While WLC continues to uphold the observance of the Seventh-Day Sabbath, which is at the heart of Yahuwah's moral law, the 10 Commandments, we no longer believe that the annual feast days are binding upon believers today. Still, though, we humbly encourage all to set time aside to commemorate the yearly feasts with solemnity and joy, and to learn from Yahuwah’s instructions concerning their observance under the Old Covenant. Doing so will surely be a blessing to you and your home, as you study the wonderful types and shadows that point to the exaltation of Messiah Yahushua as the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the conquering lion of the tribe of Judah, and the Lamb of Yahuwah that takes away the sins of the world.
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Daniel Chapter 5 Lesson

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    • milk and honey
    • unfermented grape juice
    • wine
    • coca-cola
    • new crystalware
    • clay pots
    • German beer mugs
    • the golden vessels from the temple in Jerusalem
    • they praised eloahs of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone
    • they praised the true Eloah of heaven
    • they toasted the king
    • they toasted Daniel for having lived so long
    • dishonored the false deities of Babylon
    • honored Yahuwah, the true Eloah of heaven
    • blasphemed Yahuwah, the true Eloah of heaven
    • helped to convert many of his princess to the worship of Yahuwah
    • health and well-being
    • riches and power
    • happiness and joy
    • the false doctrines of Babylon and the wrath of Yahuwah
    • immediately responded to Belshazzar’s actions
    • left Belshazzar to face his guilt on the day of judgment
    • praised Belshazzar for using the temple vessels
    • communicated His will through astrology
    • happy
    • ready to believe in Yahuwah's sovereignty
    • troubled and afraid
    • get sober quickly from his drunk
    • could read most of the languages in the world
    • were happy to interpret the writing on the wall
    • performed scientific experiments to determine the nature of the writing
    • could not understand what was written on the wall
    • That the writing was impossible to interpret
    • Not to worry, because Daniel could read it and say what it meant
    • That the words were Chinese ideograms
    • That the writing was old-fashioned writing from the time of Nebuchadnezzar
    • had the spirit of heathen deities in him to help him interpret things
    • still lived under the rule of the spirit of Yahuwah
    • had learned enough languages to read any message
    • was a particular friend of the queen
    • the Eloah of Israel helped him
    • the Canaanite and Philistine deities were more powerful than the deities of Babylon
    • the Babylonian deities gave Daniel the spirit of understanding
    • vegetarianism made his mind clearer
    • That he should be the third ruler of the kingdom
    • That he could marry the queen
    • That he could return to Jerusalem
    • That he would build a temple to Yahuwah in Jerusalem
    • He was happy to accept them.
    • He wanted them to share with his companions
    • He loved the king all the more for his generosity
    • He did not care about them and said the king could give them to someone else
    • The judgments that fell on Nebuchadnezzar
    • How much greater the Persians were than the Babylonians
    • That Jerusalem was still lying desolate
    • That Yahuwah would take care of His people
    • He remained proud and haughty
    • He humbled himself
    • He sacrificed to false deities
    • He gave the royal children a larger allowance
    • He wrote it down in a book
    • He was proud of his father’s accomplishments
    • He forgot all about it
    • He remembered what happened, but did not humble himself as his father had
    • Because Belshazzar defiled the temple vessels and did not acknowledge Yahuwah
    • Because Yahuwah had prophesied it would happen at that time
    • Because Yahuwah wanted to honor Daniel
    • Because Belshazzar was a good man and Yahuwah wanted to speak to him
    • Thou art the head of gold
    • Jerusalem will be rebuilt in your reign
    • Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin
    • Put your house in order, for you will soon enter heaven
    • Yahuwah has put an end to your kingdom, you are judged and found guilty, and the kingdom is divided among the Medes and Persians
    • The kingdom of Babylon would continue to exist until the second coming of Yahushua
    • That Belshazzar would live forever
    • Yahuwah is sovereign over all
    • He put him in prison, and that saved his life
    • He gave him the golden vessels from the temple
    • He gave him a new house
    • He gave him a scarlet robe, a gold necklace, and proclaimed him the third ruler of the kingdom
    • After three years
    • He never died, but Yahuwah took him alive to heaven
    • That very night
    • At a very great age
    • Darius the Median
    • Cyrus the great
    • Nebuchadnezzar
    • Daniel
    • That faithful service to the king will be rewarded
    • That Yahuwah sets a limit on pride and blasphemy and will eventually intervene
    • That feasting at night is bad for your health
    • That hallucinations result from drinking wine