Among the various denominations that comprise Christianity, the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) is one of the most committed to taking the gospel message to the world. CMA doctrines, from the work of the Holy Spirit to the process of sanctification through faith in the Saviour and many more, demonstrate a wealth of Biblical truth and mature spiritual understanding. Nevertheless, the CMA contains some errors intermingled with their many truths.
Following is a short list of the errors to be found in the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
- Like most of Christendom, the CMA believes in a triune godhead. While Scripture certainly refers repeatedly to the Holy Spirit of Yah, it also states unequivocally, “Hear O Israel: Yahuwah our El, Yahuwah is one!” (Deuteronomy 6:4) The doctrine of the trinity does not come from Scripture but ancient paganism. The Bible makes plain that Yahushua, while born of a virgin, is a human being - not a diety.
- The CMA teaches an eternally burning hell. It is true that Scripture refers to eternally burning fires, but not as the reward of the wicked. The Bible is clear: death, not eternal life in torment is the punishment for the wicked.
The belief in an eternal hell is based on the belief in the immortality of the soul. However, the Bible explains the nature of the Creator by stating: “[Yahuwah] is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power.” (1 Timothy 6:16-17)
Further, the Bible makes it clear that only the righteous will be given eternal life as a gift. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of Yah is eternal life in Yahushua the Annointed our Master.” (Romans 6:23) Once death has occurred, there is no more conscious awareness:For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 9:5-6)
- The CMA teaches that the redeemed will inherit Heaven. Scripture, however, teaches that immortality in the earth made new is the reward of the saints.
- Because of the wealth of truth which the CMA believes, it is perhaps surprising that they still continue to worship on Sunday of the Gregorian calendar. The divine law establishes that the only worship day acceptable to Yah is the seventh day lunar Sabbath which most be calculated by the luni-solar calendar of Creation.
- Members of the CMA observe the pagan holidays of Christmas and Easter. Some of them also observe Lent, a practice that originated with weeping for Tammuz and which is expressly forbidden in Scripture as an “abomination.” With the observance of the pagan holidays, Yahuwah´s divinely appointed holidays are neglected and viewed as no longer binding.
Yahuwah, who reads the heart, loves His children in the Christian and Missionary Alliance. He sees their love for souls that impels them to sacrifice for others, seeking to bring as many souls as possible into the kingdom of Heaven. Now Heaven invites the members of the Christian and Missionary Alliance to lay aside the errors that entangle them and step into the fullness of truth and joy that comes with following the “Lamb withersoever He goeth.” (Revelation 14:4)