Anti-Bible statements by Ellen White on the Flat Earth truth
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15 ESV |
Father Yahuwah brought the light of the earth's shape to lay members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the late nineteenth century. This light was joyfully accepted by a few members, who expected Ellen White to accept it, thus opening the way for the denomination to endorse it. To their shock, Ellen White ridiculed their initiative and issued the shocking statements below. The result of her stand is that the Seventh-day Adventist Church today has not endorsed the flat-earth truth. They can’t endorse that which Ellen White rejected. Let’s survey what she had to say:
April 15, 1887, from Basel, Switzerland, to:
Dear Brother Brown,
I learn by letters from New York that Brother Brown has accepted and is now preaching the flat world theory. Is it possible that this theory has been brought by Brother Wilcox from England and that you have accepted it and are teaching it? My brother, our work is to teach the third angel's message. Stick to the message. It is a weakness of Elder Wilcox to get hold of hobbies and to stick to some things that he had better let alone.
Any kind of theory or hobby that Satan can lead the minds of men to dwell upon, he will draw their attention to, so that they shall not be engaged in giving the solemn message for this time. Do not, my brother, become entangled with ideas that have no connection with the work for this time. It is better to be teaching the truth as it is in Jesus. Better to be seeking for true godliness, heart holiness, freedom from all selfishness, freedom from all envies and jealousies.
It is better to pray and humble the soul before God and let the world, round or flat, be just as God has made it. Try most earnestly by faithful continuance in welldoing to seek for a clear title in the inheritance in the earth made new. Better lead the flock of God to drink at the higher streams; better by precept and example seek God while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near. There is a revival needed in the church. When the teachers are drinking fresh draughts from the well of Bethlehem, then they can lead the people to the living stream. My soul is weighed down with the burden of the condition of things in New York. May the Lord raise up helpers, men whom He can teach, humble men whom He can lead to bear a clear, sharp testimony in faith. God help you to seek His face, to walk carefully, to put self out of sight, and exalt Jesus.
I hope Brother Wilcox will be a truly converted man. This is his great need at the present time. He wants meekness, he wants humility, he wants genuine piety, and without it he is as sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. His soul and your soul need the indwelling of Jesus. Whether the world is round or flat will not save a soul, but whether men believe and obey means everything. 1
“Non-Essential Subjects To Be Avoided,”
September 12, 1904. Written by Ellen G. White in Omaha, Nebraska
There is to be an avoidance of controversy. We are to speak the truth in love. False doctrines of every kind will be brought in to divert the mind from a plain “Thus saith the Lord.” Wherever we go, we shall find men ready with some side issue. While I was at Melrose, a man came with a message that the world is flat. I was instructed to present the commission that Christ gave His disciples just before His ascension, as recorded in Matthew 28:16-20.
We are not to allow our minds to be occupied by subjects such as that presented by this man. In regard to such subjects, God says to every soul, “What is that to thee? Follow thou Me. I have given you your commission. Dwell upon the great testing truths for this time, not upon matters that have no bearing upon our work.”
Again and again these non-essential subjects have been agitated, but their discussion has never done a particle of good. We are not to al- low our attention to be diverted from the proclamation of the message given us. For years I have been instructed that we are not to give our attention to non-essential questions. There are questions of the highest importance to be considered. “What shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” the lawyer asked Christ. The Saviour answered, “What is written in the law? how readest thou?” “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.
The questions Christ considered essential are the questions that we are to urge home today. We are not bidden to enter into discussion regarding unimportant subjects. Our work is to lead minds to the great principles of the law of God.2
“Let those who are presenting theories as to whether the earth is round or flat, leave this question, for God has not given it to them to solve, and earnestly inquire, “What shall I do that I may have everlasting life?” Let them heed the answer, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.”3
“Nonessential questions will be brought in by those who do not purify their souls by obeying the truth. They fall far short of the standard of loving God supremely and their neighbor as themselves. I am bidden to say that sophistries will be brought in to take the place of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. The message is given, “Some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” This word has been fulfilling among our people.4
“Melrose, Mass., Sunday, August 28, 1904—I speak to the people that shall assemble in the tent meeting in Melrose. My mind is deeply exercised this morning. I have had matters presented to me to give to our people. An urgent request came to me from a man who desired to discuss with me in regard to the round world—to him a very im- portant matter. My answer was, “I have a message to this people in regard to the life they must live in this world to prepare them for future life which measures with the life of God. We have nought to do with the question whether this world is round or flat. [The important thing] is to serve God with full purpose of a renewed heart, sanctified and made holy by the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ.”
Is it possible to imagine that Yahuwah will call an end-time prophet/messenger that does not give any weight to Yahuwah’s creation model, and when presented with the truth about it, they rebuke those burdened to share the truth about His creation model? Followers of Ellen White need to ponder these questions.
“Every issue will be brought in in various places by some persons who are not worked by the Spirit of God. Last night the Lord gave me words to speak to the people. Satan has a multitude of questions to bring in through various minds and ingenuity as all-important. Take the Word, plainly stating the truth for 1904; and the messenger that was sent of God had a message the same as the people need now. He was John the Baptist.5
“I had one come up to me and want me to give information about a round or flat world. Said I, I have no such burden on my soul at all. I have nothing to say to you or to anybody else about a round or a flat world. What we want is a round character. We have altogether too much of a flat character, and we want now to think of building a character that shall be round and perfect, as our Father which is in heaven is perfect, and we want that every talent that you have should be in exercise. Grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth, that you may go forth, and—what says Christ? Teach them all things about a round world? No. That I have commanded you. That is what we are to teach. Teach the lessons that Christ gave in His life practice.6
Given that there are tens of Bible verses that confirm the geocentric model of creation, as opposed to the heliocentric model, is it possible to imagine for a second that Father Yahuwah will commission an end-time prophet that will willfully reject the Bible verses that reveal His creation model?
How can a prophet/messenger of Father Yahuwah ignore the First Angel’s Message of Revelation 14, which commands all people to worship Yahuwah as the Creator of heaven and earth? Is it feasible that Father Yahuwah will accept our worship of Him as the Creator when we willfully endorse a different creation model than the one He created? Is it possible to imagine that Yahuwah will call an end-time prophet/messenger that does not give any weight to Yahuwah’s creation model, and when presented with the truth about it, they rebuke those burdened to share the truth about His creation model? If you think that Yahuwah can still enlist such a confused person to be His end-time messenger, you are likely to be ready to believe us if we claim that we have a few bridges to sell at exceptional prices.
1 Letter 43, 1887. 21MR 412.6-413.3
2 17MR 303.3-304.3
3 21MR 419.6
421MR 420.1
5 21MR 421.3-421.5
6 Ms155-1904.79