While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
World’s Last Chance
Preparing Hearts and Minds for Yahushua's Sudden Return!

Non-WLC Videos

In direct disobedience to the clear scriptures written in every Bible, Christian preachers teach the people to follow the pagan practices of Christmas, Easter, Valentines, etc.

Time: 00:08:28
Comments: 1 
Hits: 4240 

Isn't it shocking that Christians have been deceived into accepting a completely false name Jesus Christ for the Savior of mankind. This name Jesus is held in such high regard by billions yet it can be easily proven to be a completely made up name. More people are learning that the letter J was created to deceive the masses so they would not know the true name of the Savior which is Yahshua

Time: 00:07:38
Comments: 3 
Hits: 5201 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:10:24
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Hits: 3508 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:10:45
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Hits: 3324 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:10:59
Comments: 0 
Hits: 3420 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:10:41
Comments: 0 
Hits: 3065 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:10:18
Comments: 2 
Hits: 3161 

Video elaborating upon the "unknown mighty one" who Shaul tells the Greeks they must call on by name as YaHuWaH. This video shows how the name YaHuWaH displays the pattern for all life and why we are mandated to publish his name to the entire earth.

Time: 00:09:52
Comments: 6 
Hits: 4232 

Why is it nobody knows The Name? It is in the scriptures a YHWH and has been masked as Adoni and other pagan names, can we know this Name above all names?

Time: 00:02:53
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Hits: 4173 

What is the greatest conspiracy of all time? Is it the assassination of president John F. Kennedy? Or the tragic death of princess Diana? Chem-Trails? How about deadly fluoride in the water? Or, could it be all the secret elites?

NO, in order for to find the greatest conspiracy of all time we must go back, WAY back to the ancient of days just to find it!

Time: 00:06:46
Comments: 1 
Hits: 4312 

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