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Please read carefully the following before submitting your participation:
In order to win the public confession and apology, the WLC team must be shown our error by an amount of Biblical texts equal to those that convinced us that neither Saturday nor Sunday is the true Sabbath of the Bible. The luni-solar calendar established by the Creator at creation has been studied very carefully (see Genesis 1:14; Leviticus 23:2 and 3; and Psalm 104:19). The WLC team has not accepted this new light without much prayer and study of the scriptures, and desires to be corrected if in error. The weight of evidence indicates that the seventh-day Sabbath always fell on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of the lunar month. The texts which have convinced WLC are as follows:
New Moon Day Separate from the 6 Work Days and the Seventh-Day Sabbath:
New Moon day is not counted as one of the 6 working days neither is it the seventh-day Sabbath; the new moon day starts the month as day 1 making the weekly Sabbaths to fall on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month. (See Ezekiel 46:1, Amos 8:5, 2Kings 4:23, and Isaiah 66:23.)
Exodus 12:
Passover was on the 14th of the first month. The first day of the feast of unleavened bread was on the 15th which was a Sabbath (See Leviticus 23: 4-16). This makes the Sabbaths for the first month (Abib) to have fallen on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and the 29th. (Exodus 12.)
Exodus 16:
Manna fell for the six week days, but did not fall on the Sabbath which fell on the 22nd, making the other Sabbaths for that month fall on the 8th, 15th and 29th. (Exodus 16.)
Exodus 19
Israel left Egypt the night of Abib 15. Three months later, on the very same day, the 15th, they rested before the mount. (See Deuteronomy 16:1; Numbers 33:3; Exodus 19:1-2.), thus making the Sabbaths for the third month (as recorded in Exodus 19:1) fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. The weekly Sabbaths for the first month (Exodus 12) and the second month (Exodus 16) fell on the same dates also; this is not possible on today's Gregorian Roman calendar which people use to identify their worship days.
Annual Feasts and High Sabbaths:
Every year, the feast of unleavened bread begins on the 15th of the first month - a Sabbath. In the 7th month the first day of the feast of Tabernacles also falls on the 15th which is called a "holy convocation" This feast lasts for 7 days and ends at dusk on the 21st. The next day, referred to as the 8th day, is another "holy convocation" on the 22nd, every single year. Two Sabbaths always falling on the 15th cannot occur on a solar calendar. (See Numbers 29:12-39; Leviticus 23:5, 6, 34, 35, 39).
Entering Canaan:
The manna never fell on the seventh-day Sabbath. After entering Canaan, Israel kept Passover. The manna ceased on the 16th of Abib, the day after the Sabbath: Exodus 16; Joshua 5:10-12. This places the Sabbath for this month on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
Dedication of Priesthood:
Aaron and his sons were sanctified for seven days beginning on New Moon Day (See Exodus 40: 2, 17). On the eighth day (which was also the 8th of the month), there was an assembly of the congregation. During the preceding seven days, they were not to leave the tabernacle. (See Leviticus 8:1- 13; 33-35; 9:1-5). From Exodus 40: 17 we learn that it was the first month (Abib) of the second year after their departure from Egypt, in which Passover was to be kept; this is a double confirmation that the Sabbaths for this month fell on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
Solomon kept the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days. On the 8th day (22nd of the month) they made a solemn assembly. Solomon sent the people away on the 23rd, being careful not to send them away on the 22nd, the Sabbath. (See 2 Chronicles 7:8-10). This places the Sabbath for the seventh month on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
Esther 9:
The 15th of the 12th month was a rest day, making the 8th, 22nd and 29th rest days as well. (Esther 9.)
Hezekiah's Reform:
The people began to sanctify on New Moon day of the first month and on the 8th of the month they went to the temple. On the 16th of the month, they "made an end" which was the first day of the work week. (2 Chronicles 29:17.)
Passover was always on the 14th of Abib. (Leviticus 23:5.)
Christ's crucifixion occurred on Passover, on the sixth day of the week. Passover always occurred on the sixth day of the week, followed by the seventh-day Sabbath on the 15th. (See Mark 15:42; John 19:31; Lev. 23:6, 7, 11 and 15; John 19:42.)
Christ was resurrected early in the morning on the first day of the week. (Matthew 28:1; Mark 16:1 and 2; Luke 24:1; John 20:1.)
Christ was resurrected on the 16th of Abib, the first day of the week, corresponding to the wave sheaf offering, or first fruits. (Leviticus 23:11.)
Paul called Christ the "first fruits of them that sleep" and stated that He was buried and rose the third day. (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4 and 20-23.)
On the walk to Emmaus, the two disciples told Christ that it was the third day since the crucifixion. (Luke 24:17-21.)
The crucifixion week establishes the weekly seventh-day Sabbath on Abib 15, thus making the 8th, 22nd and 29th days Sabbaths as well.
Healing of the Blind Man:
The last day of the Feast of Tabernacles always falls on the 21st day of the seventh month: (See Leviticus 23:34, 36, 39-41; Numbers 29:12; Deuteronomy 16:13-15; Nehemiah 8:13-18; Ezekiel 45:21-25.)
Christ attended the Feast of Tabernacles. (John7:10.)
On the last day of the Feast, the 21st of the seventh month, Christ stood and spoke. (John 7:37.)
Christ spent that night on the Mount of Olives. (John 8:1.)
The next morning, the 22nd of the seventh month, Christ returned to the temple. (John 8:2.)
At the temple, Christ healed a blind man. (John 9:6.)
The healing of the blind man caused great anger for it was the seventh-day Sabbath. (John 9:14.)
This places the weekly seventh-day Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the month yet again.
Paul's Journey:
The first day of the work week always fell on the 2nd of the month, the day after New Moon. In Luke's account of their journey, Paul's company sailed from Philippi after the feast of unleavened bread ended on the 21st of Abib, sailed for five days and arrived at Troas where they stayed seven days. (See Acts 20:5-7.)
The seventh day of their stay at Troas was the second day of the month which Paul refers to as the first day of the week. This again places the Sabbaths on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th days of the month. (For more on Paul's journey and how it corroborates the luni-solar calendar, click here.)
These scriptural references are proof to WLC that lunar months, set in a luni-solar calendar, are the true format of Biblical chronology. Any person desiring to claim the prize must give an equal amount of scriptural proofs that the seventh-day Sabbath fell on days other than the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th of the lunar month.
Based on extensive research, WLC believes that the calendar used to determine the yearly feasts listed in Leviticus 23 must also be used for determining the weekly Sabbath, because the Sabbath is mentioned in Leviticus 23:1-3 as a weekly feast. On this calendar, each month begins with the New Moon, and the weekly Sabbaths always occur on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th. WLC now believes that this is Yahuwah's true time measurement. If scriptural proof can be provided to demonstrate that this is in error, please share with WLC.
We do not take lightly the Challenge, and consider that our public confession and apology to be the minimum step the Team would need to take in repentance for promoting a fatal error. After all, if we worship Him on the wrong day, we would be eternally doomed. Therefore, we conclude by stating:
This challenge is not an invitation to rebut our 14 different scriptural references which we have quoted in support of our position. We have passed this stage when we accepted to worship His Sabbath by His calendar. What we are instead looking for is evidence in support of another biblical calendar showing that the weekly Sabbath has indeed been recorded to have fallen on different dates than the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and the 29th. And this has to be supported by at least 14 different bible references, as we have done above.
"By the mercy of . . . [Yahuwah], I conjure you, . . . to prove from the writings of the prophets and apostles that I have erred. As soon as I am convinced of this, I will retract every error . . . ."
Martin Luther before the Diet of Worms.
Please join us in studying this life and death topic.
Important: No one has yet been able to show us as a Team convincingly from Scriptures that we are in error since the challenge was first posted 5535 days ago.A PHP Error was encountered
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