Non-WLC Videos

Dr. Joel Fuhrman talks on the dangers of sea salt, particularly with plant-based diets. There's an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke that has been documented. Whether you believe this or not, it's worth checking out.
Time: 00:09:47
Comments: 1 
Hits: 4879 
Learn how you can grow greens indoors in the winter in trays. Learn how to grow wheat grass, pea greens and sunflower greens in this video.
Time: 00:14:55
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Hits: 4430 
It is not the body that heals itself, but Yahuwah who healths the body when we follow His physical principles.
Time: 00:05:52
Comments: 3 
Hits: 4335 
The Body Needs Water
Time: 00:02:01
Comments: 1 
Hits: 3239 

 Hazards of Sugar (part 1 of 3)

Time: 00:09:31
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Hits: 3192 

 Hazards of Sugar (part 2 of 3)

Time: 00:09:58
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Hits: 3067 

 Hazards of Sugar (part 3 of 3)

Time: 00:06:54
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Hits: 3209 
Another way to use many of the dark leafy green vegetables, juices them! Juicing removes the fiber so we can easily absorb and assimilate the nutrition of these superfoods.
Time: 00:11:00
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Hits: 3913 
Ani shows us how to make a delicious, fast, easy raw food Tomato Chili with Taco Nut Meat.
Time: 00:04:52
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Hits: 3185 
Karen Knowler shares how to make Raspberry Passion Pudding.
Time: 00:06:48
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Hits: 3474 
A Wake-Up Story is a must-see video for every parent and anyone that cares about the health and development of children. Watch it. Share it.
Time: 00:03:34
Comments: 1 
Hits: 3261 
Dr. Levy shows how eating enriched foods aren't the best choice
Time: 00:07:48
Comments: 2 
Hits: 3408 
Today's video is about an amazing woman, Rosemary Fletcher spent 11 years confined to a wheelchair and doctors said she will never walk again. Thanks to the raw food diet she went from 305 lbs to 120 lbs and now walks one mile a day.
Time: 00:09:16
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Hits: 4385 
George Malkmus explains his own story as well as the high-raw plant-based diet.
Time: 00:09:59
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Hits: 4272 
Here is a wonderfully simple recipe to make homemade raw almond milk.
Time: 00:04:47
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Hits: 2994 
Conscious Nutrition, a wonderful way to support and encourage greater balance and peace in your life, is to be more aware of the subtle, yet profound ways that food is affecting us and the world every day, on a physical, mental and emotional level.
Time: 00:07:24
Comments: 1 
Hits: 3330 
Are you ready to roll up your sleeve?
Time: 00:11:00
Comments: 0 
Hits: 3043 

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