While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
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The Counter Reformation: Advancing the Lie

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Jesuits & The Counter Reformation

Paul III Approves the Jesuits

Paul III Approves the Jesuits, © Jesuit Institute.

At the very time Copernicus was resisting appeals to publish his theory of a heliocentric solar system, the Roman Catholic Church was waging war on the new Protestantism. Catholics admit the “Counter Reformation” was “an effort to stem the tide of Protestantism by genuine reform within the Catholic Church.”6 The Jesuit order was established in 1540 under the approval of Pope Paul III—the very pope with whom Copernicus had corresponded regarding calendar reform and to whom Copernicus dedicated his book, Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies!

It cannot be overstated: the Catholic Church was the force behind Copernicus, persistently urging the reluctant cleric to spread abroad his heliocentric theories that contradicted Scripture. The newly formed Jesuits were the perfect instruments to affect a clandestine operation, changing public perception of the authority of Scripture, the earth, and the Creator. The difference between the Jesuits and all other Catholic orders was that the Jesuits deliberately invited demonic spirits into their followers. This was done through the “spiritual exercises” of Jesuit founder, Ignatius Loyola. These spiritual exercises made them virtual mind-controlled slaves. In their own words, they were to be as a “corpse or cadaver” to “unhesitatingly obey” the will of their superiors.

When the Jesuits deliberately opened their minds to the influences of demons, it brought in a spirit of evil and a demonic intelligence that was unprecedented in Catholicism. It also made the Jesuits extremely successful in every undertaking. Because human life is so fragile, individual lives are so short, no one person, or even group of persons, can plan and implement the long-reaching evil that the Jesuits have perpetrated upon the world.

Guided and inspired by supernatural demonic intelligences, the Jesuits became infamous for their adeptness at deception and subterfuge; their ability to infiltrate governments and institutions of learning, and the influence they wielded, standing as advisors to kings and leaders in education. Working through government entities and education, they have been able to guide scientific research to further their own ends and present the biggest lie of all time: a globe earth.

Follow The Clues…

Following Copernicus’ reluctant publication of his theories, the Jesuit order produced more astronomers than probably any other specific demographic in Europe. That an ostensibly religious order should produce so many scientists is itself cause for surprise. That the scientists of said order were focused almost exclusively on only one area of science is further cause to question. A study of astronomers from the 16th through the 21st centuries reveals a veritable Who’s Who of leading astronomers who were also Jesuit priests. Even the modern civil calendar, the Gregorian calendar, was crafted by a Jesuit astronomer, Christopher Clavius.

 As long as people accepted Scripture’s cosmology of the earth as a fixed, immovable mass under a protective covering, there was no foundation on which to build lies designed to make the human mind doubt the word of Yah. By decreasing people’s trust in the dependability of the Bible, it curiously increased confidence in the pope as Heaven’s appointed authority on what to believe. The Jesuits have always been enemies of the Bible. Since the Catholic Church ranks papal decree and tradition above the Scriptures anyway, decreasing confidence in Scripture increases confidence in pastors, priests and the pope as authorities that know more than the common man can.


Just as soon as the Biblical, geocentric model was set aside, a new explanation was required. A globe earth, traveling millions of miles around the sun, itself moving through illimitable realms of space, became necessary to explain the new heliocentric model of the universe. This, in turn, created an environment in which the writings of Charles Darwin found a receptive audience who took his elementary speculations still further. Just so long as people relied upon the Bible as the supreme authority, they would never have accepted Darwin’s theories. But once science “proved” the Bible was wrong about something as basic as the shape and movement (or non-movement) of the earth, science sharply diverged from religious faith. Anything was possible! Nothing was above question, including the creation of the world and the existence of extraterrestrials.

Advancing the Lie

“The Big Bang Theory is [today] the leading explanation about how the universe began. At its simplest, it talks about the universe as we know it starting with a small singularity, then inflating over the next 13.8 billion years to the cosmos that we know today.”7 The Big Bang Theory is atheist science’s answer to Genesis 1.

Father Andrew Pinsent serves on the Faculty of Theology at Oxford University. He holds advanced degrees in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome as well as a doctorate in philosophy. He also holds a doctorate in particle physics from Oxford. This incredibly intelligent priest/scientist stated in 2015:

Being both a priest and a former particle physicist at CERN, I am often asked to give talks on faith and science. Quite often young people ask me the following question, “How can you be a priest and believe in the Big Bang?” To which I am delighted to respond, “We invented it! Or more precisely, Fr Georges Lemaître invented the theory that is today called the ‘Big Bang’ and everyone should know about him.”8

Monseigneur Georges Lemaître, Jesuit-trained priest, author of the

Monseigneur Georges Lemaître, Jesuit-trained priest, author of the "Big Bang" theory (Photo: Wikimedia via Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)

That is correct. The author of the Big Bang theory was none other than the Jesuit-trained priest, Father Georges Lemaître. On October 28, 2014, Sarah Kerr reported on Pope Francis’ address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. In his remarks, the pontiff “said the Big Bang theory is compatible with the Catholic Church’s teaching on creation.”9 Pope Francis stated: “The Big Bang, that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God; on the contrary, it requires it.”

Follow from cause to effect: without a globe earth circling the sun through the far reaches of space, you do not have the Big Bang. Without the Big Bang, you do not have evolution. Without evolution, you are more likely to accept creation as an act of intelligent design by a divine Creator. The Roman Catholic Church does, in fact, accept evolution. In her report, Kerr further stated: “The pope said it is possible to believe in both, insisting God was responsible for the Big Bang from which all life evolved.”10

Acceptance of evolution and its integral law of “survival of the fittest,” gave rise to the bloodbaths of the 20th century in which millions lost their lives. Numerous researchers have established incontrovertible connections between the Vatican, Swiss bankers, and the Nazi party.11 Karlheinz Deschner goes so far as to say there was outright collaboration between the Vatican and the Nazi party.12 Regardless of the level of collaboration between the Vatican and the Nazis, (not to mention the involvement of the American Bush dynasty) what happened after World War II is even more significant.

Operation Paperclip smuggled hundreds of Nazi scientists, including top SS officers on trial for war crimes, into the United States for use in America’s Cold War space race.13 One of these, Nazi-party member, Wernher von Braun, was promoted to head up NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, in which position he headed the development of the Saturn V booster rocket to “win the space race” with the Soviets.

Under Operation Paper Clip, some 350 German scientists and former intelligence agents were given visas and well-paying jobs. Many of those scientists had questionable pasts. Braun himself had been an active member of the Nazi party, and his colleague at NASA, Dr. Hubertus Strughold, a specialist in aviation medicine, had performed experiments on concentration camp inmates.14

Nazi scientists at Fort Bliss, Texas. Wernher von Braun is standing front row, seventh from right.

The purpose of this massive—and illegal—undertaking appears to have been for the establishment of a worldwide authority on all things relating to space and astronomy. NASA became the public face of space. It has long acted as a front providing an unsuspecting world with pseudoscience, legitimized by the backing of the US government. (For more information on the fraudulent legacy of NASA, see “The Occult Roots of NASA & The Ongoing Fraud,” Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

NASA is its own monopoly. It controls the dissemination of public information on astronomy while hiding facts it does not want the public to know. While many countries and universities have observatories, it is always the statements, photographs, and “discoveries” of NASA that make the news headlines. With NASA in charge of the flow of astronomical information to the public, it appears that the Vatican has stayed a central player in the real, true astronomy that is not being released to the public.

For hundreds of years, the Vatican has owned the most telescopes and observatories of any organization: private, university or government. NASA and the Vatican jointly own LUCIFER, the world’s largest binocular telescope. According to the official Vatican website, the Vatican observatory “is one of the oldest astronomical institutes in the world.” And yet where are the photographs? Where are the news releases of the latest discoveries? What have the Jesuit astronomers been doing for the last 500 years? Only they know.

John Edgar Hoover - Elks Magazine QuoteNASA’s public releases of information, promoting the idea of an ever larger, expanding universe of incomprehensible size, has led naturally to the supposition that there must be alien life on other celestial bodies. After all, if the same serendipitous events that produced life on earth, existed everywhere due to the Big Bang, why couldn’t intelligent life have evolved elsewhere as well? In combination with Hollywood and the science-fiction genre, NASA has created an environment in which contact with extraterrestrial life forms is as desired as it is feared.

A recent book may hold the key to understanding the final step in this centuries long conspiracy to delude the final generation.