The spirit manifested by faith healers and those who claim to be “slain in the spirit” is not that of the Holy Spirit of Yahuwah. |
It started softly. Just a quiet, little sound that broke the stillness of the convent. But then it came again. Had a cat found its way into the abbey?
A second cat joined the first. Where were these animals coming from? The mother abbess strode swiftly down a corridor. Animals had no place within these hallowed halls! She followed the sound to a small room in which a sister was calmly sweeping. Why was she just standing there, sweeping? Why wasn’t she trying to catch the cat and get rid of it?
The nun turned around. Her lips moved. “Meow?”
Immediately, from down the hall, came an answer: “Meow!”
Mother Superior rushed to the next room. Two nuns looked up in surprise and politely inquired, “Meow?”
It was the sisters making that racket! But then another voice joined in. It was spreading! It was not long before the feline infection spread to most of the other nuns in the French convent. Then, something odd happened. The meowing sisters began synchronizing their caterwauling! At certain times of the day, they’d all meow together for several hours. Nothing the abbess did could get them to stop.
The noise began bothering people in the surrounding town. The townsfolk feared the sisters had become possessed and reported the incident to the government. Soldiers were sent to investigate the cause of this strange phenomenon. After looking around the convent, the soldiers announced that any nun continuing to meow would be whipped.1
Problem solved. No more meowing! Centuries later, it remains a fascinating case study of what was nothing more than mass hysteria run amuck among bored inmates.
The nuns of France were not the only Christians ever to be swayed by the power of suggestion.
But, as shocking as it is to suggest, this was not the last time mass hysteria and the power of suggestion has influenced Christians.
[WLC in no way advocates any of the practices or traditions of the Roman Catholic Church. The above story was shared only for the sake of illustration. Suggested Reading: The Beasts of Revelation]
Slain in the Spirit
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul warned: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV) The charismatic teaching of being “slain in the spirit” is one such doctrine of devils.
It is sometimes referred to as “falling in the Spirit” or the “touch of power.” It frequently occurs when someone is seeking healing.
The term "slain in the Spirit" is used in the Charismatic circles of Christian Churches to designate a supposed movement of the Holy Spirit upon a person. The claim is that the Holy Spirit moves with such power on a person, that the person is "slain." This does not mean the person dies, but that he/she is so overcome by the presence of the Spirit that he/she falls down to the ground being completely overcome.2
Of course, with Yah, all things are possible. As the Creator is all-powerful, it is perfectly possible He could, indeed, come upon a person with such force he or she would be overcome. The problem is not whether or not Yahuwah can do this, but whether such a belief—and by extension, such a practice—is Biblical.
Advocates of this practice quote various passages of Scripture in an attempt to prove it occurred in Bible times. However, a careful examination of these passages reveals they cannot be used to support “falling/slaying in the Spirit” without twisting Scripture.
One frequently quoted verse describes the dedication of Solomon’s temple.
It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Yahuwah; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised Yahuwah, saying, For He is good; for His mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of Yahuwah;
So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of Yahuwah had filled the house of Elohim. (2 Chronicles 5:13-14)
Notice there is not a single instance in the above verses that describes someone collapsing under the power of Yah, or even any healing taking place. Quite the contrary. Verse 11 states, in part, “All the priests that were present were sanctified.” It was against the Levitical code for any man not in perfect health to serve before Yahuwah so, of course, none of the priests present would have been seeking healing or they would not have been there. (See Leviticus 21:16-23.)
Advocates also refer to the Saviour’s arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane. When Yahushua asked whom they were seeking, “They answered him, Yahushua of Nazareth. Yahushua saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground.” (John 18:5-6)
Another popular verse used to prove this practice is Biblical, is found in the story of the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. “And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” (Acts 9:3-4)
Neither the wicked collapsing at Yahushua’s arrest, nor the collapse of Saul can be used to support the modern belief of falling in the Spirit because those who approach the various faith healers are typically very sincere-hearted believers whose hearts, to the best of their knowledge, are right with Yah as they seek His blessing.
There are a few instances in Scripture where a man of Yah was overcome by heavenly grandeur, glory, and divine power. Invariably, however, if the direction in which they fell is given, it is always forward, onto their faces in an act of worship. For example: “Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.” (Daniel 10:9-10, KJV)
This is completely different than anything that occurs when people are slain in the Spirit today. When Daniel collapsed, the angel immediately reached out to strengthen him. John the Revelator, likewise, was immediately strengthened when he was overcome by the power of Yah: “And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last.” (Revelation 1:17, KJV)
Evangelists and faith healers who slay in the spirit never reach out to strengthen those supposedly overcome by the power of Yahuwah. Rather, it appears as though they revel in the demonstration of “their” power. Indeed, many of them have “catchers” to make sure those pitching over backward are not hurt.
Resembling the Meek and Lowly One?
Despite these precautions, people have been hurt before. The family of Ella Peppard brought a multi-million dollar lawsuit against evangelist Benny Hinn for injuries she received at a revival—injuries they alleged contributed to her death.
“Peppard, 85, died Sept. 23, 1986, from blocked arteries after she was hospitalized for a broken hip. She suffered the fracture 15 days earlier during a revival at the Faith Tabernacle.”3
Peppard was waiting in line to receive Hinn’s blessing when he struck the man standing in front of her so hard, that he flew backward, knocking her down and breaking her hip.
Instead of offering her medical assistance, Hinn ordered Peppard removed from the stage and placed in a seat near the front of the church, the suit said.
When one usher offered to seek medical aid for Peppard, witnesses said Hinn stopped the usher and said, “Leave her alone. God will heal her.”4
In another incident involving Hinn, his son and two body guards were arrested for beating up and torturing a deaf and mute man who had approached the stage with some water, seeking a blessing.
Hestephenson Araujo, 21, reportedly needed hospital treatment after the incident … during a religious crusade in Manaus, northern Brazil.
Police detained Joshua Hinn, 21, along with two of Benny Hinn's bodyguards, on suspicion of torture after the three men allegedly locked Mr Araujo in a trailer and physically assaulted him. …
The men took Mr Araujo to a trailer parked near the stage where they allegedly held him captive inside, beating and punching him as they demanded to know who he was.
Because the man could not hear or respond to their demands, the physical aggression continued, police said.
Tactical squad officers burst into the trailer after concerned members of the public called police.5
This is completely inconsistent with the actions of Yahushua or any of the apostles! Robert Liichow, who was once himself involved in this movement, now seeks to enlighten people to the error of it. He writes:
The obvious question is this - if God is knocking people down, why do we need to catch them? … They explain this manifestation as being directly caused by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. If this is so, [is] He … not mighty enough to see to it that those He sovereingly knocks down are unhurt by His blessing? These churches employ catchers because (1) they know people fake falling many times, it is a programmed response. (2) They lack faith in their own stated beliefs. Obviously God is not big enough to safeguard His people.
Also along with the catchers we had sisters … who came along beside or behind the catchers with large sheets of material. Their ministry was to place these sheets over the womens [sic] legs and bodies. Why? Because many times when women would be slain in the spirit they would fall in very immodest positions.
We had events where [when] some unfortunate women fell their dresses would be hiked up their bodies quite a bit, and their legs would be splayed out at inappropriate angles. When the Lord chose to embarrass His daughters in this manner we had to be there to quickly cover up their shame. Does this really sound like something [Yahuwah Elohim] would do to His daughters?6
Breaking Free
Yahushua promised, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:32, KJV) More and more people who were once actively involved in this movement have broken free of the deception. They are now warning others of this strange belief. Mark Haville is one such person. When asked what got him out of it, Haville replied that he simply read the Scriptures.7
Mike Wright, another brother who no longer believes the Bible supports this practice, points to another problem with this belief: that of peer pressure. He writes:
Benny Hinn spoke at a prayer breakfast and I watched him pray for my mother on the other side of our table. The group of Full Gospel Businessmen who accompanied this budding superstar performed like a cadre of bodyguards around the president, raising great expectations and excitement, and exuding power and prestige simply by the manner in which they approached and moved through the crowd.
Mom was not slain-in-the-spirit, but she told me that - if Benny had tarried longer with his hand pushing her forehead back - she probably would have been. This was her somewhat embarrassed response to the fact that she hadn't been 'faithful enough, or yielded enough, or righteous enough' to have been blessed with this (supposedly) wonderful act of the Holy Spirit. (This was my first-hand view of the guilt implicitly - and often explicitly - placed on the seeker/ recipient).8
Pressure is put on the one seeking a blessing or healing to demonstrate a physical response to the power of the Spirit. If they do not have one, it is assumed (by both those watching and the individual) that the fault lies with the person for lacking sufficient faith. It’s peer pressure brought to bear in the spiritual realm. Wright concludes by sadly observing:
I could relay over thirty years worth of stories to you, and the conclusion of them all is that we have (unknowingly) participated in a farce - deceived by people who knew better or who should have known better. Having studied [Yah’s] word on the matter exhaustively now, we clearly denounce the teaching of slain-in-the-spirit. Nowhere is the practice found in the bible, and only on the enemies of [Yah] did an overwhelming force come to cause them to fall backwards. In every other case that is specified, men who came into the presence of [Yahuwah] fell willingly forwards, on their face, (in humble worship) - or, ... they DIED.9
Mind Over Mind
The experience of being “slain in the Spirit” is frequently witnessed in large assemblies or at evangelistic efforts, where the preacher will have a special time of healing. He or she will go around, laying his hand on the forehead of a sick person, who will then fall backward. Some “faith healers” such as Benny Hinn, will even appear to make a joke of the power of the Holy Spirit, waving his suit jacket at the crowd or even blowing on them, to which, predictably, they collapse.
Mark Haville, mentioned earlier, was asked in an interview just how being slain in the spirit works. He listed the following:
- People are suggestible. A person can be led into a suggestible state of mind, or altered state of consciousness, where they are more inclined to be influenced by the speaker and the reactions of those around them.
- Program leaders deliberately select music that corresponds with a person’s heart rate. The beat in most praise and worship music aligns well with the cardio-vascular system.
- Entertainers understand the power of group dynamics. This is why comedians and rock stars have opening acts to “warm up the crowd”. Group dynamics also work in favor of faith healers. When the expectation of everyone watching is that you will fall when touched on the forehead, most people will fall.
- Repetitive speech patterns, and even certain tones of voice, can help induce impressionable mindsets. Neuro-linguistic Programming and Eriksonian hypnosis have invaded even those Christian denominations that are not Pentecostal, with some pastors boasting of their ability to hypnotize their congregations.
- People in such settings are vulnerable to being hypnotized. Thus, for a period of time, their pain may very well appear to be gone. Follow up studies, however, have revealed that the vast majority of those who at first thought they were healed, were in fact, not.
Charles S. Price held a revival in British Colombia in which 350 people believed themselves healed. Six months later, however, a follow-up study revealed very disturbing results. Of the 350 people who had believed themselves healed, 301 were still sick, 39 had actually died, and five had gone insane. Only five claimed to still be healed.10
Harville admits that these exact same practices, using precisely the same methods, are used in eastern religions and the various mystic traditions from around the world.
Paul warns how Satan can transform himself into an angel of light, stating: “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15, KJV) This is precisely what is happening with this Pentecostal movement: altered states of consciousness, spiritual trances, hypnosis, etc. By using Christian terminology, praying to “Jesus”, calling for “revival”, admonishing believers to have “faith”, these Christian gurus clothe occult practices in robes of light.
While faith healing and other overt displays attributed to Holy Ghost power have been around for a long time, the practice received a large revival at the Toronto Airport Church, in Toronto, Canada, in 1994. One of the founders of this movement, Paul Goldee11, initially believed it was honestly of Yahuwah. However, after seeing some people howl like dogs, or act in animalistic ways while supposedly under the power of the Holy Spirit, he began to question whether this was truly of Yah. He warns:
Today, I would say that this is something a lot darker … Today, I believe that spirit is a false spirit, a counterfeit spirit and not the Holy Spirit of Scripture. … I would say that this was never a true, genuine manifestation of the Holy Spirit because the fruit of that church is rotten. … The Holy Spirit, by His very name, is Holy. He will not encourage people to do anything unholy.
People … are made in the image of [Yah]. Why would [Yahuwah] debase humanity by making them get on like animals? If there is anything that is manifested in these meetings contrary to the Holy Scripture, than it is not of [Yahuwah] because [Yah] does not change. … Do not embrace this; do not think that this is a light thing. … This is not of [Yah] … it is a scheme of the devil and … it will bring utter destruction to the men, and the women, and the children who embrace it.12
Scripture contains no references to early believers indulging in any of the gross, undignified displays seen in those who are "slain in the Spirit." Biblical worship was holy, even as Yahuwah is holy. The joy of Yah never destroyed the individual’s personal dignity. One of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. Would Yahuwah actively destroy something He is trying to instill into your character?
Contrast the erratic and undignified behavior of those who are said to be "slain in the spirit" with those who have truly experienced the healing touch of the Master Yahushua: Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gadarenes. And when He had come out of the boat, immediately there met Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with chains, because he had often been bound with shackles and chains. And the chains had been pulled apart by him, and the shackles broken in pieces; neither could anyone tame him. And always, night and day, he was in the mountains and in the tombs, crying out and cutting himself with stones. When he saw Yahushua from afar, he ran and worshiped Him. And he cried out with a loud voice and said, "What have I to do with You, Yahushua, Son of the Most High Yah? I implore You by Elohim that You do not torment me." For He said to him, "Come out of the man, unclean spirit!" Then He asked him, "What is your name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion; for we are many." Also he begged Him earnestly that He would not send them out of the country. Now a large herd of swine was feeding there near the mountains. So all the demons begged Him, saying, "Send us to the swine, that we may enter them." And at once Yahushua gave them permission. Then the unclean spirits went out and entered the swine (there were about two thousand); and the herd ran violently down the steep place into the sea, and drowned in the sea. So those who fed the swine fled, and they told it in the city and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that had happened. Then they came to Yahushua, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid. (Mark 5:1-15) Note: The transformation that Yahuwah brings is the opposite of that experienced by those who are "slain in the spirit." The Spirit of Yah, in the above passage, calmed the erratic behavior of the demon-possessed man and restored in him a sound mind. Those who advocate the unbiblical practice of being slain in the spirit exhibit the opposite of this; they are transformed from an apparently sound state of mind to a reckless and wildly erratic state of emotion/behavior. |
True Biblical Spirituality
Scripture admonishes believers: “Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.” (1Thessalonians 5:21-22, NKJV) Yahuwah is calling Christians today to return to true, Biblical spirituality. A true connection with the Almighty does not come in a noisy group. An authentic spiritual experience comes individually, when in silence, the solitary soul can hear the still small voice.
Elijah on Mt. Horeb was taught that Yahuwah was not in the great, and mighty wind that tore at the mountain. He was not in the earthquake that caused the ground to shake. He was not in the raging chaos of a firestorm. Instead, the Creator of All chose to speak one-on-one with His servant in a still, small voice. (See 1 Kings 19:11-12.)
This lesson is for us today. The Father knows the longing of your heart for a close, intimate connection with Him. He will not leave it unsatisfied. That desire was planted in your heart by Him!
Let your example be the Saviour. “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” (Mark 1:35, NKJV) You may live in a crowded apartment building. You may be surrounded by non-believing family members. But you, too, can withdraw to your own solitary place.
Maybe your solitary place is your bedroom. Maybe it’s your closet. Maybe it’s a bench in a quiet corner of the park. Maybe it’s your car parked at the far end of the grocery store parking lot. Maybe the only quiet you can get is locking yourself in the bathroom. Wherever you can carve out a quiet space to focus on and listen to the still small voice, your Father will draw near to you, and speak to you personally.
The practice of being "slain in the spirit" relies heavily upon emotional excitement.
By pursuing a blessing they have abandoned truth in place of a supernatural experience. This [is] not a Biblical experience but can be a supernatural one. In so doing they have inadvertently become open to deception by accepting this without any testing … People have succumb to the oldest charade, in their pursuit of a blessing they have abandoned truth in place of a supernatural experience without ever testing the source for Biblical proof.13
Divine truth does not rely on emotion, but appeals to the mind. Yahuwah says, “Come now, and let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1:18, KJV) Rationally compare theology with Scripture. Don’t compare theology with emotion because the emotional high experienced by spectators at a rock concert is the same sense of oneness and euphoria you can get singing hymns with 2,000 other believers at camp meeting.
Emotion should never be accepted as proof of anything, let alone something as important as salvation. Salvation requires repentance and faith in Yahuwah, not some ecstatic trance or emotional flight of fancy.
If you have gotten involved with such irrational, emotional displays, please, don’t take our word for it that this is unbiblical. Read Scripture for yourself! Prove all things by the word of Yahuwah. Lay aside that which does not agree with His word and cling to that which is good. Yahuwah will always satisfy the soul-hunger of anyone longing to be close to Him.
1 J. F. C. Hecker, Epidemics of the Middle Ages, p. 127.
2 Matt Slick, “What Does It Mean To Be Slain In The Spirit?” Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.
4 Ibid.
6, emphasis in original.
8, emphasis supplied.
9 Ibid., emphasis supplied.
10 See Nader Mikhaiel, The Toronto Blessing and Slaying in the Spirit, referenced in
11 See Paul’s surname may be misspelled, as the audio is slightly garbled and difficult to make out.
12 Ibid.