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Persecuted for Rejecting Pagan Calendation

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    • Readily accepted pagan calendation. They knew it was part of rendering to Cæsar that which was Cæsar's.
    • Had not problem worshipping on the Julian calendar. They knew that all Yahuwah requires is that we keep one day in seven.
    • Were divided over the pagan calendar. Some readily accepted it while others protested it and were even martyred for refusing to change.
    • Compromised: keeping both the lunar Sabbath and Sunday.
    • Recognized pagan calendation as apostasy creeping into the ekklesia.
    • Still insisted on circumcising their boys. This was harshly condemned by the Roman government as infant mutilation.
    • Were relieved when the calendar issue was resolved. Persecution lessened with the acceptance of the Julian calendar.
    • Like all common criminals, were tortured until they confessed to committing a crime.
    • Christians who confessed to being Christian were tortured until they denied it.
    • Were really just Mithraists, 'Christianity' being merely another name for Mithraism.
    • Under extreme protest and through the blood of martyrs.
    • With great ease, the two religions being so similar.
    • Only after the Christians recognized the similarities with Mithraism, proving it was the same religion.
    • Refusing to deny they were Christian.
    • Refusing to drop a pinch of incense in honor of the emperor.
    • Worshipping on Saturday as well as on Sunday. The Mithraists thought this dishonored Mithras.
    • Refusing to offer a pinch of incense to the planetary gods.
    • True.
    • False.
    • Understand the issues - we are simply required to worship one day in seven.
    • Are on solid Biblical ground. After all, Paul did say that we are to respect our governments as Yahuwah appointed them to rule over us.
    • Reveal a lack of knowledge, both of history and of the real issues at stake.
    • Should be commended for being so practical and ecumenically minded.
    • To be the same as the Biblical week, simply mingled with paganism which assigned one god per day.
    • To be, in a very real sense, demon worship.
    • A valid form of the calendar. At least it was seven days long, which was better than the previous 8-day week!
    • An interesting but different calendar.
    • All paths lead back to the Creator, so one form of religion is as valid as another.
    • It is acceptable to accept other forms of worship as long as you also worship 'the Unknown God' of the Greeks, because He is the Creator.
    • That the rites of paganism are nothing but devil worship.
    • Accommodating society and the government when you can - just make sure you worship one day in seven.
    • Dropped it out of reflex.
    • Threw it on the statue of the god.
    • Sang the god-song and placed it in the censor.
    • Held onto it until the fire burned through their fingers and then it dropped.
    • Tossed it in the face of their persecutor. The Romans were blood-thirsty and found such an act humorous.
    • Would praise Yahuwah that his life was spared - he could drop a pinch of incense to Saturn and escape with his life.
    • Would refuse to acknowledge Saturn and Saturn's day in any way, even at the cost of his life.
    • Really does not matter as long as you worship.
    • Reveals which Deity/deity you are worshipping.
    • Reveals to which religion you belong.
    • Depends on the country and time-zone where you live.
    • Demonstrated to whom the Christian was dedicated. It was his \"pledge of allegiance.\"
    • Made life unnecessarily difficult. We have a responsibility to get along with our governments, as they were set up by Yahuwah.
    • Was based on the faulty assumption that the Biblical calendar was different from the Julian calendar. In reality, they were both the same.
    • Whole-heartedly embraced Mithraism, thankful that they could believe the same, but have it called by a politically correct name.
    • Still observed the true Sabbath.
    • Developed their own new religion that was different from both Christianity and paganism. These had to flee the Roman Empire to the east and that is where the seeds of Buddhism were planted long ago.
    • Called on all Christians to honor it as the day on which Christ arose because it was the first day of the week.
    • Urged Christians to worship on it as well as on Saturday.
    • Linked the sun of Sunday to the Sun of Righteousness.
    • Reminded all Christians that their responsibility was to honor the Creator and worship on the true seventh-day Sabbath by the Biblical calendar.
    • Is the result of all records of it being lost when the library at Alexandria was burned.
    • Allows people today to worship on whichever day they want. It is impossible to know the true Sabbath, so just keep one day in seven and Yahuwah accepts that as our best effort.
    • Is proof that the calendar of today is identical to the calendar of Creation.
    • Is the result of ancient Christians accepting pagan calendar principles. Thus, the truth was lost.
    • Comes down uninterrupted since Creation.
    • Reaches so far back in history, it is assumed that a continuous weekly cycle has always existed.
    • Was established by the Jews and accepted by the Romans.
    • Comes from Mithraism.
    • Pagan Mithraism.
    • The Jewish Feast of First Fruits - the day on which Yahushua was resurrected from the dead.
    • Creation - Yahuwah rested on the seventh day. Saturday is the seventh day and so it is the Sabbath.
    • Pagan Mithraism.
    • The northern European gods influenced the Romans when they conquered Germany, Gaul and Britain.