While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
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The Merging of Christianity into Paganism

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    • Are still on the calendar in use among the so-called Christian nations.
    • Passed away from the calendar at the Council of Nicæa.
    • Come from ancient Hinduism.
    • We are reminded of the unchanging nature of time.
    • We can see that the seven-day week has come down from Creation without interruption.
    • We have before us a constant reminder of the amalgamation of paganism and Christianity.
    • We can be grateful that someone figured out how to keep track of time so that we have a workable calendar.
    • Took place at the Council of Nicæa.
    • Occurred at the Council of Laodicæa.
    • Began at the cross.
    • Was a process that took several hundred years.
    • Paganism ceased to exist.
    • The true Sabbath was lost under the assumption that the planetary week was the Bible week.
    • It became stronger, combining points of truth they both had.
    • Their devotion to the planetary gods.
    • Pagan styles of dress - it was prettier.
    • Pagan methods of calendation (time-keeping.)
    • Eating unclean meats.
    • Was not a problem anymore than it is today.
    • Had to be careful not to speak poorly of the planetary gods.
    • Had to get special permission from the local governor and pay a Christian tax.
    • Had difficulties because of differences in keeping track of time. The holy days did not line up.
    • Pioneered the movement toward substituting Sunday observance for lunar Sabbath observance.
    • Urged Christians to remember the words of Yahushua and render unto Cæsar the things that are Cæsar's, and render unto Yahuwah the things which are Yahuwah's.
    • Urged the Roman emperor to accept the Biblical seven-day week in place of the eight-day Julian week.
    • Burned Rome in the days of Emperor Nero as a protest against his persecution of them.
    • Were among the first to begin worshipping by the Julian rather than the Biblical calendar.
    • Stubbornly refused to accept Julian calendation. Many were martyred, others fled. Soon there were no Christians left in Rome.
    • Knew that Mithraism was simply another name for Christianity and so had great success in converting the pagan Romans.
    • Were delighted the Christians were finally seeing how user-friendly the Julian calendar was.
    • Were confused when Christians began using the pagan calendar for worship.
    • Did not care what the Christians did. Their attitude was very advanced for their day. As Mithraists they advocated a 'live-and-let-live' attitude.
    • They had started worhsipping on the day of the Sun, too.
    • Christians prayed toward the East.
    • Mithraists had adopted the Biblical calendar.
    • The root word for Mithraism and Christianity in Latin is the same.
    • Both claimed to be mankind's savior.
    • Both were born of a virgin.
    • Both had twelve followers who were virgins.
    • Known as the Good Shepherd.
    • Known as the Way, the Truth, the Life.
    • Known as the only Begotten son of Yahuwah.
    • The hearts of the pagans were touched over this sign of willingness to compromise.
    • Many pagans were converted as a result of this first experiment in ecumenism.
    • The pagans could see little difference between Christianity and Mithraism.
    • The emperor declared a celebration over the unification of his empire. This was held on the first day of the month of Janus, (the two-faced god, combined into one being). It is still observed today on January 1.
    • Proves that Saturday is the Bible Sabbath.
    • Proves that Sunday is the day of Yahushua's resurrection.
    • Reveals that our modern worship days are merely assumptions founded upon tradition.
    • Proves that the modern week has not come down uninterrupted since Creation.
    • Demonstrates that all Yahuwah requires is that we worship on the seventh day of whatever calendar society is using.
    • Julian calendar
    • Sidereal calendar
    • Roman Republican calendar
    • Gregorian calendar
    • Biblical luni-solar calendar