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Genesis 1:26 (Part #7) | Exposing the False Trinity Doctrine
Genesis 1:26 (Part #7)
8. Determining Factors
- Trinitarians eisegetically read their doctrine into the text.
- Trinitarian scholars offer a wide variety of interpretations.
- An ancient Israelite wrote these words and ancient Israelites were expected to understand them.
- The Bible actually tells us man was made in the image of G-d THE FATHER.
- There is a singular versus plural interplay concerning Elohim/G-d.
- Adam is described in plural terms both here and in Genesis 5.
- There is also a singular versus plural interplay concerning Adam/Man.
- The plurality of Adam is given: "male and female."
- The image of "US" is "THEM": "male and female."
- The ancient Israelites perceived Wisdom like an espoused bride.
- The language of Proverbs 8:22, "the Lord [Yahuwah] acquired" me is typical bride-price language.
- Wisdom, personified as female, was there in the beginning when G-d created mankind.
- Wisdom was there in the beginning as Elohim's confirming assistant, G-d's Amon.
- Eve, who would be the corresponding image to female Wisdom, ate the fruit to gain Wisdom.
- When Eve at the fruit to gain Wisdom, we again find Elohim included within the US group saying, "man has become like one of US."
If US and OUR are understood as G-d and His Wisdom, we can see how it would have been easily understood by the ancient Israelites. And when we consider and appreciate all the evidence above, there is good reason to believe the text is about G-d and His Wisdom.
At Genesis 1:26, there is nothing at all which suggests we should believe the passage alludes to the Trinity. The notion of a Triune being must be imagined into the text to have it say something which it simply does not say. We do not even need to know what the passage does mean to illustrate there is no justification for the eisegetical interpretation of Trinitarian apologists. The Trinitarian interpretation is a total fabrication crafted to suit their fancies. There is also nothing unusual about G-d identifying with a group and speaking on behalf of that group. And although they may not harmonize or promote the Trinity, there are more plausible and reasonable interpretations of this passage which are much more harmonious with Scripture than imposing the extraneous concept of a Triune G-d into the words "us" and "our." And indeed, the facts demonstrate the words "US" and "OUR" are a reference to G-d and His Wisdom - Wisdom, G-d's Amon at the dawn of creation. And the point of Genesis 1:26 then, is that man was made in the image of male G-d the Father, and female Wisdom, since man, male and female was made "according to our image."
As a side note, I do not believe the above "Wisdom" interpretation excludes other interpretations such as, the pluralis majestatis, the pluralis excellentiae, or the "G-d and His angels" (heavenly court) interpretations, and perhaps others. I believe all of those interpretations are not mutually exclusive but complementary. In other words, each of them are different perspectives of the very same concept. I would also suggest that the interpretation described here is the basic framework upon which these other interpretations all fit together.
Yahuwah acquired me at the beginning of His way... When He established the heavens, I was there... Then I was beside Him, His Amon, and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him, rejoicing in the world of His earth, and having my delight in the sons of men.