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The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Click here to access the KJV online.
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People today are far more hesitant to give. We ask ourselves, What if he uses it to buy drugs or alcohol? What if she’s asking just because I’m an a visitor /stranger? What if they’re waiting to pick my pocket or steal my wallet?

The Israelites were not to worry about such things. They were to give freely and leave the results with Yah In fact, helping the poor was believed to provide escape from damnation because it was viewed as giving to Yahuwah Himself. Thus, it became an act of highest worship and adoration of the Creator Himself.

Proverbs 10:2 declares: “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteousness delivereth from death.” (KJV) Modern dictionaries define “righteousness” as “a righteous act”1 and even Scripture contains this meaning of the word. “Righteousness” comes from the Hebrew word, tsedâqâh. It means morally upright, just, virtuous and includes virtuous acts. Thus, Proverbs 10:2 could just as readily be translated as “Treasures of wickedness profit nothing: but righteous acts delivereth from death.”

While a righteous act may, in some circumstances, certainly save the physical life, it has an even greater impact on the spiritual life. Giving to the poor, helping those in need, even when it requires self-sacrifice on your part, openly declares to the world your faith in a living God who takes care of and rewards His children. Proverbs 19:17 states, “He who has pity on the poor lends to Yahuwah, and He will pay back what he has given.” (NKJV)

Radical Faith

Giving a dollar to a beggar is easy, but it cuts closer to home when you could really use the money yourself. When you help those in need—even when you could use that money yourself—you are exercising faith that Yahuwah will provide for you. It is a public statement of your faith that Yahuwah will repay what you have given.