While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Free Online Bible Study Courses: Biblical Christian Doctrine from World's Last Chance

The eCourses below are completely free of charge and you also earn WLC points when you successfully complete the courses. With the points earned you can purchase books, CDs, WLC apparel, and more from our Free Store. As a registered member in the WLC Community, there is no further registration required for enrolling into the eCourses. By studying and starting the quiz for any lesson, you become automatically enrolled. The system in place will keep track of the lessons you successfully complete. The lessons completed will be marked in your own lesson index. We are confident that these eCourses will enrich your understanding of His truth, and will help you in your personal spiritual preparation for the soon second coming of Yahushua.
After successfully completing the eCourse or any part of it (for the longer eCourses), you will be awarded your earned points, at the rate of 25 points per each lesson.
Bible Study Lessons eCourse Bible Study Lessons eCourse The online Bible study course provides a series of lessons on Biblical Christian doctrine. Each point of faith is proven on the basis of Bible texts. Many will be surprised to learn that the Bible does not teach the Trinity, a secret rapture, a literal thousand-year kingdom of peace on the earth, nor many other doctrines commonly taught in today's churches. The entire doctrinal foundation necessary for saving faith and maintaining a Christian life appears in concise, but detailed form. While the scope of the course is challenging, every effort is made to make it accessible to everyone. It requires a close reading of the Scriptures and encourages immediate commitment to what one has learned.
7 parts: A total of 725 WLC Points.  
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Completed: 9273
Enrolled: 4
The Book of Daniel eCourse The Book of Daniel eCourse The Book of Daniel eCourse follows the details of this amazing prophetic book, focusing on its main themes: the life of faith under conditions of adversity, the rise of papal Rome as the most aggressively persecuting power in the world's history, the priestly work of Yahushua the Messiah, and the glorious return of our lord!
10 lessons: 250 WLC Points.
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Completed: 1277
Enrolled: 0
Changing Weeks: Hiding Sabbath eCourse Changing Weeks: Hiding Sabbath eCourse Calendars are religious devices, used for establishing worship times. Therefore, most calendar reforms have been religiously motivated, at least in part. This eCourse covers recent calendar reforms because calendar reform is needed: Sabbath reform requires calendar reform! However, the calendar reform that is currently being proposed would hide the true Sabbath still further. Believers of the final generation are called Repairers of the Breach because they lead out in true calendar reform: a return to true worship, on the true Sabbath, by the Creator’s true calendar.
5 lessons: 125 WLC Points.    
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Completed: 1209
Enrolled: 0
The Battle Over Worship eCourse The  Battle Over Worship eCourse This short eCourse reveals that in the war between Yahuwah and His adversary, Satan, the battleground is worship. When you worship reveals whom you worship. Satan has changed the calendar so that an earnest seeker for truth cannot even find the correct day to worship using the modern calendar. It is important to worship on the correct day because the day on which one worships is his pledge of allegiance to whichever Deity/deity he is worshipping: the Creator, Yahuwah, or that power which has set himself up in opposition to the Creator. The Biblical calendar, established at Creation, is the only means by which the true seventh-day Sabbath can be found.
4 lessons: 100 WLC Points.
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Completed: 1451
Enrolled: 0
Pagan Origins of the Modern Calendar eCourse Pagan Origins of the Modern Calendar eCourse This important eCourse will show that Christians today worship on Saturday or Sunday because they believe those days are the Biblical seventh and first days of the week. The fact that no days of the week were lost when the Julian calendar transitioned into the Gregorian calendar is used as proof that the modern week, Sunday through Saturday, has come down unchanged since Creation. However, the facts of the Julian calendar itself prove that this assumption is wrong. While the modern week is the same length as the Biblical week, it is founded upon a pagan week, not the Biblical week. Furthermore, the pagan week has a continuous cycle while the Biblical weeks restart at each New Moon. It is impossible to find the true day of Yahushua’s resurrection or the true Biblical Sabbath using the Julian calendar or its modern Gregorian equivalent.
6 lessons: 150 WLC Points.
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Completed: 861
Enrolled: 0
Guardian of History's Largest Religious Lie eCourse Guardian of History The origins of Saturday reveal the shocking identities of the hidden god and his modern representative.  Scripture reveals that the times of Israel's grossest apostasies were all centered around the worship of Saturn on his day.  This eCourse is a must-read for all who wish to honor their Creator.  You will never again view Saturday or Sunday in the same way after taking this eCourse.
5 lessons: 125 WLC Points.  
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Completed: 1095
Enrolled: 0
Name Above All Names eCourse Name Above All Names eCourse Scripture invites everyone to call upon the name of the Creator. This holy name is the Name Above All Names. It contains the power that called the universe into existence and is itself a promise! However, unless a person knows what the personal name of the Almighty is, he cannot call upon that Name which is above all names. Learn the name of the Father and the Son. Claim the promise of Their names. They are waiting eagerly to be all that you could ever ask or think!
10 lessons: 250 WLC Points.  
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Completed: 721
Enrolled: 0
New Moon Day: When & Why eCourse New Moon Day: When & Why eCourse This eCourse explains why New Moon Day commences at dawn following the lunar-solar conjunction.  In addition to providing both Biblical and historical evidence to support this method of reckoning, this course provides explanations of why no other method will work. 
5 lessons: 125 WLC Points      
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Completed: 571
Enrolled: 0
True New Year: When is it? eCourse True New Year: When is it? eCourse It is critical that all of Yahuwah's faithful Feast-keepers have a right understanding of when the Biblical New Year begins.  Some advocate using the Spring equinox, while others teach that the New Year is determined by the ripening barley in Palestine.  For those who are honestly seeking after truth, the debate essentially boils down to "Scripture vs. Tradition."  On which side do you stand?
3 lessons: A total of 75 WLC Points.    
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Completed: 701
Enrolled: 0
Flat Earth: The Bible Truth! eCourse Flat Earth: The Bible Truth! eCourse This eCourse explores the reality of the Flat Earth according to Scripture and reason.  It is not easy to shake off an entire lifetime of incessant conditioning and deceptive propaganda, but by the Father's grace, it can be achieved.  It is our prayer that you will lay your prejudices and presuppositions at the door of investigation and take the time to study this out with an open mind and honest heart.
8 lessons: 200 WLC Points.    
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Completed: 729
Enrolled: 0
Pagan Holidays: Christmas & Easter Pagan Holidays: Christmas & Easter Come out from among them!  Forsake your pagan traditions: Christmas, Easter, & Sunday Worship!  Return to Yah and make the Bible alone your creed.
4 lessons: 100 WLC Points.      
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Completed: 393
Enrolled: 0
The False Trinity & Triune G-d eCourse the false trinity and triune god Discover the fallacy of the trinitarian and binitarian doctrines! Yahuwah is ONE!
11 parts: A total of 2,450 WLC Points.  
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Completed: 702
Enrolled: 0
The Gospel of Christ Yahushua is about the Kingdom of Yahuwah on Earth eCourse the false trinity and triune god What is the Gospel of the Kingdom? Does is pertain only to the forgiveness of sins? ...or is there more? Find out what the Bible has to say!
7 parts: A total of 2,125 WLC Points  
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Completed: 388
Enrolled: 0
The Flat Earth of the Bible: A Stable World Not a Spinning Globe eCourse The Flat Earth of the Bible: A Stable World Not a Spinning Globe eCourse The Bible is a flat earth book and is corroborated by both science and history!
3 parts: A total of 975 WLC Points    
Go to eCourse Index.
Completed: 161
Enrolled: 3
Almsgiving in Repentance for Christian Discipleship, Faith, & Grace eCourse almsgiving-in-repentance-ecourse Almsgiving: A way of life for the repentant Christian
8 parts: A total of 1,275 WLC Points  
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Completed: 371
Enrolled: 1
Women’s Role in the Home & Ekklesia | The Bride of Yahushua eCourse /womens+role+in+the+home+and+ekklesia-ecorse Although the main focus here is on women, this is an examination of the interrelated and inseparable roles of both men and women in the home and in the Ekklesia/Assembly – the body and bride of Yahushua.
6 parts: A total of 1,000 WLC Points  
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Completed: 304
Enrolled: 0