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The World Calendar

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    • Adolf Hitler’s drive to exterminate all Jews and religious fundamentalists.
    • Communism’s goal to crush out all religion as an opiate for the weak-minded.
    • A calendar change that would affect the weekly cycle.
    • A new calendar. It had seven-day weeks, but every quarter was the same and the year ended on a blank day.
    • The new Soviet Calendar. Communism had popular supporters in the West who wanted the Soviet calendar accepted on a world-wide basis.
    • The old French Republican Calendar. The metric system still worked so well, some visionaries wanted a return to decimal time.
    • Was actually not much of a threat, being limited to radicals and university campuses.
    • Was well-organized, well-financed and had supporters highly placed in government, finance, education and industry.
    • Was more theoretical – a possibility for the future.
    • The new calendar would interrupt the weekly cycle with non-days removed from the traditional seven-day week.
    • The new calendar did not have Saturday in it.
    • That extreme measures to enforce its observance were mandated as part of the reform.
    • Most people did not feel there was a need for calendar reform.
    • The fall out on families by the Soviet calendar reform. This created fears that The World Calendar would have the same affect on families.
    • December W (World Day), which came between Saturday, December 30, and Sunday, January 1.
    • Fear of Soviet-like anti-religion oppression.
    • The assumption that the modern week has cycled continuously and without interruption ever since Creation.
    • A close-minded dislike and unfounded suspicion of all things “new”.
    • Standardize the months.
    • Fix the year in perpetuity.
    • Restore an ancient and more accurate system of time-keeping.
    • Standardize quarters of 13 complete weeks each.
    • Destroy religion, the “opiate” of the masses.
    • The dates did not truly line up with the days of the week.
    • It was claiming to be a solar calendar but was really only 364 days, which required the insertion of a blank day, December W.
    • It was really a lunar calendar in disguise.
    • True.
    • False.
    • Were not needed and did not exist in the proposed calendar.
    • Were handled the same way in the new calendar as in the Gregorian.
    • Were handled the same way as December W, leap day being June W, another blank day removed from the weekly cycle.
    • Celebration Days.
    • Extra Sundays.
    • Extra new year
    • “Stabilizing” days, the World Holidays.*
    • Everyone preferred the Gregorian. They knew it; why change what works?
    • World War II broke out. Squabbling over calendars became a foolish notion when the world was at war.
    • Religious minorities, such as Saturday sabbatarians, fought against it vigorously, claiming it violated their religious liberty.
    • True.
    • False.
    • Beauty.
    • To be a night-light for the fearful and young children.
    • Controlling ocean tides.
    • Establishing when to worship: the mo’edim.
    • It’s length.
    • The absolute regularity by which it cycles.
    • The planetary names still in use.
    • Lack of funding.
    • U.N. (United Sanctions) against it.
    • Vigorous opposition by Judeo-Christian traditionalists.
    • A different proposed calendar which drew supporters away from The World Calendar to the other one.