Why do you not use 'Yahusha' since it appears more times than 'Yahushua' in the Hebrew text?
Question: Why do you not use "Yahusha" since it appears more times than "Yahushua" in the Hebrew text? How can you believe that "Yahushua" is correct when SHUA has so many negative connotations attached to it?
Answer: Much could be said on this point. We believe, however, that the individual who produced the videos below has done an excellent job explaining why we believe the Son's name to be "Yahushua," as opposed to "Yahusha." We highly recommend watching this entire 9-part series. Parts 5, 6, & 7 below specifically address the question being asked, though. Why we use "Yahushua," as opposed to "Yahusha" ... (You can watch the full length video here.)
What is His Son's Name? A closer look at the name יהושוע [Yahushua] 5 of 9
What is His Son's Name? A closer look at the name יהושוע [Yahushua] 6 of 9
What is His Son's Name? A closer look at the name יהושוע [Yahushua] 7 of 9