Topical Biblical Studies (eBooks)
- (1) Trinity Delusion | Brother Kel (ALL VERSES used to support the pre-incarnate Christ doctrine) (Downloads: 1014)
- 1 Corinthians 10:4 (and that rock was Christ) (Downloads: 276)
- 1 Corinthians 8:6 (one God, the Father, & one Lord) (Downloads: 200)
- 1 John 5:20 (This is the true God and eternal life) (Downloads: 172)
- 1 John 5:7 (For there are three that testify in heaven) (Downloads: 244)
- 1 Kings 1 (no God besides You) (Downloads: 119)
- 1 Peter 1:11 (what time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating) (Downloads: 149)
- 1 Timothy 2:5 (one mediator between God and men) (Downloads: 118)
- 1 Timothy 3:16 (God was manifested in the flesh) (Downloads: 300)
- 1 Timothy 6:14-16 (God, the blessed and only Ruler) (Downloads: 117)
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 (The Lord IS the Spirit) (Downloads: 133)
- 2 Corinthians 8:9 (though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor) (Downloads: 114)
- 2 Peter 1:1 (the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ) (Downloads: 101)
- 2 Samuel 7:22 (no God besides You) (Downloads: 99)
- Acts 20:28 (purchased with his own blood) (Downloads: 112)
- Acts 7:59 & 1 John 3:16 (Stephen, calling upon God) (Downloads: 136)
- Angel of the Lord (Downloads: 134)
- Christ - God's Anointed One (Downloads: 108)
- Colossians 1:16 (For in him were all things created) (Downloads: 190)
- Colossians 2:9 (For in him all fullness of deity dwells bodily) (Downloads: 134)
- Counting to Three = 1 (Downloads: 125)
- Daniel 3:25 (the fourth is like the Son of God) (Downloads: 149)
- Deuteronomy 18:15-19 (Prophet like Moses) (Downloads: 100)
- Deuteronomy 32:39 (no God besides Me) (Downloads: 95)
- Deuteronomy 4:35 (No other besides Him) (Downloads: 94)
- Deuteronomy 6:4 (Hear O Israel) (Downloads: 111)
- Ephesians 4:6 (one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all) (Downloads: 106)
- Exodus 33:11 (Moses - face to face) (Downloads: 98)
- Exodus 3:14 (I am) (Downloads: 99)
- Exodus 3:2 (Angel of the Lord) (Downloads: 103)
- Genesis 18-19 (3 Angels) (Downloads: 113)
- Genesis 1:26 (Let US make) (Downloads: 222)
- God's Apostle (Downloads: 105)
- God's Chosen One (Downloads: 100)
- God's Fleshly Word (Downloads: 116)
- God's Prophet (Downloads: 96)
- God's Savior (Downloads: 106)
- Hebrews 13:8 (the same yesterday, today, and forever) (Downloads: 120)
- Hebrews 1:1-2 (in these last days has spoken to us in a son) (Downloads: 125)
- Hebrews 1:10 (Who makes His angels spirits) (Downloads: 111)
- Hebrews 1:2 (through whom also He made the universe) (Downloads: 167)
- Hebrews 1:6 (Let all God's angels worship him) (Downloads: 107)
- Hebrews 1:7 (Who makes His angels spirits) (Downloads: 99)
- Hebrews 1:8 (Your throne O God is forever and ever) (Downloads: 156)
- Isaiah 42:8 & 48:11 (I will not give My glory to another) (Downloads: 95)
- Isaiah 43:11 & Hosea 13:4 (no Savior besides Me) (Downloads: 100)
- Isaiah 44:6 (no God besides Me) (Downloads: 104)
- Isaiah 48:16 (Yah has sent me and His Spirit) (Downloads: 141)
- Isaiah 6:8 (Whom shall I send) (Downloads: 111)
- Isaiah 9:6 (Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God) (Downloads: 208)
- Jesus is the Image of God (Downloads: 137)
- Joel 2:27 (I am Yah your God and there is none else) (Downloads: 87)
- Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13 (Whoever shall call on the name of the Lord will be saved) (Downloads: 93)
- John 10:30 (I and the Father are one) (Downloads: 145)
- John 10:33 (you make yourself God) (Downloads: 94)
- John 12:41 (Isaiah saw his glory) (Downloads: 80)
- John 17:3 (the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent) (Downloads: 95)
- John 17:5 (the glory which I had with You before the world was) (Downloads: 199)
- John 18:6 (they drew back and fell down to the ground) (Downloads: 82)
- John 1:1 (In the beginning was the word) (Downloads: 185)
- John 1:15 (because he was before me) (Downloads: 85)
- John 1:18 (in the bosom of the Father) (Downloads: 100)
- John 20:28 (My Lord and My God) (Downloads: 116)
- John 2:19 (in three days I will raise it up) (Downloads: 76)
- John 5:18 (making himself equal with God) (Downloads: 85)
- John 5:23 (all judgment to the Son) (Downloads: 71)
- John 6:38 (I have come down from heaven) (Downloads: 123)
- John 8:58 (Before Abraham was I am) (Downloads: 188)
- Ktisis (Colossians 1) (Downloads: 70)
- Malachi 2:10 (Has not one God created us) (Downloads: 67)
- Malachi 3:1 & Luke 1:76 (My messenger) (Downloads: 65)
- Manuscript Corruptions (Downloads: 104)
- Mark 10:18 (No one is good but God alone) (Downloads: 68)
- Mark 12:28-34 (The Lord is one) (Downloads: 67)
- Mark 2:7 (Who can forgive sins but God alone) (Downloads: 73)
- Matthew 1:23 & Isaiah 7:14 (Immanuel) (Downloads: 83)
- Matthew 24:36 (But of that day and hour no one knows) (Downloads: 70)
- Matthew 28:19 (in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit) (Downloads: 106)
- Micah 5:2 (His goings forth are from old) (Downloads: 86)
- Numbers 12:8 (Moses - mouth to mouth) (Downloads: 70)
- Oikoumene (Hebrews 1-2) (Downloads: 66)
- Philippians 2:5-8 (in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped) (Downloads: 102)
- Proskyneō (Worship) (Downloads: 69)
- Proverbs 30:4 (What is His name or His son’s name) (Downloads: 84)
- Proverbs 8:22 (Wisdom - Yah acquired me at the beginning) (Downloads: 83)
- Psalm 110:1 (The LORD said to my Lord) (Downloads: 86)
- Psalm 110:5 (The LORD is at your right hand) (Downloads: 66)
- Psalm 16 (I saw the Lord always before me) (Downloads: 67)
- Psalm 22 (My God, My God, why have You forsaken me) (Downloads: 72)
- Psalm 2:7 & Acts 13:33 (Today I have begotten You) (Downloads: 79)
- Psalm 82:6 & John 10:34 (You are gods) (Downloads: 81)
- Psalm 8:5 (a little lower than the angels) (Downloads: 71)
- Revelation 22:9 (I am a fellow servant) (Downloads: 68)
- Romans 14:11 & Philippians 2:9-11 (Every knee will bow) (Downloads: 72)
- Romans 9:5 (God over all) (Downloads: 87)
- Son of God (Downloads: 84)
- Son of Man (Downloads: 76)
- The Alpha and Omega (Downloads: 124)
- Titus 2:13 (the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ) (Downloads: 95)
- Who Believes In The Trinity Doctrine? (Downloads: 565)
- Who Is Jesus (Downloads: 152)
- Zechariah 12:10 (they shall look upon me whom they have pierced) (Downloads: 98)
- Zechariah 12:8-11 (Yah of Hosts) (Downloads: 86)
- WLC Guiding Principles for the Examination of Baptismal Candidates (Downloads: 5076)
- Beast of Revelation (Kenneth Gentry) (Downloads: 17)
- Before Jerusalem Fell (Kenneth Gentry) (Downloads: 13)
- Matthew 24 Fulfilled (Brian Godawa) (Downloads: 5)
- Olivet Discourse in Parallel Columns (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 4)
- Revelation - Verse by Verse - Study Notes (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 10)
- When shall these things be - Study Notes (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 7)
- 48 fold Description of the Word of God (Downloads: 755)
- Is The King James Version Perfect (Downloads: 586)
- The Book of Jasher (Downloads: 641)
- The Sacred Scripture of Yahuwah, Restored Names Version (Downloads: 11773)
- Catholicism vs. Christianity (Downloads: 4965)
- Evil Organizations - The Jesuits (Downloads: 426)
- FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS (Downloads: 398)
- MARIOLATRY (Downloads: 326)
- Mother Teresa (Downloads: 369)
- Roman Catholicism - An Unbiblical Religion (Downloads: 440)
- Rome's Persecution of the Bible (Downloads: 246)
- The Face of the Roman Catholic Inquisition - An Excerpt (Downloads: 356)
- The Ten Commandments and the Roman Catholic Church (Downloads: 532)
- The Truth About Roman Catholicism (Downloads: 414)
- Was Mary Sinless? (Downloads: 374)
- 18 Dangers Of The Charismatic Movement (Downloads: 305)
- Billy Graham's Strange Fire (Downloads: 266)
- Dear Pastor Joel Osteen, Shame on You! (Downloads: 765)
- Exposing The Perversion & False Doctrines (Downloads: 86)
- Sixty-Six Things The Pentecostals Can't find in The Word of God (Downloads: 315)
- Wealth of the Cults of Christianity (Downloads: 2080)
- Why I Cannot Participate in the Charismatic Movement (Downloads: 1859)
- 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth (Downloads: 190)
- 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball! (Downloads: 2063)
- 240 Flat Earth Bible Verses (Downloads: 252)
- Terra Firma: Earth Not a Planet, Proved from Scripture, Reason, and Fact (Downloads: 1036)
- The Flat-Earth Bible (Downloads: 1151)
- Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe! (Downloads: 984)
- Aleph (Downloads: 107)
- Ayin (Downloads: 41)
- Bet (Downloads: 58)
- Celebration of Love (Downloads: 25)
- Chet (Downloads: 38)
- Dalet (Downloads: 43)
- Gimel (Downloads: 43)
- Heh (Downloads: 38)
- Kaf (Downloads: 37)
- Kuf (Qof) (Downloads: 41)
- Lamed (Downloads: 38)
- Mem (Downloads: 39)
- Nun (Downloads: 36)
- Pay (Peh) (Downloads: 41)
- Resh (Downloads: 39)
- Samech (Downloads: 41)
- Shin (Downloads: 39)
- Tav (Downloads: 59)
- Tet (Downloads: 36)
- Tzadik (Tsadi) (Downloads: 41)
- Vav (Waw) (Downloads: 38)
- Yod (Downloads: 39)
- Zayin (Downloads: 42)
- El progreso del peregrino (Illustrado) (Downloads: 43)
- I Know His Name (Downloads: 86)
- The Biggest Scriptural Mistake of Today's World (A Sacred Names Study) (Downloads: 118)
- To Love YHWH (Downloads: 168)
- What is the Original Bible Name of the Church? (Downloads: 523)
- Why I No Longer Celebrate Birthdays (Downloads: 466)
- A Parents Guide to Cyberbullying (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 140)
- Birds-eye View (Downloads: 130)
- Coming Clean (2015) (Downloads: 153)
- Fight Porn In Your Church (2016) (Downloads: 135)
- Hope after Porn (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 146)
- More Than Single (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 143)
- Parenting the Internet Generation - 2016 (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 116)
- Porn and Your Husband Guide (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 136)
- Porn-free Church (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 115)
- Protecting our Family Online (Covenant Eyes - 2016) (Downloads: 104)
- Stop the Demand (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 128)
- When Your Child Is Looking At Porn (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 121)
- Your Brain on Porn (2016) (Downloads: 184)
- Anything But Secret (Downloads: 2146)
- Are There Two Phases To Christ Second Advent (Downloads: 1856)
- Caught Up in the Rapture (Downloads: 2143)
- Protection - Secret Rapture, or - Place of Safety (Downloads: 2194)
- Rapture or Secret Rapture (Downloads: 1708)
- Secret Rapture - Fact or Fallacy? (Downloads: 522)
- The Secret Rapture, Left Behind Theory, EXPOSED (Downloads: 3150)
- The Surprising Truth about the Secret Rapture! (Downloads: 1973)
- Christ and His Righteousness (Downloads: 4376)
- Genesis (using aleph-bet) (Downloads: 35)
- Mother's Offering (Downloads: 29)
- Our Creator is True Oneness (Downloads: 41)
- Turn and Face (CAF) 2021 (Downloads: 37)
- Basic Doctrines (Downloads: 547)
- Learning to Love His Law (Downloads: 46)
- Once Saved, Always Saved: Always False (Downloads: 418)
- Outworking Of Salvation (Downloads: 375)
- What is Salvation? (Downloads: 487)
- All About Speaking In Tongues (Downloads: 5220)
- Today's Tongues (Downloads: 2638)
- Human Nature & Destiny (Downloads: 2187)
- Lazarus and the Rich Man (Armstrong) (Downloads: 470)
- The Rich Man and Lazarus (Sellers) (Downloads: 289)
- The Truth About Hell (Downloads: 603)
- To Be Absent From The Body (Downloads: 281)
- What Science Will Never Discover About Your Mind (Downloads: 528)
- Almsgiving as a Formative Practice of Repentance (Downloads: 112)
- 100 Bible Facts Concerning the Sabbath (Downloads: 1033)
- 15 tests for determining the true Biblical Calendar versus Satan's Bogus or Counterfeit Calendar (Downloads: 1237)
- 3 Days & 3 Nights: Sign of Jonah (Downloads: 2950)
- 7000-Year Bible Chronology (Downloads: 4429)
- A Case for the Lunar Sabbath: Rebuttal to Angel Rodriguez of the SDA Biblical Research Institute (Downloads: 1025)
- A “thirteenth month” is located in Scripture. (Downloads: 2297)
- Andreasen's objections to the use of LuniSolar Calendar for the SDA Church (Downloads: 1651)
- Biblical Calendar vs Counterfeit Papal Gregorian Calendar (Downloads: 688)
- Brief review of the new views regarding Millerite chronology (Downloads: 1640)
- Calendar Change Threatens Religion (Downloads: 3361)
- Courageous action of Millerites on Jewish Calendar problem (Downloads: 1566)
- Did the change in calendar affect the weekly Sabbath? (Downloads: 857)
- Different types of Sabbatarianism (Downloads: 833)
- History of the Lunar Sabbath in Adventism (Downloads: 347)
- How the Millerites Chose October Date (Downloads: 1249)
- Introduction to the Creator's Calendar versus Satan's Calendar (Downloads: 762)
- Jewish Feast Cycle (1843 and 1844) (Downloads: 1307)
- Letter of Conveyance (Downloads: 1187)
- Letter to an SDA Pastor on the Lunar Solar Calendar versus the Gregorian Calendar (Downloads: 815)
- Midday in the Bible: Was God Confused? (Downloads: 2335)
- RC Report Part I (Downloads: 1628)
- RC Report Part II (Downloads: 1598)
- RC Report Part III (Downloads: 1377)
- RC Report Part IV (Downloads: 1377)
- RC Report Part V (Downloads: 1835)
- RC Report Part VI (Downloads: 1286)
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it... (Downloads: 2728)
- Reproving the Biblical Calendar (Downloads: 248)
- Reproving The Day (Downloads: 207)
- Research Committee Final Report (Downloads: 1117)
- Sabbath calendar booklet (Downloads: 5104)
- Sabbath Facts (Downloads: 339)
- Scriptural evidence that New Moon is the begining of the lunar month (Downloads: 848)
- Similarities and differences between the Biblical Calendar versus the 4 types of Roman Calendar that existed from 45 B.C. to 1582 (Downloads: 766)
- Special Message for Saturday Sabbatarian Feast Keepers (Downloads: 905)
- The 1844 Millerite Time Problem (Downloads: 1517)
- The Creator's Calendar versus Satan's Calendar. Which do you live by? (Downloads: 933)
- The Final Call | The Biblical Sabbath & the Calendar (Downloads: 1633)
- The Great Calendar Controversy (Downloads: 3086)
- The Law in Colossians (Downloads: 3628)
- The True Sabbath (Downloads: 2088)
- Understanding Creator's Calendar (especially for SDAs) (Downloads: 2617)
- When was Yahushua Crucified? (Downloads: 354)
- Yahuwah's Calendar...Solar or Lunar? (Downloads: 867)
- Compromise (Downloads: 234)
- Is 'Hell' a place of eternal torture or is it a blotting out of a soul? (Downloads: 339)
- The Wrath of Yahuwah (Downloads: 390)