Yahushua never had an earthly headquarters and we simply follow His example. Our prayer is that we be found worthy to be numbered among the peculiar group described in Hebrews 11 and 12:18-24.
The WLC team is made up of several members spread literally over the 4 corners of the world. We have an online ministry and our earthly headquarters for the time being is the World Wide Web. We do not highlight nor dwell on any of the team members behind the humble ministry of WLC. Our obsessive focus is on the presenting and sharing of Yahuwah’s truth and light. We wish to draw attention only to Yahuwah and Yahushua, our Founders, Who stand behind all the efforts being undertaken at WLC. Our central office & headquarters therefore, are in New Jerusalem - our eternal destination where we hope to meet every WLC member - very soon. If, after viewing any WLC video or reading any WLC Article, His Spirit convicts you to translate it, please Contact us! We are eager for volunteers to help with every language! Thank you kindly!