When any sincere truth-seeker discovers he has been taught a lie for the truth, it is extremely upsetting. Sincere believers conduct their lives and make decisions based on what they believe will honor Yahuwah. To discover one has actually been dishonoring the One you love when, all along, you believed you had been honoring Him is utterly devastating. The very foundations of your belief system feel destroyed and one can feel cast adrift and rudderless. Perhaps no other denomination has faced this dilemma, as a group, to the extent experienced by the Worldwide Church of God.
Reevaluation of their core beliefs has led, over the last couple of decades, to the setting aside of most of their earlier beliefs and the acceptance of many beliefs they used to reject as error. This culminated in 2009 with a denominational change of name to Grace Communion International (GCI). Yahuwah values intellectual honesty. Christians today are urged to emulate the example of the Bereans who, “Received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11) Yahuwah’s invitation, “Come now, let us reason together,” (Isaiah 1:18) is a pledge that He will provide all the evidence necessary to convince the sincere-of-heart who are willing to be led.
Sadly, in their desire to lay aside the errors of the past, GCI has also laid aside many of the truths they previously held. Following is a brief list of some of the errors now held by GCI:
Click here for a list of some of the errors espoused by CGI.