Turning Tragedy to Triumph!
If you want to come through trials with your faith stronger than before, it is important to focus on the long-term gain, rather than the short-term pain.
Obtaining Divine Mercy
No matter what trials confront or confuse you, come to Yahuwah just as you are. You can have every confidence that Yahuwah’s mercy will provide for your needs.
What Does Luke 6:35 Mean?
"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men." (Luke 6:35)
Hope from Lamentations!
The book of Lamentations contains a powerful lesson in faith and hope, affirming that Yahuwah is a God who keeps His promises—all of them.
Spirituality in the Laws of Purity
The biblical purity system proclaims that our confrontations with the temporal nature of life leave a deep spiritual imprint – from conception to birth to illness to death.
A Message from Micah: Her Wound Is Incurable (Micah 1:1-9)
The child of Yahuwah is urged to help the poor, feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and lift the downtrodden. While there is time, let us "rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave, weep over the erring one, lift the fallen, tell them of Yahushua the Mighty to save."
A lesson from the disciple of Yahushua who ran away naked
We have been claimed by Christ. What we cannot accomplish by ourselves, we can accomplish in him. Christ bravely bears witness to the truth. He freely sheds his blood on the wood of the cross. All that we must do, weak and fearful as we are, is to cling to him and to his cross.
Your Ezekiel Moment
Learn how Ezekiel was able to weather his moment, so that you too may overcome, and even delight in your trials.
Beware of Modern Pharisaism!
A shocking number of Christians have lapsed into pharisaical habits of thought and behavior. Sadly, these are often the most devout believers who are not even aware of their danger. Read on to learn about this very sophisticated trap of the devil.
It’s not a sin to be human!
There’s an unspoken belief that the state of being human is itself intrinsically sinful. This assumption needs to be addressed...
Praise! A tool in asymmetrical warfare!
Praise is far too important a weapon of spiritual warfare to not be more broadly known amongst Yah's people today. When you praise Yahuwah in every situation, you are declaring before the onlooking universe your faith in His love and power to save. That faith, acted upon in praise, will have its own impact, delivering you from the snares of the enemy.
Principles for Overcoming
What problems are you facing today? Are you or a loved one struggling with health issues? Family problems? Perhaps there are problems at work or maybe you’re dealing with the consequences of a mistake. Do you struggle with anxiety? Whatever the problem is that you are facing, Scripture presents principles that will give you wisdom on how to overcome.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
Matthew 6:8-11: The bread the Saviour is talking about is spiritual bread. Just as physical bread gives physical life, spiritual bread strengthens us spiritually and leads to eternal life! Are you receiving your daily bread?
The Rich Rewards of Radical Faith!
When we relieve the suffering of others in any way we can, we are in a very real way, relieving the suffering of the Father who feels everything they are feeling. Likewise, when we withhold help from those in need, we are withholding that from the Father Himself. Giving to others thus becomes a privilege and an act of worship.