Topical Biblical Studies (eBooks)

Here we are making available excellent resources for downloading covering important biblical topics. These resources come from outside WLC team. When using resources from outside authors, the team is only endorsing that which we feel is in harmony with the Bible. In most cases, the authors of these studies are at great odds with WLC on important fundamental teachings (such as the 7th day Sabbath and the Godhead). However, this should not prevent us from being blessed by their writings, where it is deemed to be in perfect harmony with Scripture. Thus endorsing part of their writings is in no way an endorsement of all that they stand for.
- (1) Trinity Delusion | Brother Kel (ALL VERSES used to support the pre-incarnate Christ doctrine) (Downloads: 1036)
- 1 Corinthians 10:4 (and that rock was Christ) (Downloads: 291)
- 1 Corinthians 8:6 (one God, the Father, & one Lord) (Downloads: 209)
- 1 John 5:20 (This is the true God and eternal life) (Downloads: 183)
- 1 John 5:7 (For there are three that testify in heaven) (Downloads: 251)
- 1 Kings 1 (no God besides You) (Downloads: 122)
- 1 Peter 1:11 (what time the Spirit of Christ in them was indicating) (Downloads: 152)
- 1 Timothy 2:5 (one mediator between God and men) (Downloads: 125)
- 1 Timothy 3:16 (God was manifested in the flesh) (Downloads: 311)
- 1 Timothy 6:14-16 (God, the blessed and only Ruler) (Downloads: 123)
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 (The Lord IS the Spirit) (Downloads: 136)
- 2 Corinthians 8:9 (though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor) (Downloads: 128)
- 2 Peter 1:1 (the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ) (Downloads: 113)
- 2 Samuel 7:22 (no God besides You) (Downloads: 101)
- Acts 20:28 (purchased with his own blood) (Downloads: 116)
- Acts 7:59 & 1 John 3:16 (Stephen, calling upon God) (Downloads: 140)
- Angel of the Lord (Downloads: 139)
- Christ - God's Anointed One (Downloads: 110)
- Colossians 1:16 (For in him were all things created) (Downloads: 204)
- Colossians 2:9 (For in him all fullness of deity dwells bodily) (Downloads: 143)
- Counting to Three = 1 (Downloads: 131)
- Daniel 3:25 (the fourth is like the Son of God) (Downloads: 154)
- Deuteronomy 18:15-19 (Prophet like Moses) (Downloads: 105)
- Deuteronomy 32:39 (no God besides Me) (Downloads: 99)
- Deuteronomy 4:35 (No other besides Him) (Downloads: 99)
- Deuteronomy 6:4 (Hear O Israel) (Downloads: 117)
- Ephesians 4:6 (one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all) (Downloads: 111)
- Exodus 33:11 (Moses - face to face) (Downloads: 104)
- Exodus 3:14 (I am) (Downloads: 102)
- Exodus 3:2 (Angel of the Lord) (Downloads: 107)
- Genesis 18-19 (3 Angels) (Downloads: 118)
- Genesis 1:26 (Let US make) (Downloads: 232)
- God's Apostle (Downloads: 111)
- God's Chosen One (Downloads: 102)
- God's Fleshly Word (Downloads: 120)
- God's Prophet (Downloads: 99)
- God's Savior (Downloads: 111)
- Hebrews 13:8 (the same yesterday, today, and forever) (Downloads: 124)
- Hebrews 1:1-2 (in these last days has spoken to us in a son) (Downloads: 131)
- Hebrews 1:10 (Who makes His angels spirits) (Downloads: 117)
- Hebrews 1:2 (through whom also He made the universe) (Downloads: 176)
- Hebrews 1:6 (Let all God's angels worship him) (Downloads: 112)
- Hebrews 1:7 (Who makes His angels spirits) (Downloads: 103)
- Hebrews 1:8 (Your throne O God is forever and ever) (Downloads: 166)
- Isaiah 42:8 & 48:11 (I will not give My glory to another) (Downloads: 99)
- Isaiah 43:11 & Hosea 13:4 (no Savior besides Me) (Downloads: 100)
- Isaiah 44:6 (no God besides Me) (Downloads: 104)
- Isaiah 48:16 (Yah has sent me and His Spirit) (Downloads: 144)
- Isaiah 6:8 (Whom shall I send) (Downloads: 113)
- Isaiah 9:6 (Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God) (Downloads: 218)
- Jesus is the Image of God (Downloads: 140)
- Joel 2:27 (I am Yah your God and there is none else) (Downloads: 88)
- Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13 (Whoever shall call on the name of the Lord will be saved) (Downloads: 97)
- John 10:30 (I and the Father are one) (Downloads: 150)
- John 10:33 (you make yourself God) (Downloads: 96)
- John 12:41 (Isaiah saw his glory) (Downloads: 84)
- John 17:3 (the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent) (Downloads: 99)
- John 17:5 (the glory which I had with You before the world was) (Downloads: 205)
- John 18:6 (they drew back and fell down to the ground) (Downloads: 85)
- John 1:1 (In the beginning was the word) (Downloads: 192)
- John 1:15 (because he was before me) (Downloads: 87)
- John 1:18 (in the bosom of the Father) (Downloads: 129)
- John 20:28 (My Lord and My God) (Downloads: 121)
- John 2:19 (in three days I will raise it up) (Downloads: 77)
- John 5:18 (making himself equal with God) (Downloads: 88)
- John 5:23 (all judgment to the Son) (Downloads: 74)
- John 6:38 (I have come down from heaven) (Downloads: 130)
- John 8:58 (Before Abraham was I am) (Downloads: 198)
- Ktisis (Colossians 1) (Downloads: 71)
- Malachi 2:10 (Has not one God created us) (Downloads: 69)
- Malachi 3:1 & Luke 1:76 (My messenger) (Downloads: 67)
- Manuscript Corruptions (Downloads: 109)
- Mark 10:18 (No one is good but God alone) (Downloads: 71)
- Mark 12:28-34 (The Lord is one) (Downloads: 71)
- Mark 2:7 (Who can forgive sins but God alone) (Downloads: 77)
- Matthew 1:23 & Isaiah 7:14 (Immanuel) (Downloads: 88)
- Matthew 24:36 (But of that day and hour no one knows) (Downloads: 72)
- Matthew 28:19 (in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit) (Downloads: 114)
- Micah 5:2 (His goings forth are from old) (Downloads: 90)
- Numbers 12:8 (Moses - mouth to mouth) (Downloads: 73)
- Oikoumene (Hebrews 1-2) (Downloads: 67)
- Philippians 2:5-8 (in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped) (Downloads: 110)
- Proskyneō (Worship) (Downloads: 71)
- Proverbs 30:4 (What is His name or His son’s name) (Downloads: 87)
- Proverbs 8:22 (Wisdom - Yah acquired me at the beginning) (Downloads: 87)
- Psalm 110:1 (The LORD said to my Lord) (Downloads: 88)
- Psalm 110:5 (The LORD is at your right hand) (Downloads: 70)
- Psalm 16 (I saw the Lord always before me) (Downloads: 71)
- Psalm 22 (My God, My God, why have You forsaken me) (Downloads: 74)
- Psalm 2:7 & Acts 13:33 (Today I have begotten You) (Downloads: 83)
- Psalm 82:6 & John 10:34 (You are gods) (Downloads: 84)
- Psalm 8:5 (a little lower than the angels) (Downloads: 75)
- Revelation 22:9 (I am a fellow servant) (Downloads: 70)
- Romans 14:11 & Philippians 2:9-11 (Every knee will bow) (Downloads: 73)
- Romans 9:5 (God over all) (Downloads: 88)
- Son of God (Downloads: 88)
- Son of Man (Downloads: 79)
- The Alpha and Omega (Downloads: 132)
- Titus 2:13 (the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ) (Downloads: 99)
- Who Believes In The Trinity Doctrine? (Downloads: 569)
- Who Is Jesus (Downloads: 157)
- Zechariah 12:10 (they shall look upon me whom they have pierced) (Downloads: 101)
- Zechariah 12:8-11 (Yah of Hosts) (Downloads: 88)
- WLC Guiding Principles for the Examination of Baptismal Candidates (Downloads: 5086)
- Beast of Revelation (Kenneth Gentry) (Downloads: 20)
- Before Jerusalem Fell (Kenneth Gentry) (Downloads: 17)
- Matthew 24 Fulfilled (Brian Godawa) (Downloads: 13)
- Olivet Discourse in Parallel Columns (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 7)
- Revelation - Verse by Verse - Study Notes (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 17)
- When shall these things be - Study Notes (Steve Gregg) (Downloads: 13)
- 48 fold Description of the Word of God (Downloads: 760)
- Is The King James Version Perfect (Downloads: 591)
- The Book of Jasher (Downloads: 650)
- The Sacred Scripture of Yahuwah, Restored Names Version (Downloads: 11808)
- Catholicism vs. Christianity (Downloads: 4971)
- Evil Organizations - The Jesuits (Downloads: 433)
- FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS (Downloads: 401)
- MARIOLATRY (Downloads: 327)
- Mother Teresa (Downloads: 370)
- Roman Catholicism - An Unbiblical Religion (Downloads: 441)
- Rome's Persecution of the Bible (Downloads: 247)
- The Face of the Roman Catholic Inquisition - An Excerpt (Downloads: 357)
- The Ten Commandments and the Roman Catholic Church (Downloads: 534)
- The Truth About Roman Catholicism (Downloads: 420)
- Was Mary Sinless? (Downloads: 375)
- 18 Dangers Of The Charismatic Movement (Downloads: 307)
- Billy Graham's Strange Fire (Downloads: 266)
- Dear Pastor Joel Osteen, Shame on You! (Downloads: 765)
- Exposing The Perversion & False Doctrines (Downloads: 87)
- Sixty-Six Things The Pentecostals Can't find in The Word of God (Downloads: 316)
- Wealth of the Cults of Christianity (Downloads: 2081)
- Why I Cannot Participate in the Charismatic Movement (Downloads: 1860)
- 16 Emergency Landings Proving Flat Earth (Downloads: 206)
- 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball! (Downloads: 2105)
- 240 Flat Earth Bible Verses (Downloads: 270)
- Terra Firma: Earth Not a Planet, Proved from Scripture, Reason, and Fact (Downloads: 1051)
- The Flat-Earth Bible (Downloads: 1167)
- Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe! (Downloads: 1001)
- Aleph (Downloads: 110)
- Ayin (Downloads: 42)
- Bet (Downloads: 59)
- Celebration of Love (Downloads: 29)
- Chet (Downloads: 39)
- Dalet (Downloads: 44)
- Gimel (Downloads: 44)
- Heh (Downloads: 39)
- Kaf (Downloads: 37)
- Kuf (Qof) (Downloads: 42)
- Lamed (Downloads: 39)
- Mem (Downloads: 39)
- Nun (Downloads: 38)
- Pay (Peh) (Downloads: 41)
- Resh (Downloads: 40)
- Samech (Downloads: 42)
- Shin (Downloads: 40)
- Tav (Downloads: 62)
- Tet (Downloads: 37)
- Tzadik (Tsadi) (Downloads: 42)
- Vav (Waw) (Downloads: 39)
- Yod (Downloads: 40)
- Zayin (Downloads: 43)
- El progreso del peregrino (Illustrado) (Downloads: 43)
- I Know His Name (Downloads: 88)
- The Biggest Scriptural Mistake of Today's World (A Sacred Names Study) (Downloads: 120)
- To Love YHWH (Downloads: 169)
- What is the Original Bible Name of the Church? (Downloads: 524)
- Why I No Longer Celebrate Birthdays (Downloads: 472)
- A Parents Guide to Cyberbullying (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 141)
- Birds-eye View (Downloads: 131)
- Coming Clean (2015) (Downloads: 154)
- Fight Porn In Your Church (2016) (Downloads: 137)
- Hope after Porn (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 147)
- More Than Single (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 144)
- Parenting the Internet Generation - 2016 (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 117)
- Porn and Your Husband Guide (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 137)
- Porn-free Church (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 116)
- Protecting our Family Online (Covenant Eyes - 2016) (Downloads: 105)
- Stop the Demand (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 129)
- When Your Child Is Looking At Porn (Covenant Eyes) (Downloads: 122)
- Your Brain on Porn (2016) (Downloads: 186)
- Anything But Secret (Downloads: 2155)
- Are There Two Phases To Christ Second Advent (Downloads: 1865)
- Caught Up in the Rapture (Downloads: 2153)
- Protection - Secret Rapture, or - Place of Safety (Downloads: 2199)
- Rapture or Secret Rapture (Downloads: 1714)
- Secret Rapture - Fact or Fallacy? (Downloads: 532)
- The Secret Rapture, Left Behind Theory, EXPOSED (Downloads: 3156)
- The Surprising Truth about the Secret Rapture! (Downloads: 1979)
- Christ and His Righteousness (Downloads: 4378)
- Genesis (using aleph-bet) (Downloads: 35)
- Mother's Offering (Downloads: 29)
- Our Creator is True Oneness (Downloads: 41)
- Turn and Face (CAF) 2021 (Downloads: 37)
- Basic Doctrines (Downloads: 548)
- Learning to Love His Law (Downloads: 47)
- Once Saved, Always Saved: Always False (Downloads: 419)
- Outworking Of Salvation (Downloads: 376)
- What is Salvation? (Downloads: 488)
- All About Speaking In Tongues (Downloads: 5224)
- Today's Tongues (Downloads: 2640)
- Human Nature & Destiny (Downloads: 2189)
- Lazarus and the Rich Man (Armstrong) (Downloads: 472)
- The Rich Man and Lazarus (Sellers) (Downloads: 289)
- The Truth About Hell (Downloads: 605)
- To Be Absent From The Body (Downloads: 281)
- What Science Will Never Discover About Your Mind (Downloads: 533)
- Almsgiving as a Formative Practice of Repentance (Downloads: 126)
- 100 Bible Facts Concerning the Sabbath (Downloads: 1040)
- 15 tests for determining the true Biblical Calendar versus Satan's Bogus or Counterfeit Calendar (Downloads: 1249)
- 3 Days & 3 Nights: Sign of Jonah (Downloads: 2962)
- 7000-Year Bible Chronology (Downloads: 4442)
- A Case for the Lunar Sabbath: Rebuttal to Angel Rodriguez of the SDA Biblical Research Institute (Downloads: 1031)
- A “thirteenth month” is located in Scripture. (Downloads: 2309)
- Andreasen's objections to the use of LuniSolar Calendar for the SDA Church (Downloads: 1657)
- Biblical Calendar vs Counterfeit Papal Gregorian Calendar (Downloads: 700)
- Brief review of the new views regarding Millerite chronology (Downloads: 1646)
- Calendar Change Threatens Religion (Downloads: 3367)
- Courageous action of Millerites on Jewish Calendar problem (Downloads: 1571)
- Did the change in calendar affect the weekly Sabbath? (Downloads: 865)
- Different types of Sabbatarianism (Downloads: 838)
- History of the Lunar Sabbath in Adventism (Downloads: 353)
- How the Millerites Chose October Date (Downloads: 1254)
- Introduction to the Creator's Calendar versus Satan's Calendar (Downloads: 766)
- Jewish Feast Cycle (1843 and 1844) (Downloads: 1312)
- Letter of Conveyance (Downloads: 1191)
- Letter to an SDA Pastor on the Lunar Solar Calendar versus the Gregorian Calendar (Downloads: 819)
- Midday in the Bible: Was God Confused? (Downloads: 2341)
- RC Report Part I (Downloads: 1633)
- RC Report Part II (Downloads: 1601)
- RC Report Part III (Downloads: 1381)
- RC Report Part IV (Downloads: 1382)
- RC Report Part V (Downloads: 1838)
- RC Report Part VI (Downloads: 1291)
- Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it... (Downloads: 2732)
- Reproving the Biblical Calendar (Downloads: 252)
- Reproving The Day (Downloads: 214)
- Research Committee Final Report (Downloads: 1123)
- Sabbath calendar booklet (Downloads: 5114)
- Sabbath Facts (Downloads: 344)
- Scriptural evidence that New Moon is the begining of the lunar month (Downloads: 854)
- Similarities and differences between the Biblical Calendar versus the 4 types of Roman Calendar that existed from 45 B.C. to 1582 (Downloads: 771)
- Special Message for Saturday Sabbatarian Feast Keepers (Downloads: 913)
- The 1844 Millerite Time Problem (Downloads: 1520)
- The Creator's Calendar versus Satan's Calendar. Which do you live by? (Downloads: 938)
- The Final Call | The Biblical Sabbath & the Calendar (Downloads: 1643)
- The Great Calendar Controversy (Downloads: 3092)
- The Law in Colossians (Downloads: 3636)
- The True Sabbath (Downloads: 2096)
- Understanding Creator's Calendar (especially for SDAs) (Downloads: 2623)
- When was Yahushua Crucified? (Downloads: 359)
- Yahuwah's Calendar...Solar or Lunar? (Downloads: 875)
- Compromise (Downloads: 234)
- Is 'Hell' a place of eternal torture or is it a blotting out of a soul? (Downloads: 345)
- The Wrath of Yahuwah (Downloads: 391)
Anti-Trinitarian Studies
Bible Prophecy
Bible Study Resources
Church Apostasy
Flat Earth
Hidden Manna of the Hebrew Alphabet
Overcoming Sexual Immorality
Rapture (Fallacy)
Righteousness by Faith
Speaking in Tongues
State of the Dead
Tithing & Almsgiving
Yahuwah's Calendar: Luni-Solar
Yahuwah's Wrath