While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Biblical Christian Articles

3486 Articles in 21 Languages

Do Yahushua’s Miracles Prove He is God?
Do we believe that Yahuwah the Father worked through Yahushua to accomplish His miraculous works? Or do we wrongfully credit the miracle worker?
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Hits: 36 
Did Yahushua “Return” to the Father?
Scripture does not speak of Yahushua returning to or going back to Yahuwah, only of his going to the Father, and of his resurrection and ascension.
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Hits: 239 
Peter’s Pentecost Christology
Yahuwah revealed to Peter that Yahushua was the Christ, the Son of Yahuwah. Sadly, many misinterpret his confession to mean that Yahushua is "God the Son."
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Hits: 102 
My Father’s Kingdom
Many Christians believe Yahushua will rule the kingdom for eternity because he is God. Scripture, however, reveals a different picture of the coming kingdom.
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Hits: 249 
Christ Belongs to Yahuwah
From ancient times, the Jews understood that the coming Messiah would be a servant or agent of Yahuwah who would rule on Yahuwah’s behalf.
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Hits: 226 
Yahushua, A Man Under Authority
Yahushua’s subordination presents a problem for Trinitarian theology because it is at variance with the fourth-century doctrine.
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Hits: 135 
Not My Will, But Yours Be Done
If God the Son and God the Father are one essence, as orthodoxy states, how can they have differing desires?
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Hits: 150 
The Son of Man
For too long, a post-Biblical orthodoxy has obscured Yahushua's true identity and significance as the Son of Man.
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Hits: 183 
The Uniqueness of Yahuwah
As Christians, we should find it deeply troubling that, according to Trinitarian tradition, the unique thing about Yahuwah–His three in oneness–is never mentioned, much less taught in the Bible.
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Hits: 254 
Worship the Father
Yahushua said that the Father is the only true God, while he is the Christ, whom the one true God sent.
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Hits: 156 
Do You Have to Believe in the Trinity to Be Saved?
According to the fifth-century Athanasian Creed, we must believe in the doctrine of the Trinity in order to be saved. But is this Biblical?
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Hits: 415 
Yahushua is Lord
Yahushua is Lord! A simple yet profound statement that we must embrace if we are to be saved...
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Hits: 177 
Yahushua Has a God
How can Yahushua be "God" if he, himself, has a "God"?
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Hits: 281 
Who Raised Yahushua from the Dead?
Yahushua was raised from the dead. All Christians can agree with this statement. But a disagreement quickly ensues when you ask, “Who raised Yahushua from the dead?”
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Hits: 166 
God is The Father
The most fundamental question about Christianity is, “Who is God?” That’s because God’s identity is the foundation upon which the tenets of the faith stand. Who, then, is this God?
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Hits: 160 
The Problem of the Hypostatic Union
There is no biblical basis for the teaching that Yahushua had two distinct natures. He did not need to be "God" to accomplish what he did.
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Hits: 329 
Two-Natures: A Ridiculous Doctrine
The teaching that Yahushua has two-natures is ridiculous and raises many questions.
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Hits: 480 
Who Did the Jews Understand the Creator to Be?
When Yahuwah led the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity, a culture marked by polytheism, He made it known that He was the only true God.
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Hits: 186 
Son of God: Proof of Yahushua’s Deity?
Scripture refers to Yahushua as the Son of God. But what does this designation mean?
Comments: 5 
Hits: 828 
The Gods Have Become Like Men
In this post, we’ll examine Paul and Barnabas’s first visit to Lystra to discover whether the deity of Christ and his theorized incarnation, in particular, was part of the message the apostles shared in this city in modern-day Turkey.
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Hits: 326 

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