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While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
The most important health discovery ever!
We want to share this video about earthing/grounding with our community. We are excited about this movie and its importance because it deepens our appreciation for Father Yahuwah's incredible creative power. Our Father ordained that the earth's surface and our autoimmune system work together to bring about self-healing. He knew Adam would sin, fall, and be subject to various ailments and diseases. But He made it possible to cope with illnesses and pain [on a cost-free basis] as much as possible if fallen humans remain connected to the earth's surface so that humans can obtain the needed electrons to empower the autoimmune system to go about its work efficiently.
On the other hand, Satan worked hard to disconnect humans from the surface of the earth by leading man to invent synthetic rubber in the 1960s. This tragic invention ushered in the sneakers revolution. Since that time, we began to experience a dramatic increase in bodily ailments and autoimmune health disorders as most humans became disconnected from the Earth's surface. It is high time to come to grips with Satan's schemes and go back to Father Yahuwah's original plan to regain health, which is His default plan for humans. He wants us to be pain-free so that we are more receptive to His truth and attentive to His Spirit's whispers. This movie does not credit Father Yahuwah with this invaluable blessing that accrues when we walk barefoot on the surface of the flat earth He created. But we are thankful HE can use atheists to draw our attention to such an indispensable physical blessing, which is more needed today than ever. Click here to enjoy the movie.
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We want to share this video about earthing/grounding with our community. We are excited about this movie and its importance because it deepens our appreciation for Father Yahuwah's incredible creative power. Our Father ordained that the earth's surface and our autoimmune system work together to bring about self-healing. He knew Adam would sin, fall, and be subject to various ailments and diseases. But He made it possible to cope with illnesses and pain [on a cost-free basis] as much as possible if fallen humans remain connected to the earth's surface so that humans can obtain the needed electrons to empower the autoimmune system to go about its work efficiently.
On the other hand, Satan worked hard to disconnect humans from the surface of the earth by leading man to invent synthetic rubber in the 1960s. This tragic invention ushered in the sneakers revolution. Since that time, we began to experience a dramatic increase in bodily ailments and autoimmune health disorders as most humans became disconnected from the Earth's surface. It is high time to come to grips with Satan's schemes and go back to Father Yahuwah's original plan to regain health, which is His default plan for humans. He wants us to be pain-free so that we are more receptive to His truth and attentive to His Spirit's whispers. This movie does not credit Father Yahuwah with this invaluable blessing that accrues when we walk barefoot on the surface of the flat earth He created. But we are thankful HE can use atheists to draw our attention to such an indispensable physical blessing, which is more needed today than ever. Click here to enjoy the movie.
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Vila i Frid
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Tid: 00:16:10
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