Messianic Jews, in a very real sense, are “completed Jews.” They have seen and their faith has grasped how the shadowy types in the Torah point toward their fulfillment in the great antitype, Yahushua, the Messiah. As such, the richness of spiritual beauty has opened before them and they love much as they see they have been forgiven much.
Nevertheless, some of their beliefs are still entwined with errors that have been handed down for centuries. Following is a short list of some of the errors held by Messianic Jews from which Heaven is calling them.
- Messianic Jews, unlike few others, understand the perpetuity of the law of Yahuwah. For this reason, they observe the annual feasts, the holy convocations delineated in Leviticus 23. The problem is inconsistency. Although Scripture refers to both the seventh-day Sabbath and the annual feasts as “holy convocations,” Messianic Jews use the Biblical luni-solar calendar for calculating only the annual feasts. Thus, they do not worship on the true, ancient seventh-day lunar Sabbath of Scripture. Instead, they worship on Saturday – the seventh day of the modern papal solar calendar which itself is an adaption of the ancient pagan solar calendar of Julius Caesar.
Scripture is clear that worship on Saturn’s day (Saturday) is a gross affront to Yahuwah. Jewish scholars themselves openly admit that they changed their calendar by which the Sabbath is calculated.
- Like the rabbinical Jews, Messianic Jews begin their seventh-day Sabbath at sundown on Friday and close the Sabbath at sundown on Saturday. This practice of observing the seventh-day Sabbath from sundown to sundown is based on ancient Jewish tradition, not Scripture. Leviticus 23:32 states: “From even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath.” This instruction, however, is given for the Day of Atonement only. Throughout the rest of Scripture, the combined weight of evidence reveals that weekly Sabbaths begin at dawn and end at dark.
- Messianic Jews teach that circumcision is still a necessary part of the covenant agreement between Yahuwah and mankind. Some go so far as to refuse to fellowship with those they know are not circumcised. Not only is such a harsh spirit antithetical of Yahushua, but the belief itself is based on a misunderstanding of what part circumcision played in the covenant agreement between Yahuwah and Abraham. Circumcision, which involved a minor “shedding of blood” was part of the sacrificial system. As such, it was a type that pointed forward to the great anti-type: the Lamb of Yah that taketh away the sins of the world. While certainly there is nothing wrong with circumcision for health reasons, doing so as a religious requirement does despite to Yahushua’s death on the cross as fulfilling the blood requirements of the law.
- Some Messianic Jews have fallen for the deception of a triune godhead. The doctrine of the Trinity cannot be supported from Scripture, which states: “Hear O Israel, Yahuwah our Eloah is one!” (Deuteronomy 6:4) The idea of a three-in-one godhead comes straight from ancient paganism, not Scripture. The Bible makes plain that Yahushua, while born of a virgin, is a human being - not a diety.
- Some Messianic Jews embrace speaking in tongues as a sign of Spirit baptism. Yahuwah has certainly demonstrated His ability, both in apostolic times and modern times, to gift people with the ability to speak in foreign languages. The majority of modern instances, however, do not fit the Biblical criteria for the genuine gift of the Spirit. Paul gently explained the difference between the true “speaking in tongues” versus the unintelligible gibberish so prevalent today: “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself.” (1 Corinthians 14:4) To “edify” or “build” oneself is contradictory to the example of Yahushua who was “meek and lowly in heart.” (Matthew 11:29)
- Most teach that the redeemed will inherit Heaven. Scripture, however, teaches the immortality in the earth made new is the reward of the saints.