Assumptions are dangerous – especially when they are made in the realm of religion. If a theological belief is based upon a faulty assumption, the religious practice will be in error. The most common assumptions in Christendom are that Saturday is the Scriptural Sabbath, and Sunday is the day on which Yahushua was resurrected. These beliefs are built upon another assumption: that the modern week has cycled continuously and without interruption ever since Creation. The facts of the Julian calendar, however, prove these assumptions false.
The Julian calendar was established in 45 B.C. Like the calendar of the Roman Republic before it, the early Julian calendar had an eight day week! Days of the week on the Republican and early Julian calendars were assigned letters: A through H. All early Julian calendars (fasti) still in existence date from 63 B.C. to A.D. 37.
An eight-day week is clearly discernable on these stone fragments.
Reconstruction of Fasti Antiates, the only calendar of the Roman Republic still in existence.1
As the Roman Empire expanded, it came into contact with Mithraism, which quickly became a popular religious cult in Rome. Mithraism brought a seven-day week with days named after planetary gods.
“It is not to be doubted that the diffusion of the Iranian [Persian] mysteries has had a considerable part in the general adoption, by the pagans, of the week with the Sunday as a holy day. The names which we employ, unawares, for the other six days, came into use at the same time that Mithraism won its followers in the provinces in the West, and one is not rash in establishing a relation of coincidence between its triumph and that concomitant phenomenon.” (Franz Cumont, Textes et Monuments Figures Relatifs aux Mysteres de Mithra, Vol. I, p. 112.)
“The pre-eminence assigned to the dies Solis [day of the Sun] also certainly contributed to the general recognition of Sunday as a holiday. This is connected with a more important fact, namely, the adoption of the week by all the European nations.” (Franz Cumont, Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans, p. 163, emphasis supplied.)
Sunday cannot be the day on which Yahushua arose from the dead, because Sunday did not exist in the eight-day Julian week of His day. Furthermore, Saturday cannot be the true Scriptural Sabbath because the seven-day planetary week originally began on Saturn’s day!
The Baths of Titus, in Rome, were built A.D. 79-81. A stick calendar was found there which clearly shows Saturn, god of agriculture, as god of the first day of the week.
Roman Stick Calendar
Dies Solis, or Sun’s day, can be seen as the second day of the week. Luna, the moon-goddess wearing the crescent moon as a diadem, is the third day of the week. The week ends on Venus’ day, dies Veneris, which corresponds to modern Friday, then the seventh-day of the week.
The pagan planetary week, like the Julian calendar that adopted it, is irreparably pagan. Historical facts reveal that neither the Scriptural Sabbath nor the Scriptural First Day can be found using the modern calendar. If it is important to worship on a specific day, than it is also important to use the correct, Scriptural calendar to count to that day.
The luni-solar calendar of Creation, using both sun and moon, is the only means to establish the true seventh-day Sabbath and the correct day of Christ’s resurrection.
“He appointed the moon for seasons.” Psalm 104:19
Seasons2: mo’edim. The worshipping assemblies of Yahuwah’s people.
There were two calendars available to the Israelites of Yahushua’s day:
- The pagan, solar Julian calendar with its eight-day week;
- The Biblical, luni-solar Hebrew calendar with a seven-day week and a weekly cycle that restarted with each new moon.
Which calendar do you think the Israelites (and Yahushua) used?
The day on which you worship, dictated by which calendar you use, reveals who you are worshipping.
1 Palazzo Massimo Alle Terme, ed. Adriano La Regina, 1998.
2 "Since the Jewish festivals occurred at regular intervals, this word becomes closely identified with them . . . Mo'ed is used in a broad sense for all religious assemblies. It was closely associated with the tabernacle itself . . . [Yahuwah] met Israel there at specific times for the purpose of revealing His will. It is a common term for the worshiping assembly of . . . [Yahuwah's] people." (See #4150, "Lexical Aids to the Old Testament," Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible, KJV.)
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