1234 Street |
NAME of Teacher or Principle
NAME of School
ADDRESS of School
TOWN, STATE of School
Dear Sir: [or Madame – preferably use last name with Mr./Mrs./Ms.]
I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent education I am receiving at [INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL]. The knowledge and skills I am learning here are preparing me well for the future.
I recently learned that the calendar used in the Bible was a different method of time-keeping from the modern civil calendar now in use. I have studied this topic exhaustively because of the impact upon [my job as well as] my schooling. Based on my research, I believe it is my duty to worship by the the Biblical calendar on Scripture’s holy days. These include the weekly seventh-day Sabbaths, the monthly New Moons and four additional religious days throughout the year.
The impact on school comes from the fact that months on the Biblical calendar begin with the New Moon. The weekly cycle also restarts with each new moon. Therefore, the weekly Sabbath seems to “float” through the continuous weekly cycle of the Gregorian civil calendar used by [INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL].
Sometimes my Sabbaths fall on the weekend. However, much of time I will need to miss one day of school a week. Included is a calendar marked with the days I need to be absent. I cannot take final exams on those days, either. I would take full responsibility to obtain any lecture notes missed as well as homework assignments and their due dates. I am committed to being an excellent student as well as an obedient Biblical Christian.
In business, as well as government, accommodation for religious differences has been provided. I am respectfully asking that this same accommodation be extended to me for my education. I sincerely hope that an arrangement can be made. The education I am receiving here is a blessing for which I am very grateful.
Sincerely yours,