Does the dateline affect how many days are in the Luni-Solar Calendar?
Question: Does the dateline affect how many days are in the Luni-Solar Calendar? Because for the LSC 4th lunation 6005, [Gregorian J-ne to J-ly 2018] the Australia LSC is showing 30 Days while California USA is showing 29 Days. I always thought that the Luni-Solar Calendar has the same amount of days across the world.
Answer: Differing locations will sometimes have a different number of days in their lunation, because of the timing of the conjunction in relation to dawn in each location. Because the Creator's dateline is not static - it moves each month - there is not a uniform number of days in each lunation for all locations. The only way one could have exactly the same number of days in each month in every location would be to use a static starting point, e.g. the world's false International Dateline [IDL].
SEE Luni-Solar Calendar App.
4th Lunation 6005 [Jun – Jul 2018] California USA = 29 days, Australia = 30 days.
Answer: Differing locations will sometimes have a different number of days in their lunation, because of the timing of the conjunction in relation to dawn in each location. Because the Creator's dateline is not static - it moves each month - there is not a uniform number of days in each lunation for all locations. The only way one could have exactly the same number of days in each month in every location would be to use a static starting point, e.g. the world's false International Dateline [IDL].
SEE Luni-Solar Calendar App.
4th Lunation 6005 [Jun – Jul 2018] California USA = 29 days, Australia = 30 days.
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