Worship & Job Conflicts
All who commit to worship by the Biblical calendar will find that this decision greatly impacts nearly every area of their lives. For most, the problem of scheduling work around the Sabbath immediately arises. Learn the skills needed for negotiating accommodations for both work and school.
Downloadable Resources:
Letters to Employers: WLC is pleased to provide several different letters that may be used when requesting your employer for accommodation for keeping the holy days. Modify to fit your personal information, print off, and send!
Résumés: Introducing Yourself to an Employer: A well-written résumé is an essential first-step to gaining an interview. Write a résumé that highlights all you have to offer a prospective employer. Sample résumés have been provided for your review.
For Students & Teachers: Keeping the Lunar Sabbath can be difficult for students because the school year is regulated by the civil Gregorian calendar. Even those in advanced schooling, or those taking exams for professional licenses may find it necessary to ask for special accommodation. Here you will find several letter templates you can use for making such requests. Modify as needed to fit your own individual circumstances.