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1 Corinthians 8:6 (Part #4) | Exposing the False Trinity Doctrine

The King James Version (KJV) is mostly used in these lessons. Click here to access the KJV online.
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8. The Context: Food Sacrificed to Idols

Now concerning idol sacrifices. Since we know that all of us have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. If any one thinks that he knows something, he does not yet know as he ought to know. But if one loves G-d, he is known by Him. Hence, as to the eating of idol sacrifices, we know that an idol is nothing and that there is no G-d but one. For although there may be G-ds in heaven or on earth, as there are many G-ds and many lords, yet for us there is one G-d, the Father, out of whom are all things and we to Him, and one Lord, Yahushua Christ, through whom are all things and we through him. (1 Corinthians 8:1-6).

Trinitarians also mistakenly suppose Paul is here talking about the Genesis act of creation and G-d creating all things through Yahushua. However, the context shows us that this is not what Paul is talking about. Paul is talking about created things which now exist but he isn't talking about the Genesis ACT of creating all things. In context, he is talking about food sacrificed to idols. What he has in mind here is that all things are ours in the risen Christ whom G-d has made Lord over all things. G-d subjected all things to Yahushua when He seated the risen Yahushua at his right hand and subjected all things to him giving him all authority in heaven and earth. Since all things are ours in Christ our Lord, we can know that food sacrificed to idols is nothing. Nevertheless, Paul's point is that we should not eat food sacrificed to idols in case it could make a brother stumble. Paul's point here is that we are co-heirs with Christ who was made heir of ALL things (cf. Heb 1:2,4) when G-d raised him from the dead and made him Lord. Paul's thought here is very similar to what he says earlier in this letter:

For all things are yours, whether Paul or Apollos or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come; all things are yours, and you are of Christ; and Christ of G-d. 1 Corinthians 3:21-23.

9. Deuteronomy 6:4-5 - The Shema

Some Trinitarians have absurdly attempted to claim that Paul "reworked" the Shema command for Christianity. At Mark 12:28-34, during a discussion with a Jewish scribe, Yahushua tells us that the Shema command is the foremost command for the Jews under the Law. Yahushua and this Jewish scribe have an agreeable discussion about the Shema and they inform us that the words "the Lord [Yahuwah] is one" mean that the G-d of Israel is one "HE" since "there is no other but HE/HIM" (Deut 4:35).

Yahushua also makes it clear that the Shema command is referring to G-d the Father. The Father is this one single "HE." This is because the Shema command says, "Hear O Israel, the Lord [Yahuwah] OUR G-d, the Lord [Yahuwah] is one." Yahushua was a Jew under the Law and he was required to obey the Law. For Yahushua and this Jewish scribe, the G-d of Israel was "OUR" G-d and Yahushua was required to obey the Shema command to recognize the G-d of Israel. We know that the G-d of Israel was not a three-person-being because Yahushua obeyed this command by recognizing the Father and loving only the Father with all his heart and soul and might. The Shema command was for every Jew and Yahushua was one of those Jews. We also know that Yahushua correctly obeyed the Law and the Shema command. He didn't just recognize and serve "HIS" G-d; he recognized and served "OUR" G-d, the G-d of Israel. Since we know that Yahushua obeyed this command correctly, and we know he served only the Father as his G-d, we know beyond any doubt that the Shema command is referring to the Father. He, the Father, is one and there is no other but Him. Yahushua's own testimony about the Shema command, and his testimony in how he obeyed that command, shows us beyond any doubt whatsoever that the Shema command refers to his Father, "OUR G-d," the G-d of Israel, since he recognized the G-d of Israel, as commanded in the Shema, to be no one else but his Father.

The Father was the Kyrios (Lord) of the Shema command. And David was another Kyrios (1 Kings 1:36). Israel had one Kyrios who was Yahuwah their G-d and another Kyrios who was David their Lord and King. David was G-d's Anointed and Yahushua is G-d's Anointed. So in the same way, we have one Kyrios who is G-d the Father, an another Kyrios who is Yahushua; we know two, the Lord [Yahuwah] G-d and His Anointed One, the Lord Yahushua.

Hear, O Israel! The Lord [Yahuwah] is our G-d, the Lord [Yahuwah] is one and you shall love the Lord [Yahuwah] your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Deuteronomy 6:4-5.

If anyone loves G-d, he is known by Him... there is no G-d but one... for us there is one G-d, the Father...

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