
Dio Brando
France, 2024-08-22 09:52:00
I unknowingly put kjv bibles on CD in several Mail boxes. I was unaware this is a federal crime to do. I know the government likes to make examples of people, especially Christians. Please pray nothing comes of this. I am repentant and sorry for breaking the law
jon collins
United States, 2024-08-19 19:33:23
Dear beloved brothers and sisters in Yah,
We thank you,father Yahuwah,for letting us know that we have brothers and sisters in Yah that gave us encouragement to stand still and look upon You,father Yahuwah.
Saya dan anak-anak sangat mengucap syukur luar biasa bagi kemuliaan Bapa sorgawi,Yahuwah,karna sekalipun kami sedang ditempa berbagai macam masalah namun kami bertumbuh semakin kuat didalam iman kepada Hamasiah Yahushua Hamasiah.
Anak-anak dan saya masih sangat membutuhkan dukungan doa bahkan jika memungkinkan untuk bisa terlibat langsung dlm komunitas doa secara online atau offline guna memberi kita kekuatan lebih menghadapi kuasa kegelapan yg telah lama bersemayam dlm diri kedua orangtua saya.
Orangtua saya memang telah lama berkutat dan bersekutu dgn kuasa kegelapan dan menjadi teman dr satan hanya utk bisa meraih posisi kehidupan yang penuh dgn kelimpahan harta serta kekuasaan dan ketika saya pribadi menolak bergabung segala kekerasan intimidasi penghinaan fitnah bahkan intervensi akan ibadah saya dan anak-anak terjadi bahkan berlanjut hingga saat ini.Namun kami tidak takut dan gentar justru ketika kami libatkan Hamasiah Yahushua Hamasiah,melihat kepada kasih Bapa Yahiwah yg luar biasa memampukan kami tetap setia kuat dan teguh didalam iman.
Banyak hal yang kami dapatkan terutama dari setiap renungan firman yang kami baca sama2 dan semua justru menimbulkan rasa malu dan menyesal karna saya dan anak- anak tidaklah berarti apa2 dihadapan sang pencipta Bapa sorgawai yg Maha Kudus Bapa Yahuwah dgn semua yg telah terlebih dahulu Dia berikan ke kami.
Kerinduan kami utk bs selalu terkoneksi dgn pemberi hidup dan keselamatan serta kekuatan dlm menghadapi kuasa kegelapan ini.
Sekalipun keadaan masih sangat tidak memungkinkan terutama melihat fakta bagaimana anak- anak saya diterlantarkan hingga saat ini namun saya pribadi percaya Bapa Yahuwah tidak abai dan tidak akan tinggal diam
Pengampunan sdh kami berikan ke orangtua kakek dan nenek dr anak-anak saya dan berharap curahan roh kudusNya mampu mengubahkan dan memulihkan serta mengembalikan mereka kepada sang pemberi hidup didalam Hamasiah Yahushua Hamasiah kita.
Saya kuat,kami kuat dan kami percaya.Kami letakkan dan sandarkan pengharapan didalam iman kepada Hamasiah Yahushua Hamasiah.Ya kami taku kami lemah tetapi All Praise and glory be to Yahuwah for He is our comforter,our strength,our forgiver,our provider...our shield.
Bapa,buat kami mengerti dan paham bukan atas dasar pengetahuan kami sebagai manusia tetapi sesuai dgn kehendakMU.
Beloved brothers and sisters in Yah,i thanked you for all the support and encouragement to my little family.
All glory be to Yahuwah and Yahuwah alone.
Renita Pinkan Senduk
Indonesia, 2024-08-05 23:38:55
I ask you to pray for me; Because I am sick with a disease that is difficult in general, and I ask you to pray for a successful year
abdullah haraqan
Egypt, 2024-06-23 14:12:59
Dear our beloved heavenly Father Yahuwah,
We thank You Father...your love your mercy your strength your courage your bless...
Please give us strength,let my children and be more steady and firm in You and You alone...
We believe we can go through this difficult times and You would never abandon us.
Let us grow our faith in Yahushua no matter what because our Father Yahuwah have loved us more even before.
All praise and glory be to Yahuwah alone!
Renita Pinkan Senduk
Indonesia, 2024-06-19 01:47:43
Shalom queridos hermanos en la Fe en rabí y El Todopoderoso. Por favor alguien que me pueda ayudar con su conocimiento.
Mi hermana está en la Fe y tiene poco tiempo que experimenta vibraciones en su cuerpo y después de eso, ella menciona que siente que algo se desprende de su espalda y piernas, añade que siente que lo que se le desprende hace sentir como que hasta la ropa se mueve de su lugar. Eso le sucede generalmente cuando está en alabanzas o platicando con alguien del Creador. De antemano agradezco enorme la ayuda que le puedan dar. Bendiciones!!
angelica martinez
Mexico, 2024-06-15 04:34:26
Pray for me and my family so that God can make a way to have a good life and grow well in faith
Ramadhani Mgomba
Tanzania, 2024-06-02 10:19:02
Anak anak dan saya pribadi memgetuk.pintu hati saudara saudara dalam.iman kepada Yahushua Hamasiah untuk mendoakan bagi pergumulan teramatbyang sedang kami hadapi bersama beberapa.waktu belakangan ini termasuk kekerasan fisik yang kami alami tanpa sebab dan alasan yang jelas dan masuk akal.Kami berharap roh kudus tercurah dan membuka jalan agar semua keadaan pulih.
Renita Pinkan Senduk
Indonesia, 2024-06-02 03:52:29
My heart is broken and I am all alone.I am 56 years old and lost my wife to cancer 2 years ago.I have multiple serious mental and physical health afflictions.Please pray that Yah increase my faith and strenghth and courage.Pray also that he comfort and encourage me.I am greatly afflicted and feel that I cant bear much more.Thank anyone who may pray for me.
Jeffery Robbins
United States, 2024-05-30 01:20:29
Please pray for my sister. She is continuously loosing weight. She takes care of her aging husband and works full time. She's exhausted and cannot gain wait. Please pray for her
Thank you,
A concerned sibling
Rhonda Bramble
United States, 2024-05-23 18:42:52
That WLC will eleminate the Enhanced by Google crap and all things Google including utilizing the Play Store etc. The time to not only embrace and demonstrate Open Source freedom from Big Tech Beast Systems is NOW!
Ron Morrison
United States, 2024-05-22 21:43:06
Yahuwah, in Yahushua' Name I pray asking You to confirm, open the door, provide all that is needed to be moved to the place where my heart longs to be to bring others to You for Your glory under the guidance of Your Spirit.
“Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19, 20.
Janet Jennings
Canada, 2024-05-04 17:20:10
Please pray for me. Some people are attacking me with magic.
Roman Grah
Afghanistan, 2024-04-30 11:39:14
That my eyes be healed, Having issues with floaters and visual snow
jonathan collins
United States, 2024-04-28 03:06:22
For friends and family to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
jonathan collins
United States, 2024-04-28 02:56:01
That I will always be at the right place at the right time. That will be counted Worthy to go to heaven and my name is written in the book of life. To have a Personal deep relationship with Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To have wisdom. TO have Jesus Christs favor and blessing in life and health
jonathan collins
United States, 2024-04-28 02:55:17
Shalom amados hermanos en Yahushua. Le pido de favor por orar por la salud de mi amado esposo Jesús Garcia, tuvo shock septico por negligencia médica y su salud y vida está comprometida. Porque le siguen haciendo estudios y dicen que tiene algo en su hígado. Por favor orar para que nada malo sea. Muchísimas gracias de antemano..gracias hermanos de WORLD LAST CHANCE. Que El Todopoderoso de Israel y nuestro bello rabí les be diga grandemente. Así sea y así será!
angelica martinez
Mexico, 2024-03-17 13:57:21
I just want to pray to Yahuwah and ask Him to provide a help meet and a wife who will be my friend in Yahushuah, amen!
Michael Horton
United States, 2024-03-16 22:55:21
Please keep me and my corn field in your prayers. We haven't had rains but excessive heat which has negativity affected my field greatly. Remember also my Elder Sister, Mary who was recently diagnosed with diabetes and is currently not feeling too good.
Daniel Nkandela
Zambia, 2024-02-07 16:31:24
Pray for me to resist the devil from any false or wicked desire that might be devised against me. Seems the devil wamts me to be trapped in the lust, foenicarion and adultery of his evil desires!!!! I know I wont be alive much longer! Amen!
Michael Horton
United States, 2024-02-03 06:22:46
Kindly keep my brother in your prayers; he's been dealing with health issues for over two decades. Over the past five years, he hasn't been attending any church services, and it appears he's engrossed in romantic relationships. As his elder sibling, I wish for him to return to the church and engage in the activities he used to participate in during Sunday services.
Indonesia, 2024-01-18 20:49:28
Please pray for me to see clearly without the need for
Paul Webb
Canada, 2024-01-16 14:50:07
Please, continued prayer for deliverance from satanic, necromancer, fremassons. (Satanic Ritual Abuse). I am now in Panama and I am tired of running from this society. Please, I would like to go back home to canada if Yahuwah permits. Also I am getting attacks from animals, I have an infection from a bite and am praying for healing, and people who use me for what they can get. Please pray for me. Thank you
Julia Poulin
Canada, 2024-01-10 15:13:10
1. Please pray for my mom's breast cancer surgery this Friday Jan 12, 2024 and for her quick recovery.
2. Speedy Appointment for Humanitarian Fundings.
Thank you!
Shirley Ji
United States, 2024-01-09 19:51:23
Hello all and what a blessing this site continues to be !
Please pray for me regarding a job interview that I had yesterday.
I am waiting to receive a call within two weeks for a follow up interview and possible hire.
I know this is exactly what I need right now in my life but I also know that it will take faithful prayer from believers such as us as the devi will try to stop it.
Thank you so very much for being there and your faithful prayer.
Brother Robert.
Robert Wallace
United States, 2024-01-04 08:35:53
I ask for prayer for continued Protection from the
Evil People in this World. As they are Manifesting
More and more everyday.
CherylA McMann
United States, 2024-01-01 22:22:14
hi, please pray for my sister's boyfriend who is trying to hurt my sister please pray for my sister's safety and my mum's safety they living in fiji island.
thank you.
Apimeleki Rayasi
New Zealand, 2024-01-01 20:58:16
I pray for everyones strength to get through these hard times as satan keeps attacking the minds of Yahuwahs Children! Please keep faith in Yahushuah and patience in Yahuwah the Father! I pray He will send help soon and direct u our path into His Kingdom and will! Pray that we hear your voice that no man can open nor shut, amen Yah be with us all! In Yahushuahs name I pray AMEN!
Michael Horton
United States, 2023-12-31 17:48:29
Please pray for my deliverance from satanic ritual abuse, I have been going through this most of my life. It started when I was a toddler from my father and has now blown up so unbelievably big. I am tired of running and trying to survive, I cant do it anymore. Please pray that YAHUAH set me free. Thank you and blessings to you.
Julia Poulin
Canada, 2023-12-27 22:55:41