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“Of course we changed the calendar. That is our sign of authority!”

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    • Right! She claims that act as the sign of her authority.
    • Wrong! She has been deceptive, trying to say that Sunday is the Bible Sabbath.
    • The bishops wanted to tie Easter on the Julian calendar to the Jewish Passover.
    • The bishops wanted to establish ecumenical ties between Christianity and Judaism.
    • The bishops wanted to destroy any ties to Judaism.
    • 'Let us anchor the Julian calendar solidly on the Bible calendar by attaching Easter to the true Passover.'
    • 'Let us establish bonds of fellowship between us and our Judaic brothers. Are we not all born of the same Spirit?'
    • 'Let us have nothing in common with this odious people.'
    • No. They openly place tradition and the decrees of their popes ahead of the Bible. They are very consistent because for a Catholic, truth is whatever tradition and the pope says that it is.
    • Yes. If they wanted to keep holy the day of Christ's resurrection, they should find it by using the Biblical calendar! Sunday is not the day of Christ's resurrection.
    • Show the close tie of brotherly love between Judaism and Christianity.
    • Show that Christianity was distinct from Judaism.
    • Show that the close tie of brotherly love between Paganism and Christianity.
    • Show that Christianity was distinct from Paganism.
    • Blending the Christian and Pagan festivals into the same celebration.
    • Inviting pagan priests as guests to give the sermon at church on Sunday mornings.
    • Holding a series of evangelistic meeting to prove to pagans how nice the Christians were and how similar were their beliefs.
    • Accepting into church fellowship all pagans who wanted to join the church.
    • Arranging a synod with the college of pontiffs.
    • Joining the college of the pontiffs with his college of the cardinals.
    • A complicated but skilful adjustment of the calendar.
    • Apostle Paul
    • Catholic Church
    • Emperor, Constantine
    • The college of pontiffs
    • 'The Sunday is purely a creation of the Catholic Church.'
    • 'Sunday is the law of the Catholic Church alone.'
    • 'The Catholic Church abolished not only the Sabbath, but all the other Jewish festivals.'
    • 'Sunday reminds us of the mystery of Christ's resurrection and it is for this reason that in scripture Christ, through Peter, commanded His followers to change the Sabbath to the first day of the week.'
    • 'Sunday is a Catholic institution and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles.'
    • 'The author of the Sunday law is the Catholic Church.'
    • 'Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical authority in religious things.'
    • True.
    • False.
    • The change from Sabbath to Sunday is a command given in the writings of Paul.
    • The change from Sabbath to Sunday was a change of calendars.
    • The change from Sabbath to Sunday occurred at the time the Julian calendar was established and was in place during the time of Yahushua.
    • The Biblical calendar is luni-solar; the modern calendar is solar.
    • Worshipped on Saturday because they knew that Sabbato and dies Saturni were one and the same day.
    • Worshipped on Saturday, the Bible Sabbath, and Sunday, the true day of Christ's resurrection.
    • Did not confuse Sabbato with dies Saturni. Everyone knew that they were two different days by two distinct calendar systems.
    • To enforce acceptance of 'the Lord's Day' (Sunday) in place of the lunar Sabbath.
    • To modify the edicts of the Council of Nicæa.
    • To inspire the Church to greater evangelistic efforts aimed at converting the pagans.
    • Argued for lenience to be shown those whose convictions differed. He urged for freedom of religion but was out-voted by the other delegates.
    • Clearly stated that the exaltation of Sunday (dies Solis) was over the Jewish Sabbath (Sabbato) and not of the pagan Saturday (dies Saturni).
    • Urged for a period of re-education for the people.
    • True.
    • False.
    • Sunday truly is the day of Christ's resurrection.
    • Sunday is not the only worship day founded upon pagan calendation.
    • Saturday, the original first day of the planetary week, is a counterfeit of the true seventh-day Sabbath of the Bible.
    • There is no difference between the Biblical week and the pagan week.
    • True.
    • False.
    • True.
    • False.
    • Sunday, the day on the Gregorian calendar which honors Christ's resurrection.
    • Saturday, the seventh day of the Gregorian week.
    • Sabbath, the seventh day of the Biblical week on the luni-solar calendar of Creation.