- Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb? (Article)
- Baptism (Q&A)
- Baptism (eBooks)
- Baptism | Bury The Past And Start All Over Again (eCourse lesson)
- The Significance of the Water (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- Bible Study Lessons eCourse (eCourse)
- Can This World Depend On Yahuwah's Word When Everything Has Failed? (eCourse lesson)
- Did the Roman Catholic Church Really Give Us the Bible? (Article)
- Memorizing Scripture: A Matter of Life and Death (Article)
- Scripture First! (Radio episode)
- The Bible and the Bible Alone, the Rule of Faith and Duty (Article)
- The Living Bible (Article)
- The Reliability of the Bible (Radio episode)
- The Scriptures A Safeguard: The importance of hiding Yah’s word in your heart. (Radio episode)
- Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart: The importance of memorizing Scripture! (Radio episode)
- Why you can believe the Bible (Radio episode)
How to Study the Bible:
- Correctly Interpreting Scripture (Radio episode)
- God's Word - Our Plumb Line (Radio episode)
- How To Study The Bible? (eCourse lesson)
- Keys to Effective Bible Study (Radio episode)
- The Weight of Evidence (Article)
- Truth or Error? The Weight of Evidence Rule: How to discern between truth and error (Radio episode)
- Why It Is Important to Study the Bible (Article)
- Bible (Q&A)
- Bible Answers and More
- The KJV audio Bible (free download)
- Topical Biblical Studies (eBooks)
▲TOP |
- #Annual Feasts
- #Sabbath
- Heaven's Holy Days (Article)
- Heaven's Holy Days (Video)
- Luni-solar Calendar (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- The Creator Has a Calendar! (Radio episode)
- The Creator's Calendar (Article)
- The Creator's Calendar (Video)
- The Sign of Jonah (Article)
- The Sign of Jonah (Video)
- Three Months In a Row | Part 1 (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 2 (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 3 (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 4 (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 5 (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 6 Forty Years Later (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Part 7 Summary (Video)
- Three Months in a Row | Trailer (Video)
- What was really nailed to the cross! (Radio episode)
- Yahuwah's Calendar: Luni-Solar (eBooks)
Biblical New Year:
- A 13th Month?? The Divine Precision of the Luni-Solar Calendar (Article)
- Biblical Calendation: Reckoning the New Year (Article)
- Biblical New Year (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- The Metonic Cycle Made Simple (Article)
- True New Year: When is it? eCourse (eCourse)
Creator's Calendar vs. Rome's Calendar (The issues at stake):
- Babylonian Mysteries: The Hidden God (Article)
- Changeling: Christians becoming Pagan (Article)
- Changing Weeks: Hiding Sabbath eCourse (eCourse)
- Constantine’s Deception (Radio episode)
- Daniel 9, the Crucifixion, and the Calendar Lie (Radio episode)
- Gregorian Saturday/Sunday or Yahuwah’s Sabbath: Which should we honor? (Video)
- Guardian of History's Largest Religious Lie eCourse (eCourse)
- Mystery Babylon: The Origins of Saturn (Article)
- New Moons, Sabbaths, & the Gregorian Calendar (Article)
- Pagan Origins of the Modern Calendar eCourse (eCourse)
- Papacy Boasts of Calendar Change (Article)
- Seal of Yahuwah (Article)
- The Way Divides (Article)
New Moon Day:
- Calculating the Conjunction: No Computer? No Problem! (Article)
- How Holy is the New Moon Day? (Radio episode)
- Is the New Moon a Work day? (Radio episode)
- New Moon Day (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- New Moon Day: Gift of the Creator (Article)
- New Moon Day: Gift of the Creator (Video)
- New Moon Day: The Dawn After Conjunction (Article)
- New Moon Day: When & Why eCourse (eCourse)
- New Moons & Translation Days (Article)
- The full moon is not the new moon (Radio episode)
- Understanding New Moons & Translation Days (Video)
- Future Lunar-Solar Conjunction Dates (2013-2030) (Article)
- Luni-Solar Calendar with Feast Days
- Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer
- Printable Luni-Solar Calendar
- Testimonies of Luni-solar Sabbatarians
- WLC Calendar App
- Worship & Job Conflicts
- Yah's Calendar (Non-WLC Videos)
Scriptural Beginning of the Day:
- Dispelling the Darkness: When Does a Day Begin? (Article)
- Sabbath at Sunset? Absurd and Impossible! (Article)
- Sabbath at Sunset? Absurd and Impossible! (Video)
- When does a Day Begin & End? (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- When Does A Day Begin? (eCourse lesson)
- When Does a Day Begin? (Video)
- When Does the Day Begin in Scripture? (Radio episode)
The fallacy of a continuous weekly cycle:
- 8 Days a Week? Julian Calendar History (Article)
- Catholic Scholar Verifies Neither Saturday nor Sunday is Biblical Sabbath (Article)
- Continuous Weekly Cycle Proven False (Article)
- Date Line Deception: What it is & Why it Matters to You! (Video)
- Date Line Deception: What it is & Why it matters! [MUST READ: SDAs] (Article)
- International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged? (Article)
- International Date Line Change: The Sabbath Unchanged? (Video)
- Julian Calendar History (Video)
- Lunar Sabbath Vindicated by 70 Weeks Prophecy! (Video)
- The Crucifixion: Disproving the Continuous Weekly Cycle (Article)
- The Modern Seven Day Week: Exploring the History of a Lie (Article)
▲TOP |
- A logical fallacy (Radio episode)
- Chris Jericho talks Flat Earth with David Weiss (Radio episode)
- Dave Weiss talks Flat Earth with KMOX and WABC Radio (Radio episode)
- Dustin Nemos and #FlatEarthDave Biblical Flat Cosmology and Geocentricity (Video)
- Escaping the Matrix: Biblical Flat Earth 101 (Radio episode)
- Flat Earth (Non-WLC Videos)
- Flat Earth (Q&A)
- Flat Earth (eBooks)
- Flat Earth Bible Verses (More than 200) (Article)
- Flat Earth: Bible Truth in an Unstable World (Video)
- Flat Earth: Bible Truth in an Unstable World (Article)
- Flat Earth: Letting Go of the Globe! (Article)
- Flat Earth: The Bible tells me so (Radio episode)
- Flat Earth: The Bible Truth! eCourse (eCourse)
- Jesuit Masterminds: Hiding the Flat Earth & the Lunar Sabbath! (Video)
- Our Flat Earth Journey (Radio episode)
- Talking to Friends and Family about Flat Earth (Radio episode)
- The Earth: Round? Or Flat? Learn the true shape of the earth! (Radio episode)
- The Firmament of His Power - Part 1 (Radio episode)
- The Flat Earth & The First Angel’s Message (Article)
- The Flat Earth of the Bible: A Stable World Not a Spinning Globe eCourse (eCourse)
- The History of Flat Earth (Radio episode)
- The Jesuits & The Globe Earth: The Mother Of All Conspiracies! (Article)
- The True Shape of the Earth: It is not a Globe! (Video)
- Three Globe Believers: A discussion (Radio episode)
- Under the Dome (Radio episode)
- World Upside Down - Biblical EARTH (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
Father Yahuwah [One God]:
- Basic Biblical Christology for Unitarian Christians (Article)
- Biblical Unitarianism (Radio episode)
- Biblical Unitarianism: Back to the Real Jesus (Radio episode)
- Defining the One True God (Radio episode)
- Fathered by Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Glory to God the Father (Radio episode)
- Godhead (Non-WLC Videos)
- Hear, O Israel! The First Principle of Good Theology (Article)
- How Christianity Discarded the Creed of Christ the Messiah? (Radio episode)
- I Am Almighty God (Radio episode)
- Is the God of the Bible the Father Alone? (Dr. Tuggy vs. Dr. Brown) (Radio episode)
- Is Your Creed in the Bible (Radio episode)
- Is Your Creed the Creed of Jesus (Radio episode)
- Keep It Simple (Article)
- Let God be as Big as He Is (Radio episode)
- Monotheism (Radio episode)
- One God: The Big Picture (Radio episode)
- Romans 9:5: Is Christ ''God''? (Article)
- Sharing Your One God Faith (Radio episode)
- Shema, Deuteronomy 6:4 (Radio episode)
- Simply God (Radio episode)
- The Creator and Creation (Ex Nihilo) (Radio episode)
- The Eternal God (Radio episode)
- The Father ALONE was the God of Israel (Radio episode)
- The Gospel of Silly (Radio episode)
- The Shema: The Creed of Yahushua (Article)
- Unitarian Monotheism (Radio episode)
- Unitarian Trail Blazers (Radio episode)
- Why Unitarian Monotheism Makes the Most Biblical Sense (Article)
- Yes, Yahushua has a God (Article)
The ''Binitarian/Trinitarian'' Error:
- 'I Was Wrong!' - Part 1 (Radio episode)
- 'I Was Wrong!' - Part 2 (Radio episode)
- 10 Questions Every Sincere Trinitarian & Binitarian Should Contemplate (Radio episode)
- 10 Trinity Doctrine Fables (Radio episode)
- 10 Trinity Doctrine Fables (Radio episode)
- A Road Less Traveled (Article)
- Baptismal Formula, Trinity Debunked (Radio episode)
- Beyond Reason (Article)
- Breaking News! What Bible Scholars really think about the trinity! (Radio episode)
- Christ, the Trinity, & Bad Faith (Radio episode)
- Christianity Has a Problem (Radio episode)
- Confusion of Error versus Logic of Truth (Radio episode)
- Elohim Hebraic Meanings: Trinity Debunked (Radio episode)
- Five Major Problems With The Trinity (Radio episode)
- Genesis 1:26 Explained: Trinity Debunked (Radio episode)
- Hard Facts (Article)
- Have Christians Discovered the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Shema Prayer? (Article)
- Holy Spirit: Breath of Yah | Learn what the Holy Spirit really is! (Radio episode)
- How Plato Influenced Our View of Yahuwah (Article)
- Is God a Trinity of Persons? (Radio episode)
- Meaning of ''Echad'' | Trinity Debunked (Radio episode)
- My Lord and my God! Trinity Debunked in John 20:28 (Radio episode)
- My Lord and my God: Trinitarians get it wrong (Article)
- New evidence for the trinity! Or not? (Radio episode)
- One Yah Vs. Triune Godhead: The Truth About the Trinity! (Radio episode)
- Oneness & Trinity Myths (Myths 1-3) (Radio episode)
- Oneness & Trinity Myths (Myths 4-6) (Radio episode)
- Origination of the Trinity (Radio episode)
- Origins of Jesus: Trinity Debunked (Radio episode)
- Paganism, Plato & the Trinity (Radio episode)
- Questions Every Sincere Trinitarian/Binitarian Should Contemplate (Article)
- Questions to Ask Trinitarians (Radio episode)
- Servetus' Ashes Cry Out Against John Calvin (Article)
- Shameful Trinitarian (John 8:58) Claim (Radio episode)
- Shameful Trinitarian John 8:58 Claim (Radio episode)
- Some Thoughts on the History of the Trinity (Article)
- The Baptism of Yahushua and the Doctrine of the Trinity: A Study of Mark 1:9-11 (Article)
- The Comforter: It’s not who you think it is! (Radio episode)
- The False Trinity & Triune G-d eCourse (eCourse)
- The Insignificance of the Number 3 (Article)
- The Meaning of Elohim: It’s not what you think! (Article)
- The Stages of Trinitarian Commitment (Radio episode)
- The Struggle of Scholars to Find the Triune God (Article)
- The Surprising Origins of the Trinity Doctrine (Article)
- The Trinity (Q&A)
- The Trinity (Article)
- The Trinity & the Problem of Confirmation Bias (Radio episode)
- The Trinity Defined and Refuted (Radio episode)
- The Trinity Is Idolatry (Article)
- THE TRINITY: Satan's Ultimate Deception (Article)
- The Trinity: Who Knows? (Article)
- Tips on Talking to Trinitarians about John 1 (Radio episode)
- Tradition, Religion, and Theological Politics (Article)
- Trinitarian Forgery of 1 John 5:7 (Radio episode)
- Trinity Debunked in the Book of Revelation (Radio episode)
- Trinity Doctrine - The Big Fat 3rd Person Lie (Radio episode)
- Trinity World's (Hebrews 1:10) LIE (Radio episode)
- Trinity World's Kenodoxia Jesus (Radio episode)
- Unitarian Dr. Tuggy vs. Trinitarian Dr. Brown. (WLC sides with Dr. Tuggy.) (Radio episode)
- Vicegerent of Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Were We Deceived? (Article)
- Who (or what) is Elohim? (Radio episode)
- Who Is The Creator? God or Christ? (Radio episode)
- Why the Shema cannot be referring to the Trinity (Radio episode)
- Why the Trinity Won (Radio episode)
- “Dangers of the Trinity Doctrine” (Radio episode)
The ''Oneness'' Error:
- (Hebrews 1:8) 'Your throne ho theos' (Radio episode)
- 1 + 1 ≠ 1 (Radio episode)
- Can The Same Single Line Begin At Two Different Points? (Radio episode)
- Can Yahuwah be the High Priest? (Article)
- Confusing God with Jesus: This Doctrine Bears Poor Fruit (Radio episode)
- Contrasting One God with Oneness (Radio episode)
- Differences Between Yahuwah and Yahushua (Article)
- Doctrine of God and Christ (Radio episode)
- Does the Bible support “Oneness Theology”? (Radio episode)
- Does Yahushua's Use of ''I Am'' Mean He Is Yahuwah? (Article)
- God and Jesus - The Biblical Distinction (Radio episode)
- If Yahushua Is Yahuwah, What Does This Say About Yahuwah? (Article)
- The Father and the Son (Two, Not One) (Article)
- The Father, the-Son and Us (Radio episode)
- The God of Jesus - Part 1 (Radio episode)
- The God of Jesus - Part 2 (Radio episode)
- The God of Yahushua (Article)
- The LORD said to my Lord David's Riddle (Radio episode)
- The Word Became Flesh? Why John 1:14 Does NOT Say Yahuwah Became Man (Article)
- Which Stream Are You Drinking From? (Article)
- Your Judge's God (Radio episode)
Yahushua: One Nature [100% human]:
- Is Jesus God or Subject to God? (Radio episode)
- ''Yahushua is Worshipped, so He Must Be Yahuwah.'' Really? (Article)
- A Letter from the Lord Yahushua (Article)
- A Man at the Right Hand of God (Radio episode)
- A Man Died for Our Sins - Removing the Stumbling Block (Radio episode)
- A Man Will Be Our Judge (Radio episode)
- Another Jesus (Radio episode)
- Another Look at John 1 (Radio episode)
- Another Yahushua? A Different Good News? (Article)
- Christ - A Man Mediates Yahuwah's Spirit (Radio episode)
- Christ the Prophet of the New Covenant (Radio episode)
- Christ the Rock (Radio episode)
- Christ's Mind or Yours? (Radio episode)
- Christ’s Personal Pronouns (Radio episode)
- Colossians 1:16 NEW Creation in Christ-Reconciled to God (Radio episode)
- Did Jesus Have to be God? Part 1 (Radio episode)
- Did Jesus Have to be God? Part 2 (Radio episode)
- Did Jesus Have to be God? Part 3 (Radio episode)
- Did Jesus Preexist? Part 1 (Radio episode)
- Did Paul Believe in the Preexistence of Christ? (Radio episode)
- Difficult Texts Made Easy (Radio episode)
- Do the Synoptic Gospels teach the Preexistence of Christ? (Radio episode)
- Does Proverbs 8 Prove a Pre-incarnate Christ? (Radio episode)
- Fathered by Yahuwah (Article)
- Five Options in Christology: Who is Jesus? (Radio episode)
- Gabriel’s Jesus (Radio episode)
- Hebrews - Ch. 1 | Jesus is One of Us! (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 3 & 5 - Jesus Builds a House & Learned Obedience (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 4 & 6 | Yahushua Tempted Like Us; On to Perfection (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 7 & 8 | Jesus a Priest Like Melchizedek; God's New Torah (Radio episode)
- How is Jesus Equal with God in John 5:18 (Radio episode)
- How the Father will Judge (Radio episode)
- Human Messiah Jesus - The Man & His Message (Radio episode)
- If Yahushua Pre-existed, He wasn’t a Human, John 17:5 (Article)
- Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah? (Dr. Brown vs. Dr. Schochet) (Radio episode)
- Is John 1:1 Parallel to the Man Moses? (Article)
- Jesus Denied he is God (Mark 10:18) (Radio episode)
- John 1 - The Larger Context (Radio episode)
- John 17:5 and The Glory Christ Had (Radio episode)
- John the Jew and THE WORD in John 1 (Radio episode)
- Kingdom of God Gospel & the One God & human Messiah (Radio episode)
- Literal Preexistence and Incarnation are Pagan Concepts Not Biblical Doctrine (Article)
- Losing Luke and Jumping to John (Article)
- Melchizedek: The Once & Future King (Article)
- MEN are partakers of the DIVINE Nature (Radio episode)
- Messiahs in Scripture: The true humanity of Christ (Radio episode)
- Michael & Yahushua: One & the Same? (Radio episode)
- Misunderstood Texts about Jesus - Part 1 (Radio episode)
- Misunderstood Texts about Jesus - Part 2 (Radio episode)
- Misunderstood Texts about Jesus - Part 3 (Radio episode)
- Notes on the Origin of Yahushua (Article)
- One of Us - For All of Us (Radio episode)
- Our High Calling: A New Look at John 1 (Radio episode)
- Parented by Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Power Under Authority (Article)
- Pre-existence (Panel Discussion) (Radio episode)
- Pre-incarnate Christ: Biblical Truth? Or Ancient heresy? (Article)
- Preexistence Words and Phrases (Radio episode)
- Previews of Christ: The True Preexistence of Yahushua (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #01 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #02 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #03 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #04 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #05 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #06 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #07 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #08 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #09 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #10 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #11 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #12 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #13 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #14 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #15 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #16 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #17 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #18 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #19 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #20 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #21 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #22 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #23 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #24 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #25 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #26 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #27 (Radio episode)
- Q & A with Sir Anthony Buzzard #28 (Radio episode)
- Questions about Preexistence (Article)
- Shocking evidence of Christ’s full humanity (Radio episode)
- Shocking new evidence reveals the true nature of Christ! (And it’s not what you think!) (Article)
- Shocking new light about the incarnation! (Radio episode)
- Shocking truth about the identity of our Savior! (Radio episode)
- Shocking truth about the identity of our Savior! (Article)
- Should We Worship Jesus as being God? (Radio episode)
- Should we Worship Jesus? (by J. Dan Gill) (Radio episode)
- Startling new truth from the book of Romans! (Radio episode)
- Testimony: Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat accepts Yahushua as the Jewish Messiah (Radio episode)
- The ''Word'' in Isaiah: A Key to New Testament Understanding (Article)
- The Case Against the Preexistence of Christ (Radio episode)
- The Despised and Rejected Servant of Isaiah 53 (Radio episode)
- The Doctrine of Pronouns Applied to Christ’s Testimony of Himself (Article)
- The First Verse of the Gospel of John (Article)
- The Human Jesus for Dummies (Radio episode)
- The Immortal Dies (Radio episode)
- The Incarnation Is A False Teaching (Article)
- The Man Jesus Gives Spiritual Gifts (Radio episode)
- The Man Jesus Gives the Holy Spirit (Radio episode)
- The Man Jesus Leads Us by the Holy Spirit NOW! (Radio episode)
- The Myth that Prevents a Human Messiah: Being Human is Not Good Enough (Article)
- The origins of Yahushua (Part 1) (Radio episode)
- The origins of Yahushua (Part 2) (Radio episode)
- The Prologue to John’s Gospel (Radio episode)
- The Prologue to John’s Gospel (Article)
- The Seed of the Woman, The Son of Man (Radio episode)
- The Servant Who Startles Nations (Isaiah 52:13-15) (Radio episode)
- The true origins of Christ (Radio episode)
- What is the biblical basis for Yahushua having one nature only, a human nature? (Article)
- When Did Yahuwah’s Son Come into Existence? (Part 1) (Article)
- When Did Yahuwah’s Son Come into Existence? (Part 2) (Article)
- Who Do You Say I Am? (Radio episode)
- Who is Jesus? (Dr. Brown vs Rabbi Blumofe) (Radio episode)
- Who is the “Word” in John 1? (It’s not what you think!) (Radio episode)
- Why the Jews Don't Believe in Jesus? (Radio episode)
- Wisdom From Proverbs (Radio episode)
- Yahushua Came Into the World (Article)
- Yahushua, the Human Agent of Yahuwah (Article)
▲TOP |
- Answering Objections to Annihilationism (Radio episode)
- Eternal Fire Exists ...but it's not what you think! (Video)
- Eternal Fire Exists! (Article)
- Everlasting Punishment
- Hell Fire | Would an Eloah of Love Burn Sinners Forever? (eCourse lesson)
- Hell Fire: Eternal Torment?
- Hell: A Twisted Truth Unraveled (Article)
- Hell: You've Got it All Wrong, Beloved! (Article)
- Is Hell Real? (Radio episode)
- Living (and dying) by the ever-lasting burnings (Radio episode)
- The Truth About Hell (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- ''Saturday is the Sabbath'' is FAKE NEWS! (Video)
- Constantine I & Hillel II: Two Men Who Deceived the Whole World (Article)
- Delighting in the Sabbath (Article)
- FAKE NEWS! ''Saturday is the Sabbath'' (Article)
- Flee Babylon! NOW! No exemptions! (Radio episode)
- Heavenly Citizenship (eCourse lesson)
- How Sunday-keeping Began (eCourse lesson)
- Jews & the Sabbath (Radio episode)
- Jews & the Sabbath (Video)
- Jews & the Sabbath (Article)
- Lunar Sabbath (Article)
- Lunar Seventh-day Sabbath (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- Recovering the Lost Sabbaths (Article)
- Sabbath (Q&A)
- Sabbath in the Bible (Article)
- Saturday in Scripture (Radio episode)
- Saturday is not the Sabbath … and the Jews know it! (Radio episode)
- Seal of Yahuwah (eCourse lesson)
- The Jesuits & the great Sabbath coverup (Radio episode)
- The Sabbath from Creation to Sinai (Radio episode)
- The Sabbath | Part 1 - Revealing Yahuwah's Character (Article)
- The Sabbath | Part 2 - Eternal & Forever (Article)
- The Sabbath | Part 4 - Solitary Worship (Article)
- The Sabbath: Gift of Yah | Delight of the Soul (Video)
- The Sabbath: Revealing Yah’s Character (Radio episode)
- The Sabbath: The eternal privilege of worship (Radio episode)
- The Saturday Swindle: Hiding the Sabbath - Part 1 (Video)
- The Saturday Swindle: Hiding the Sabbath - Part 2 (Video)
Answering Objections to Sabbath Keeping:
- Paul & Galatians: Just what was he talking about? (Radio episode)
- Paul & the Galatians (Article)
- Paul & the Galatians: Were the Sabbaths & Feasts Nailed to the Cross? (Video)
- Paul, Romans & the Sabbath (Article)
- Paul, Romans & the Sabbath (Radio episode)
- Paul, Romans & the Sabbath (Video)
- The Fake News Series | Part 1: ''All Days are the Same!'' (Video)
- The surprising meaning of “Even” (Radio episode)
- What was Nailed to the Cross? An Examination of Colossians 2 (Article)
- What was Nailed to the Cross? | Understanding Colossians 2 (Video)
- Yahushua’s Death: Abolishing the Law? (Article)
Answering Objections to the Lunar Sabbath:
- In Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 1 (Video)
- In Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 2 (Video)
- In Defense of the Lunar Sabbath | Part 3 (Video)
- Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 1 (Article)
- Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 2 (Article)
- Lunar Sabbath | The Defense - Part 3 (Article)
- New Moons & Manna | The Pattern in the Wilderness (Article)
- Objections of Ministries & Former WLC Members (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- The Moon is Sick & Other Silly Assumptions (Article)
- When was the Moon Created? Does the Day Really Matter? (Article)
▲TOP |
- ''Covered With His Blood, Whiter Than Snow'' - Clothed in the righteousness of Christ (Radio episode)
- Abraham's Prompt Obedience to the Call of God (Radio episode)
- An Earnest Warning Against Lukewarmness (Radio episode)
- Christ's Love to His Spouse (Radio episode)
- Creation? Or Evolution? Which do you believe? (Article)
- Creationist? Or Evolutionist? Which are you? (Radio episode)
- Ephesians 6:17a - The Helmet of Salvation (Radio episode)
- Eternal Life Through Yahushua (eCourse lesson)
- Holiness Demanded (Radio episode)
- Hope for sinners. This man receives sinners! (Radio episode)
- How Do I Repent? What is Repentance? (Radio episode)
- Indwelling Sin (Radio episode)
- It Is Finished… The Last Words of Yahushua. (Article)
- Jesus Saves Today (Radio episode)
- Levels in the Kingdom [important sermon] (Radio episode)
- Once Saved, Always Saved: The ''Eternal Security'' Deception! (Video)
- Once Saved, Always Saved? (Article)
- Predestination: A Divine Lottery? (Article)
- Predestination: Lottery for Your Soul? (Video)
- Preparation for living with Yahuwah (Article)
- Preparation for living with Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Salvation (eBooks)
- Salvation is an individual gift, not a group gift (Article)
- Salvation is an individual gift, not a group gift (Radio episode)
- Salvation Through The New Covenant (eCourse lesson)
- Salvation | The Importance of Obedience (Article)
- Salvation: Received, not Achieved! (Article)
- Saved by Whose Works? (Radio episode)
- The Forgotten Gospel (Radio episode)
- The Gospel | From Sin to Salvation! (Article)
- The Gospel: Good news! Not good advice (Radio episode)
- The New Covenant: Promise of Transformation (Article)
- The One Gospel (Article)
- The Power and Joy of Repentance (Radio episode)
- The Secret of Salvation (Article)
- The Sin of Unbelief! (Radio episode)
- The Sinner’s Hope: This man receives sinners! (Article)
- Twice-Born (eCourse lesson)
- What Must I Do to Be Saved? (Radio episode)
- What Must I Do to Be Saved? (Article)
- Yahushua: Our Great High Priest (Article)
- A Gift Beyond Price (Radio episode)
- Assurance of our Salvation (Radio episode)
- Forensic Justification (Radio episode)
- Hid with Christ in Yahuwah (Article)
- Hid with Christ in Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Justification by Faith (Radio episode)
- Justification Doctrine in Paul Simplified (Radio episode)
- Justification: The gift that keeps on giving! (Radio episode)
- Justified by Works 'The Faith Alone LIE' (Radio episode)
- Learn the Gifts of Justification by Faith! (Article)
- Obtaining Yahuwah's Righteousness (Article)
- Obtaining Yahuwah's Righteousness: Faith in the Gospel Understood! (Video)
- Righteousness By Faith (eCourse lesson)
- Righteousness by Faith (Article)
- Salvation: Received, Not Achieved (Radio episode)
- Sinless . . . through faith (Article)
- The Gospel of Justification (Desmond Ford) [Audio File] (Article)
Yahuwah's Great Love:
- Eternal Love | Part 1: Yahuwah's Love for Man (Article)
- Eternal Love | Part 3: Man's Response (Article)
- The Wounds of Jesus (Radio episode)
- Yahushua: His Life for Mine (Article)
- Yahuwah is the best friend you will ever have. Here’s why . . . (Video)
- Yahuwah is the best friend you will ever have. Here’s why . . . (Article)
- Yahweh is Compassionate Psalm 103:8-18 (Radio episode)
- Yah’s Love for You (Radio episode)
- Yah’s Ultimate Plan (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- ''Absent from the body and present with the Lord'' (Article)
- Can The Dead Speak To Us? (eCourse lesson)
- Death and Immortality (Article)
- Death | Its Mysteries Unraveled (Video)
- Did Yahushua Go to Hell When he Died? (Radio episode)
- Enoch & Elijah are not in Heaven! But do you know where the Bible says they are? (Article)
- Fellow Inheritors of the Kingdom (Article)
- How to comfort the sorrowing (And how not to!) (Radio episode)
- Immortal Soul Symposium (Part 1) (Radio episode)
- Immortal Soul Symposium (Part 2) (Radio episode)
- Lazarus & What Happens After Death (Radio episode)
- Learn what happened to Enoch & Elijah! (It’s not what you think!) (Radio episode)
- Life After Death (Radio episode)
- Life After Death — According to Martha and Yahushua (Article)
- Life and Death: The Bible Truth (Article)
- Rest in Peace (Video)
- Rest in Peace | Trailer (Video)
- Rest in Peace | What happens after death? (Article)
- Spiritualism and the Reward of the Saints (Article)
- Spiritualism: The Great Deception (eCourse lesson)
- State of the Dead (Q&A)
- State of the Dead (eBooks)
- Talking to the Dead: Talking to Demons (Article)
- Talking to the Dead: Talking to Demons (Video)
- The Enigma of the End of Enoch and Elijah (Article)
- The Great Christian Hope: The Resurrection (Article)
- The Immortal Soul: A Devastating Doctrine (Article)
- What Do People ''Do'' When They Die? (Article)
- What happens after death? (Radio episode)
- Yahushua & the Spirits in Prison (Radio episode)
- You can’t communicate with the dead! (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- 1 Timothy 1: ''The law is not for a righteous person'' (Article)
- Did Christ declare all foods clean? Misunderstandings regarding Mark 7:19 (Article)
- Hebrews 9 | The Blood of the New Torah (Radio episode)
- Isn’t ''Every Creature'' Good to Eat Now? (1 Timothy 4:4-5) (Article)
- Old Testament Examples of Punishment in Genesis 7 &19 (Radio episode)
- Polygamy & the Torah (Radio episode)
- Spirituality in the Laws of Purity (Article)
- The Case for the 10 Commandments (Article)
- The Ten Commandments (Article)
- Torah (Non-WLC Videos)
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- Under the Law? Or Under Grace? (Article)
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- After Covid: The Church in the 21st Century (Radio episode)
- Apostate Churches! Identifying the Fallen Foes of the True Ekklesia (Article)
- Changeling: Christians becoming pagan (Radio episode)
- Church of the Called Out Ones (Article)
- Church of the Called Out Ones (Radio episode)
- Get out of her, My people!
- Home Ekklesia (Q&A)
- Sons of Zadok | Invitation to partner with Yah! (Radio episode)
- The Battle Over Worship eCourse (eCourse)
- The Home Ekklesia (Article)
- The Joys of Home Worship: How to worship at home (Radio episode)
- The War for Worship: When you worship IS important! (Radio episode)
- What Does The Bible Say About Home Ekklesia? (eCourse lesson)
- Where Is Yahuwah's True Ekklesia? (eCourse lesson)
- Worshiping a Lamb (Revelation 5:12-14) (Radio episode)
- Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth (Article)
- Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth (Radio episode)
- Yahuwah's Ekklesia (eBooks)
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- Did the apostles expect Christ’s return to be “soon”? (Radio episode)
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- If Christ is coming “soon,” where is he? (Radio episode)
- The ''Coming Again'' of Yahushua in John 14 (Article)
- Yahushua’s Return Will be Sudden and Most Unexpected (Article)
Secret Rapture (Fallacy):
- LEFT BEHIND | Myth (Video)
- Rapture (eBooks)
- The Pre-tribulation Rapture Exposed (Radio episode)
- The Truth about the Rapture (Radio episode)
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- 'The Kingdom of Yahuwah is in the midst of you' (Article)
- Believe the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Believing Yahushua’s Gospel (Article)
- Christ - Sitting Next to Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Christ: Yahuwah’s agent on earth and in Heaven (Radio episode)
- Co-Heirs With Jesus - What Does It Mean? (Radio episode)
- Evangelism and the Kingdom of Yahuwah (Article)
- His Temple with men: The secret longing of the Father’s heart! (Article)
- John 3:16: Beware of a Vague Misunderstanding (Article)
- The Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahuwah (Article)
- THE KEY OF DAVID (Article)
- The Kingdom of Yahuwah Is Like a Traffic Light: A Personal Story (Article)
- What does the Bible mean by ''Preaching the Gospel''? (Article)
- What Is the Main Thing? (Article)
Heaven is NOT the Christian goal:
- #Hell
- #State of the Dead
- #Yahushua's Return
- A Glimpse of the Christian Future in the Kingdom (Article)
- Christianity’s Platonic Heaven (Article)
- Christ’s Standard of Discipleship (Article)
- Heaven to Earth: The Christian Hope in the Resurrection (Article)
- Paradise Restored (eCourse lesson)
- Recovering the True Gospel of the Coming Kingdom of Yahuwah (Article)
- The Christian’s Hope! (Radio episode)
- The Gospel of Christ Yahushua is about the Kingdom of Yahuwah on Earth eCourse (eCourse)
- The Truth that Sets Us Free (Article)
- Where will the Kingdom be Established? (Article)
▲TOP |
- Annual Feasts (Luni-solar: You Ask, We Answer)
- Can you keep the festivals outside of Jerusalem and the temple? (Article)
- Celebrating the Spring Anniversaries (Article)
- Day of Atonement (Article)
- Pentecost | Calculation Restoration (Article)
- The Fall Feasts (Article)
Feast Days vs. Beast Days:
- ''Christian Festivals'' (Q&A)
- A Christmas Message You Don’t Want to Hear (Radio episode)
- Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions (Article)
- Christmas: Origin, History, & Traditions (Video)
- Easter | Pagan Passover (Article)
- Easter | The Pagan Passover (Video)
- Pagan Holidays: Christmas & Easter (eCourse)
- St. Valentine's Day: Where did it come from? (Article)
- The Resurrection: Easter? or First Fruits? (Article)
- The Resurrection: Easter? or First Fruits? (Video)
Passover Examination:
- The Last Supper: Passover? or Not? (Article)
- The Last Supper: Passover? Or regular meal? (Radio episode)
- The Passover Puzzle (Article)
▲TOP |
- Daniel & Revelation (Q&A)
- Last Day(s), Latter Days, Last Times (Article)
- Making Sense of Ezekiel’s Temple Vision (Article)
- Philadelphia versus Laodicea: Learn why the final generation must leave Laodicea and join the church of Philadelphia. (Radio episode)
- Re-discovering Old Truths in Prophecy (Radio episode)
- Sigh, Cry, & Flee! (Video)
- Sighing & Crying … or Fleeing! (Radio episode)
- Sighing & Crying… or Fleeing! (Article)
- The Amazing Witness of Fulfilling Bible Prophecy (Article)
- The Latter Rain is Falling Now! (Video)
- The Latter Rain is Falling Now! Learn what it is and how you can receive it. (Radio episode)
- The Latter Rain Is Falling! (Are you receiving it?) (Article)
- Transhumanism: Humanity Under Siege (Radio episode)
- Transhumanism: Humanity under siege! (Article)
- World News
Olivet Discourse:
- 66 A.D. - Jerusalem's Christians Flee To Pella and the Decapolis Area! (Article)
- Are There ''Signs'' of the Second Coming of Christ? (Article)
- Matthew 24: Double Fulfillment Is Not Possible (Article)
- Olivet Discourse (Non-WLC Videos)
- The Case for the Preterist Reading of Matthew 24 (Article)
- The cataclysmic siege of Jerusalem in AD 70 and its impact on Judaism and Christianity (Article)
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (Article)
- The Importance Of AD 70 (Article)
- Why I’m A Partial Preterist (Article)
- Yahushua Never Predicted the End of the World (Article)
- Appalling Papal Proclamations | Straight from the Harlot's Mouth (Article)
- Catholic Church (Non-WLC Videos)
- Catholicism (eBooks)
- Papal Infallibility: It’s not what most Protestants think! (Article)
- Roman Catholic Church (Q&A)
- Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis: Who are you going to believe? (Video)
- Yahushua Vs. Pope Francis: Who will you believe? (Article)
The Book of Daniel:
- 5 Proofs that Daniel's 70th Week has been Fulfilled (Article)
- Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (eCourse lesson)
- Daniel 9: Prophecy Of The Messiah (eCourse lesson)
- Daniel the Prophet (Article)
- Daniel’s 70-week prophecy fulfilled! (Radio episode)
- The Book of Daniel eCourse (eCourse)
The Book of Revelation:
- 2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism (Article)
- 30 Reasons Why I am an Amillennialist (Article)
- Because Christ Reigns! Three ways amillennialism impacts my Christian life (Article)
- Book of Revelation (Non-WLC Videos)
- Decoding Revelation (Radio episode)
- Difficult Passage: The Mark of the Beast (Article)
- Jerusalem's many names in Revelation (Article)
- Old Testament References in the Book of Revelation (Article)
- Revelation & the Destruction of Jerusalem (Radio episode)
- Ten Reasons to believe Revelation was written before 70 AD (Article)
- The Book of Revelation (eBooks)
- The Case for Nero Caesar being the Beast of Revelation (Article)
- The Mark of The Beast Revealed (Article)
- The Millennium: An Amillennial Synthesis of the Biblical Data (Article)
- The Number One Key to Reading Revelation (Article)
- Two Witnesses in the Scriptures (Revelation 11 Explained) (Article)
The Jesuits:
- 10 FACTS You Must Know About The Jesuits! (Article)
- Catholic Confidential | Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed! (Video)
- Catholic Confidential | Deplorable Jesuit Secrets Revealed! (Article)
- Facts About the Jesuits You Need to Know (Radio episode)
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▲TOP |
- 'Our Daily Bread,' Did you get yours? (Radio episode)
- (Matthew 7:1-6) Do We Judge or Not? (Radio episode)
- (Matthew 7:13-27) The Gate and Road are Narrow (Radio episode)
- A Message from Micah: Her Wound Is Incurable (Micah 1:1-9) (Article)
- Adornment & the Christian: The Problem with Jewelry (Video)
- Adornment and the Christian (Article)
- Be a Person of Your Word (Radio episode)
- Behave Better than a Pharisee (Radio episode)
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- Disaster Preparedness: The Christian’s Duty! (Video)
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- Eye for an Eye or Mercy (Radio episode)
- Eyes Full of Adultery (Radio episode)
- Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (Article)
- Give Us This Day, Our Daily Bread (Radio episode)
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- How To Converse With God (Radio episode)
- How We Influence the World? (Radio episode)
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- Living By Faith & Not By Sight (Radio episode)
- Love What Yahweh Loves (Radio episode)
- Love your Neighbor (Radio episode)
- Loving Your Enemies (Radio episode)
- Overcome Evil with Good (Radio episode)
- Persecuted for Righteousness (Radio episode)
- Raising children for Christ (Radio episode)
- Reclaiming Biblical Spirituality (Article)
- Removing the Deadly Leaven: The Pharisee in us All (Article)
- Removing the Deadly Leaven: The Pharisee in us All (Video)
- Shepherding the Sick (Radio episode)
- The Cost of Discipleship ALL you have (Radio episode)
- The Great Commission (eCourse lesson)
- The Jonah Syndrome: Love Your Enemies! (Article)
- The Most Important Thing (Article)
- The True Meaning of Roman’s 13: Believers’ Civil Duty Explained (Radio episode)
- Trembling Before Yahweh (Radio episode)
- What Does Luke 6:35 Mean? (Article)
- What it means to “fear” Yahuwah (Radio episode)
- Women’s role in the Ekklesia (Article)
- Women’s Role in the Home & Ekklesia | The Bride of Yahushua eCourse (eCourse)
- Yahuwah’s Promise to Parents (Article)
- YOU are the Light of the world (Radio episode)
- “Lord, Lord” Pretender Christians (Radio episode)
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- Anti-Bible Statements by Ellen White in Praise of John Calvin (Article)
- Anti-Bible Statements by Ellen White in the Narration of Her First Vision (Article)
- Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White led the SDA Church to endorse the Trinity doctrine (Article)
- Anti-Bible Statements by Ellen White on Meat Eating (Article)
- Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White on Michael the Archangel being Christ (Article)
- Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White on the Flat Earth truth (Article)
- Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White on the Millennium (Article)
- Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White on what allegedly happened in 1844 (Article)
- Anti-Bible Statements by Ellen White on Yahushua (Article)
- Anti-Bible Statements by Ellen White Undermining the New Moon Day (Article)
- Could it be that Ellen White's Writings Trump the Scriptures? (Article)
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- 14 Reasons Why I Won’t Watch 'The Chosen' (Article)
- Competition: the Spirit of War (Article)
- Leisure & the Gift of Time (Article)
- Movies: Satanic Mind Control (Article)
- The Addiction of Gambling (Video)
- The Most Accountable Talent (eCourse lesson)
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- (Matthew 6:25-34) Don't Worry, Seek the Kingdom (Radio episode)
- 6 Strategies for Success as a New Believer (Radio episode)
- A Life In Yah: Learn how to live in His presence, day-by-day (Radio episode)
- All Joy in All Trials (Radio episode)
- Ask for Help! (Radio episode)
- Asymmetrical warfare & the power of praise (Radio episode)
- Comfort for the Tempted (Radio episode)
- Conquering Anxiety (Article)
- Developing the Faith of Yahushua (Radio episode)
- Divine Guidance: Learn how to know Yah’s will for you individually! (Article)
- Divine Guidance: Learn how to know Yah’s will for you individually! (Video)
- Do not Fear Disasters (Radio episode)
- Dwelling in the Secret Place of the Most High (Video)
- Ephesians 6:16 - The Shield of Faith (Radio episode)
- Faith is the Victory! (Article)
- Faith: the empty hand that grasps the promise (Radio episode)
- Fake Faith vs. Authentic Faith (Radio episode)
- Fear is a gift from Yahuwah (Video)
- Forsaking our First Love (Radio episode)
- Getting Acquainted with God (Radio episode)
- Heaven’s Heroes: Michael & Margaretha Sattler (Article)
- Holding Firm to the Faith (Radio episode)
- Hope from Lamentations! (Article)
- How Jesus Overcame? (Radio episode)
- It’s not a sin to be human! (Radio episode)
- Joshua’s Secret to Success (Radio episode)
- Learn how to access divine power! (Radio episode)
- Learn How to Access Untapped Divine Power! (Article)
- Learn How to Access Untapped Divine Power! (Video)
- Living in Two Worlds (Radio episode)
- Look at the Wildflowers and Don't Worry (Radio episode)
- Michael Sattler: Faithful unto Death (Video)
- Obtaining Divine Mercy (Article)
- Patience of the Saints (Article)
- Praise! A tool in asymmetrical warfare! (Article)
- Principles for Overcoming (Article)
- Radical faith and the gift of giving (Radio episode)
- Resisting unto Blood (Article)
- Serving Yahuwah Through Our Problems (Radio episode)
- Steps to increase your faith (Radio episode)
- Strategies for Long Time Believers (Radio episode)
- The Faith of Yahushua (Radio episode)
- The gift of fear (Radio episode)
- The gift of obedience (Radio episode)
- The Great & Precious Promises (Article)
- The Key to Victory Over Sin (Radio episode)
- The Most Powerful Promise in the Universe! (Article)
- The Most Powerful Promise in the Universe! (Radio episode)
- The Most Powerful Promise in the Universe! (Video)
- The People and Offence of Hebrews 6:4-6 (Article)
- The Rich Rewards of Radical Faith! (Article)
- The Secret of Overcoming: Possessing the Faith of Yahushua (Article)
- This Day With Yahuwah (Article)
- Turning Tragedy to Triumph! (Article)
- Under the Shadow of His Wings: Hiding in the Secret Place of the Most High (Article)
- Victory for Embattled Believers (Radio episode)
- Your Ezekiel Moment (Article)
▲TOP |
- (Matthew 7:15-20) False Prophets and Fruit (Radio episode)
- Beware of the (False) Prosperity Gospel: Learn the Dangers of the Unbiblical Prosperity Gospel (Radio episode)
- Beware the deadly leaven! (Radio episode)
- Bribing Yahuwah: The Heresy of the Prosperity Gospel (Video)
- Church Apostasy (Non-WLC Videos)
- Church Corporations: Sacrificing Integrity for Money! (Video)
- Did Yahushua Exist? A Response to (Article)
- Entangled with Independent Ministries: In Danger of Darkness! (Video)
- Independent Ministries: Beware of the hidden trap! (Article)
- Is Yahushua also Michael the Archangel? (Article)
- Is Yahushua the Only “Christ” in the Bible? (Article)
- John Calvin Versus Jesus (Radio episode)
- Modern Christian Faith Healing (eBooks)
- Once Saved, Always Saved: Precious promise? Or deadly heresy? (Radio episode)
- Paul: False Prophet? Or True Apostle? (Article)
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- Predestination Panel - Pulling the petals off Calvin's T.U.L.I.P (Radio episode)
- Predestination—a divine lottery (Radio episode)
- Prosperity Gospel (eBooks)
- Rejecting Today’s False Gospel (Radio episode)
- State Controlled Churches: The 501c3 Deception (Article)
- The Error of Dispensationalism (Video)
- The Prosperity Gospel: Religious Pay-to-Play (Article)
- The “Why” Behind the Lie (Radio episode)
- Winds of Doctrine (Non-WLC Videos)
- Zeitgeist | The Response (Part 2) (Video)
- Zeitgeist | The Response (Part 3) (Video)
▲TOP |
- Appetite: Key to Success or Failure (Article)
- Doctors' Medicine and the Believer (Radio episode)
- Grounding/Earthing (Non-WLC Videos)
- Health (Non-WLC Videos)
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- Masquerading Sorcery: Satan’s Secret Trap (Article)
- The #1 Best Natural Remedy! Activated Charcoal! (Article)
- Why Do Bad Things Happen? Sickness & Healing (Radio episode)
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- Yahuwah's Plan For Your Health (eCourse lesson)
- Your Health (Video)
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- The False Assumptions of Dispensationalism (Article)
- The True Israel Of Yahuwah (eCourse lesson)
- Who Is Israel? (Article)
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- Answering Objections to Divorce (Radio episode)
- Answering Objections to Divorce (MDR, pt. 4) (Video)
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- Divorce and Remarriage (a Conversation with Pastor John Carroll) (Video)
- Divorce in the Law of Moses (Radio episode)
- Divorce in the Law of Moses (MDR, pt. 3) (Video)
- Marriage Ceremonies for Called Out Ones (Article)
- Match Made in Heaven (Article)
- Matthew 5:31-32 ''Intro to Marriage, Divorce, and ReMarriage'' (Video)
- The Divine Institution (eCourse lesson)
- The Mathematics of Marriage (Article)
- The Meaning of Marriage (Video)
- The Permanency of Marriage (Radio episode)
- The Permanency of Marriage (MDR, pt. 2) (Video)
- The Secret to a Successful Marriage (Radio episode)
- The Single Life: The Secrets of Fulfillment (Article)
- To Put Away Without Divorce (Understanding Matthew 5:31-32; MDR, pt. 5) (Video)
- What Marriage is All About (Ex. 22:16-17; Gen. 24) (Video)
- What the Bible Says About Marriage (Radio episode)
- Why Are Your Prayers Unanswered? (Video)
- Will There be Marriage in Yah’s Kingdom? (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- (1 John 1:8) a very abused verse (Radio episode)
- (Matthew 7:28-29) He Taught With Authority (Radio episode)
- 20 Verses Christianity Ignores! (Radio episode)
- A lesson from the disciple of Yahushua who ran away naked (Article)
- A Truth Whose Time Has Come (Radio episode)
- Another Look at the Seven Deadlies (Radio episode)
- Biblical Beliefs (Non-WLC Videos)
- Commentary on the most cheering passage in the Bible (Radio episode)
- Conviction is Free (the Story of Miguel Servet & Michael Servetus) (Radio episode)
- Creation Truth (Non-WLC Videos)
- Definition of Keywords (Q&A)
- Difficult Bible Verses (Q&A)
- Edward Wightman: A Tragic Death (Article)
- Evidence for Yahushua’s Existence (Radio episode)
- Four Great Truths About the Truth (Radio episode)
- Gratitude: Awakened by Love (Radio episode)
- Great Was the Company of Women (Interview with Jason Weatherly) (Radio episode)
- Great Was the Company of Women Interview (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 10 | The New and Living Way (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 11 | Our Fathers of Faith (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 12 | Looking to Jesus (Radio episode)
- Hebrews 13 | The Everlasting Covenant (Radio episode)
- Holy Longings (Radio episode)
- How Saul the Pharisee became a servant of Yahushua (Radio episode)
- How Saul the Pharisee became a servant of Yahushua (Part 2) (Radio episode)
- Huldah the Prophetess (Radio episode)
- Hymns (Non-WLC Videos)
- Inspirational (Non-WLC Videos)
- Interview with Anthony Buzzard (Radio episode)
- Introduction to the First Gospel (Isaiah 53) (Radio episode)
- Is the New Testament Anti-semitic? (Dr. Brown vs. R. Shmuley) (Radio episode)
- Isaiah 53, the rabbis, & the Messiah (Radio episode)
- John Calvin Killed Rival Theologians: Bad Bible Interpretation Justified It (Article)
- Man's Greatest Achievement (Radio episode)
- Miscellaneous (Non-WLC Videos)
- Miscellaneous (Q&A)
- No Peace, No Messiah (Article)
- Not Peace but a Sword (Radio episode)
- Pagan Names & Titles (Q&A)
- Political Implications of the Resurrection (Radio episode)
- Restorationist Manifesto (Radio episode)
- Shortwave Radio (Non-WLC Videos)
- The Samaritan Woman (Radio episode)
- The Word of the Cross (Radio episode)
- Tyranny & Oppression (Non-WLC Videos)
- Wake Up! Wake Up! (Radio episode)
- Welcome to WLC! (Video)
- What Do We Really Learn from John 3:16? (Radio episode)
- What Lacks in the Afflictions of Christ? (Radio episode)
- WHY Jesus was an Amazing Teacher? (Radio episode)
- WLC Radio (Q&A)
- Yahushua: The Bridge Between the Covenants (Article)
- Yah’s Love for Homosexuals (Article)
- You will be Judged for what you do (Radio episode)
▲TOP |
- Genesis 6 & the Giants/Nephilim (Q&A)
- Is Yahuwah a Murderer? (Radio episode)
- Nephilim (Giants) in the Bible: Is Yahuwah a Genocidal Maniac or a Loving Creator? (Video)
- Nephilim (Giants) in the Bible: Is Yahuwah a Genocidal Maniac or Loving Creator? (Article)
▲TOP |
- A Rebel Visits Earth (eCourse lesson)
- Was the Fall Eve's Fault? (Radio episode)
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- Prayer: Breath of the Soul - Living in the Presence of Yah (Radio episode)
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- The Secrets of Intercessory Prayer (Radio episode)
- “Why? Why?” Yah responds every time! (Radio episode)
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- His Name is Wonderful | Part 1 - Call Upon His Name! (Video)
- His Name is Wonderful | Part 2 - Yahuwah: Name of Promise (Video)
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- His Name is Wonderful | Part 4 - His Name in My Forehead (Article)
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- Holy Names of Father & Son (Q&A)
- Name Above All Names eCourse (eCourse)
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- Moved by the Spirit | Part 2 - Slain in the Spirit (Video)
- Slain in the Spirit (Radio episode)
- Slain in the Spirit! Christian Charisma: A Spirit from the Deep (Video)
- Slain in the Spirit: Truth or Heresy? (Article)
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- Almsgiving in Repentance for Christian Discipleship, Faith, & Grace eCourse (eCourse)
- An Evil Eye (Radio episode)
- Atoning Almsgiving (Radio episode)
- Does Yahushua Teach Us to Sell All Our Possessions? (Article)
- It is More Blessed to Give . . . (Article)
- The Good Eye and Evil-Eye (Radio episode)
- Tithing - The Secret Of Prosperity (eCourse lesson)
- Yah Rewards Giving to the Poor (Radio episode)
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